LunaDollDx's Profile
Last Activity: 09-12-2015 08:59 PM
About Me
- About LunaDollDx
- Biography
- In my world I'm a freaking mermaid. I'm 16. I'm from California, but I'm not cocky and egotistical like most Californians. I'm always on my phone, reading, or listening to music, or beating up your mom. ;~; kidding on that last part but if it offended you, then you sir, are weak sauce. I'm currently eating hot Cheetos as I type this so be jealous bitches.
- Location
- On a rainbow. c":
- Interests
- Art. Gaming. dress up. Eating. Writing. Singing.
- Occupation
- Fry cook at the krusty krab
- Xoxo Lunadoll.