Car'a'Carn's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 541 to 550 of 1213
  1. zigbigadorlube
    03-04-2012 11:00 PM
    I can't wait to go for the jellyfish! I knew there had to be something good down there and I've gone down there and tried to get something a few times but all I've managed to catch there are eels at best. I don't think I was fishing in the right direction or at the right time or weather though... I think I have four hearts with Mira. I've been trying to work everyone up to five hearts but there are still a few that I haven't really started on yet.

    The formatting got a bit messed up by putting it on Google docs but you got the idea. My teachers have always told me that I'm good at writing. I can't say I really like doing it but apparently I do it well. ^^;

    Most of the books I've read are young adult books. The Star Wars ones I mentioned were for a pretty young audience though... It seems like they were only 100 pages at best. I'll probably get around to adding them to my Goodreads shortly.

    Well at least they're alert! I hope the other one's stomach can get itself righted away soon. V_V

    There's actually two double gold days a month now with the way they're releasing the CIs separately but it always seems like I'm busy on those days...

    I could have probably replied to the RP last night but I started playing with the DAC and ended up getting sucked into doing that most of the evening. ^^;
  2. Zephi
    03-04-2012 08:40 PM
    I found it! \ ^o^ /
    Need Motivation? - YouTube
  3. Zephi
    03-04-2012 08:37 PM
    weekends do not exist when you are working out! Ok.. I guess you can take ONE day off. I think that we get one "stretch" day with the P90x. But yes, I think that I saw a nike commercial about it, but it had been banned for some silly reason. I thought it was motivating. I'll see if I can find it. That's cool that you get awards! :D How many do you have?
  4. Zephi
    03-04-2012 12:13 PM
    I don't have the shoes either but i am guessing that my friend did. When she gave me her iPod touch it had the app on it. Made me wish that I did have the shoes because it suggests things for you to do based on how fast/far you are. It's like a personal trainer app. :drool: Like having someone there to motivate you all the time :D
  5. Zephi
    03-02-2012 07:26 PM
    Ah those apps! XD I like the one that Nike came out with that has the chip built into your shoes. But if you don't have the shoes it's kind of useless :( She should get one! They are so good for your joints :yes:
  6. zigbigadorlube
    03-02-2012 03:27 PM
    Yeah... I just remember it going faster I guess. ^^; I like taking care of my crops but I find it tiring to take care of all of my animals. V_V I read there are 8 "king fish" that you have to catch to get the fishing trophy and the Nautilus is one of them. I think I might start going after the others, I already have the King Salmon down, so 6 more to go, or maybe 5... I think I might have the Pacific Halibut too. And I totally did not bribe her! That was pure luck. >.>

    They were really easy papers, I swear! I still have them actually, here's one example: We did some work on figuring out word order and language sounds, etc.

    Yeah, exactly. They should take the position down once it's filled.

    I did finally get to sleep in yesterday! Not today though, I have work. V_V

    Yep! If you friend me on Goodreads you can see which ones I've read specifically though I have yet to add the young adult books. Even though they're really meant for kids I enjoyed them, mostly because they gave more stories about Obi-Wan and Anikin and their trials as young jedi.

    Aw, sounds like those are some sick goats! It's a good thing they've got a nice guy like you there to look out for them. ^_^ I hope everyone will be feeling better soon!

    I sent one application out yesterday and then I wanted to reply to the RP because it was double gold day but didn't end up having the time. Oh well, I guess there's always this weekend...
  7. Zephi
    03-02-2012 11:04 AM
    Wow carn :shock: isn't 3mph like a fast walk? O_O Times have changed huh? I don't so much like the colder weather. I'd rather have an eliptical machine than a tredmill too, better for your joints.
  8. Zephi
    03-01-2012 10:32 AM
    Wow you ARE motivated! If it came down to it though, if I had to choose between running outside no matter the weather or running on a tredmill, I'd take running outside any day. So... DO you have a tredmill?
  9. zigbigadorlube
    03-01-2012 05:49 AM
    I played a bit of Harvest Moon today and realized that it does take me longer than I thought to do my chores. It can take anywhere from 1-4 hrs depending on how much I have to harvest/plant/water. I managed to catch the Nautilus, yay! I also got really lucky and got a Ruby out of just one red wonderful, that's definitely the luckiest I've ever got with the refining. I always get scrap for my stuff too. V_V

    I hated the classes that required you to give presentations. I feel like one of my favorite classes in terms of how the homework went was my linguistics class. I think we wrote like 6 papers total? We had to use a specific method in writing them but the format just made so much sense to me. It was like a perfect match for my writing style so they were very easy to do, the subjects were interesting, and they didn't have to be more than a few pages.

    It takes me a long time to make out my applications because I tweak my resume to fit each position specifically and then spend forever writing the cover letter because I tend to over think it trying to get everything just perfect. I usually spend at least two hours making everything out.

    I still haven't been sleeping well which may be part of the reason why I've been sick the past few days. My back is still hurting me and I've been having trouble with dizziness and nausea. I stayed home today because I still wasn't feeling that well. I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow and wake up feeling better.

    Oh! There are tons of Star Wars books! Wikipedia offers the full list: List of Star Wars books - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I just finished reading the end of The New Jedi Order books but I've read quite a few of the earlier ones. My favorite was definitely The Jedi Academy Trilogy. I wish we were close by IRL because then you could borrow some of my books!

    Aw, man. V_V How are the goats doing?

    If I'm feeling better tomorrow I'm going to work on applying to some jobs so it might be a few more days before I get a chance to reply to the RP. >.>
  10. Zephi
    02-29-2012 04:34 PM
    Oh my gosh! It lives! Now run run run!

About Me

  • About Car'a'Carn
    NEW BIO GET!!!

    Hi, I'm Carn!

    I do all kinds of stuff. I live on a farm and grow grass hay. I love the outdoors and feeling the sun on my skin! When I'm inside, I love to play video games and build computers! I also like to read though I haven't made as much time for that as I should in recent years. I have a barn cat and a doggy as well as an aquarium with fish in it! I Also like riding bikes, reading Manga, watching Anime, playing Pokemon TCG (and the video games too), jogging, building anything and chatting with my friends on Mene!

    If you want to know more, come find me in a thread and start chatting with me! [squee]
    Under. Your. BED. O.O...
    running, playing games, numbers, fish and aquariums, building stuff
    Grounds Keeper, Handyman, Master Gardener, Computer Tech,... Just call me Jack


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  • Join Date: 07-08-2009


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