salvete's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 110 of 232
  1. Kirin Rosenbaum
    03-19-2016 03:23 AM
    Kirin Rosenbaum
    I am in the process of thinking of a background for her.
  2. Mr. Wrong
    03-16-2016 05:43 PM
    Mr. Wrong
    Nobody left at salvete commercial thread party.
  3. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 04:36 AM
    Clair Voyant
    Okay, title idea: YouTube; WeTube!

    and should we warn that it may have 18+ content?
  4. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 04:28 AM
    Clair Voyant
    Awesome. Okay. So, I reserved a post.
  5. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 03:55 AM
    Clair Voyant
    We should make a joint hangout dedicated to the love of youtube and sharing videos.
  6. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 01:25 AM
    Clair Voyant
    Thank you.
  7. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 12:52 AM
    Clair Voyant
    Feeling a bit sick today.
  8. Clair Voyant
    02-29-2016 12:47 AM
    Clair Voyant
    How is you?
  9. Clair Voyant
    02-28-2016 11:11 PM
    Clair Voyant
    Hey there!
  10. Xavirne
    02-25-2016 07:17 PM
    omg omg omg omg

    When he does eventually bump into her, just think of this song:

About Me

  • About salvete
    Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
  • Signature
    Karaoke | Seacow HQ | LAN
    Arts & Crafts | Clean | Travel | Fit | Music | Media | Books | Tech
    Avi | Games | Quest | Shop | Jar
    Originally Posted by Amane View Post
    She's so optimistic her light would put out a black hole.
    Originally Posted by Mr. Wrong View Post
    That's salvete. She's my shiniest friend and she is very helpful and is quite knowledgeable about all things Menewsha.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-04-2024 09:59 PM
  • Join Date: 04-13-2008


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 95