Star Valo's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 731 to 740 of 752
  1. Devilfern
    01-03-2010 08:36 PM
    Aww phooey...I am a Fernie! :lol:
  2. Devilfern
    01-03-2010 07:14 PM
    Star is a cupcake! Heehee, noodle.
  3. Devilfern
    01-03-2010 06:55 PM
    Star is moar silly :O
  4. Devilfern
    01-02-2010 08:13 PM
    Hello Star! I owns joo now!
  5. Jack MacGaven
    01-01-2010 09:11 PM
    Jack MacGaven
    Lookie here: xxx

    I'll colour it as well, just sit tight.
  6. Jennifer
    08-21-2009 02:18 PM
    Happy Birthday!
  7. Suzhi Mix
    08-18-2009 10:00 PM
    Suzhi Mix
    wooow 0_o congrats on the high score.. how did you do that?? :P
    04-15-2009 08:25 PM
    I'm here if you ever want to talk.

    You're very pretty I've just had a look at your pictures.
    04-15-2009 08:20 PM
    Does Star want to talk ?
  10. HIM_ROCK
    04-15-2009 08:17 PM
    Is Star ok ? =(

About Me

  • About Star Valo
    Oxford, England


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  • Last Activity: 11-25-2023 11:56 AM
  • Join Date: 03-09-2007


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Posted 01-06-2010 at 11:18 AM by Star Valo Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[COLOR="Indigo"]Check out some of the pictures I took using some My Little Pony toys I have in the snow! =3
Say what you like, I think they're cute! =3[/COLOR]


Posted 11-19-2009 at 08:28 PM by Star Valo Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
'cos I've posted on the advice board on the website I trust most. and I post too much on the life issues board here, and I don't really want advice, I just want to rant, and my blog tends to get over run by spam from this girl who I annoyed by breaking up with her friend =\

Starts off
My best friend Amy, no longer my best friend, but still friends, we're just drifting apart.
She's going off to Uni next year, whilst I'm staying here to do an art foundation course.
She's got a boyfriend with a motorbike, now she wants one and she's in with all his biker mates now, so she's really just fizzled off...

Next, my friend Steph moved to Canada 'cos she can't stand to live with her mum anymore, which is fair enough, her mum is rather insane.
but she stopped coming to lessons for about 2 months and then just jetted off to Canada without a goodbye, so I really miss her, she was the only person I felt actually understood me.

The day after Steph left, my friend Rhianydd's annoyed with me 'cos I snapped after she was giving Dan sweets through-out the lessons right infront of me. I know I shouldn't have snapped, but I was really upset about Steph and my mum had gone to hospital the day before aswell.

Today, I didn't get any icecream out for anyone, not even myself, Dad has a go at me, then has a go at mum which now means that mum isn't talking to me because I made dad yell at her.

I don't have many friends, I'm so shy It's stupid.
People have a go at me, saying I should be more outgoing, but I just can't be, and they don't seem to get that.

Now I have no one I can talk to, let alone anyone to hang out with me or talk to.

I'm the Freak of school so I can't make new friends that well.

Just... I feel so alone now, and I hate it

on the plus side, I don't have to buy any christmas presents this year... but that's not a plus... I like getting people gifts...[/COLOR]

Posted 08-21-2008 at 08:47 AM by Star Valo Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
[COLOR="Indigo"]Yes, it's my birthday =3
16 today =3

and i'm rawkin' the 16 year old thing =P

Gcse results today too though, so... gotta get them, if they're good, Yay Good birthday!
If they're bad, nooo, bad birthday!

Either way, i got presents (one has to be sent back though 'cos it's not working) Lol =3

Send me comments of love?
'cos i don't have many of those[/COLOR]

Posted 06-14-2008 at 08:32 PM by Star Valo Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[COLOR="Indigo"]Oh My God

Kill Hannah On Thursday was just plain amazing!

Started off getting there super early, close to the front of the que!

got right to the front of the railings! sadly to the right and some girl was trying to push me away and I couldn't jump 'cos the railings pulled my trousers down ¬_¬'

My friend took photos and I wish I'd taken some too now, but yanno, what can ya do?

Started Off with Brigade supporting, Brigade = hell cool
They're awesome =]

Then after a while's wait, KILL HANNAH

I Love Kill Hannah, Seen them 4 times now and I've only been to 4 gigs =]

We hang around at the end for a bit, and Greg(Kill Hannah Bassist) is at the merch stand again, so I eventually make my way over and buy myself a Kill Hannah Tank top and their CD ("Hope for the Hopeless"[I reccomend it and their other CD "Untill There's Nothing Left Of Us"])

We hear people screaming and going "MAT!" and I look at my friend and we're like O.O
Mat Devine (Lead singer of Kill Hannah) was out! We didn't manage to meet him last time so we were so exited!

We managed to make our way through to him in the end after being shoved back a few times but we got there in the end.

He's really nice =] he's not one of those people who just stands there, signs your ticket and takes a photo, saying nothing, He actually talks to you like he knows you! He asked if we'd Enjoyed ourselves and if we were gonna come back and see them again and we were like 'Of course =]'
And yeah, I got my photo taken with him =]
'tis a shame I look a bit strange in the photo and I'm not looking at the camera but yah, still, photographic proof I met him =]

So I'm in awe right now, I look at the poster of Kill Hannah that I have by my bed and just go "eee! I got a hug from him!"

dude, if this is how I act when I meet Mat Devine from Kill Hannah, How on earth would I react if I got to meet Ville Valo? I'd Die... Or Fait at the least
Hee hee ^^[/COLOR]

Posted 05-17-2008 at 11:21 AM by Star Valo Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[COLOR="Indigo"]This is a blog post, in memory of my siamese Fighting Fish, Ville, Who died on the 13th of May 2008

He was just over 1 year old

I'm sure he hew it was me when i was sat next to the tank, he'd swim out and float next to me.

Named Ville because I got him after seeing HIM live at Give It A Name 2007.[/COLOR]
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o its ok we can be internet buddys
Posted 11-19-2009 at 08:33 PM by princessmittens101 princessmittens101 is offline
Ahh~ Sweet 16 :] ♥ Enjoy life despite its hardship~

:heart: Happy Birthday :heart: Don't complain when you turn 17 XD cause you'll end up 18 by than~
Posted 08-22-2008 at 06:32 AM by Lilblkrose Lilblkrose is offline
[color=#ff0066][b]Happy birthday~[/b][/color]
Posted 08-21-2008 at 07:36 PM by Cherry Who? Cherry Who? is offline