Did I mention you should be nice to her? Looking at some of her attempts at having meaningful conversation with you it seems you almost went out of your way to snub her. She's closer to me than family, you know that, right?
She's a good girl, but yeah. Just don't tell her anything you don't want spread all over. XD
Or, alternately, give her some simple rules to follow and she'll follow them. It's worked so far. She used to get me banned from websites, and it hasn't happened in a long time, because rules, lol.
Please just be nice to her. She really doesn't mean to be a pain.
I wish I didn't have to do anything today. I just wish I had a whole day to hang out with you.
Iunno if it's even there, and I kind of don't want to look. It was basically a bunch of me moping like I usually do and putting myself down for being sick and sleeping all the time and being a lame GF.
I'd rather simply inform you that although I haven't really been feeling it lately, I do believe that the next time we're online together, and I have more time than I do today, we should totally get together so I can blow your... mind. You know. That kind of thing.
I've missed you. I want to make up for all of this not being here and being lame and stuff. And I'm sure you'd appreciate it, as well. ^_^
Oh, thank goodness! I thought you were avoiding me! I know I really suck at this whole internet relationship thing, and I'm sure you're not getting much out of it that's worthwhile, but just knowing you care about me makes a huge difference in my life.
I really do love you, you know? I don't ever want to lose you!
SO FREAKING EXCITED! I'm like 100% ready for this game. And it comes with awesome timing as I'm officially going to apply to be a resident of the state this weekend! I've kinda been living here but this weekend I'm hoping to apply for my license and plates. So yeah, super pumped. Tempted to pre-order on Steam but... I want the DLC. More like need it. Need the DLC.