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  1. momochan
    08-12-2010 11:50 PM
    Happy Birthday!
  2. Winter Wind
    08-12-2010 10:07 PM
    Winter Wind
    Happy Birthday! ^___^
  3. X---AznCo0ki3
    08-12-2010 02:52 PM
    Happy Birthday!
    Have a beautiful day! ♥
  4. lovely aukone
    08-12-2010 03:56 AM
    lovely aukone
    happy birthday .......... :) hope your year goes well <3 :3
  5. MimiYoshi
    07-12-2010 03:02 PM
    I miss thee D:
  6. Melancholy
    11-18-2009 11:41 PM
    Hey, nice hair. :)

    Hows your day been?
  7. sunrain
    11-16-2009 12:54 AM
    Hey again, just wanted to let you know that I have no idea when I'll be able to get back to the RP. I'm actually in danger of failing some of my classes, so I'm going to have to concentrate on school for a while. I was also going through a bout of depression, but I'm okay for the moment. I'm not going to let the situation get me down! Chat with you later. ^^
  8. BlueEyedWallflower
    11-13-2009 09:04 AM
    Thank you! I will definitely be taking pictures and I'll post an album here. :D
  9. sunrain
    11-08-2009 04:05 AM
    Hey, just saying hi. I'm working on 12 separate head shots for my art midterm and an essay right now. I've also been working on the next post on and off on my comp. My goodness, your post took up about 2 and a half whole pages on my word processor! But yeah, I'll get around to posting after I finish it (obviously).
  10. TheHumbleBee
    11-08-2009 01:13 AM
    Awws... :(
    I try to bore myself to sleep... never works.
    So far watching Adult Swim has helped me sleep better.
    :) Late Night Laugh Fest.

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    In the crook in your wall
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Posted 10-26-2009 at 02:43 AM by MORBiDUS Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized


This thread is in dedication to the version of the game "Space Invaders" that Menewsha offers. It focuses on game play, strategy and overall discussion of the game.

You may remember it from the 'good ol' days' on the Atari system, hours and game coins spent in arcades, or simply from the online version(s). Either way, if you like Space Invaders, this thread is for you!


Space Invaders is a two-dimensional, fixed shooter game in which the player controls a laser cannon by moving it horizontally across the bottom of the screen and firing at aliens. The aim is to defeat five rows of eleven aliens—some versions feature different numbers—that move horizontally back and forth across the screen as they descend towards the bottom of the screen. The player defeats an alien, and earns points, by shooting it with the laser cannon.

- [url][/url][/QUOTE]

※ Gold earning
※ Terminology
※ Points
※ Strategy [/CENTER]

[U]Gold Earning[/U]

Max amount of gold you earn from Space Invaders on Menewsha: 50g

It takes around 30k (30,000) points to get 50g *

*Last time I checked, may be subject to change


Here are some of the terms used in reference to the game.

Wave : The lines of aliens that float across the screen. A "new wave" refers to the next level, or the oncoming set of aliens after you've defeated the ones you're currently dealing with.

Row/Column : The row or column of aliens in the 'wave' (see above)

UFO : The mysterious red flying saucers that float across the very top of the screen.

Points : What you earn after shooting/destroying an alien. They count up in your 'Score' at the top left hand corner of the screen.

Shields : The green mounts you get at the start of the game. They protect you from getting hit from the alien's shots till they're disintegrated by them, but they also get in the way of you shooting the aliens (unless you destroy them yourself.)

Lives : The amount of lives you have, you start off with three. They're in the top right hand corner of the screen. Every level you complete you earn another life.

> To note;; Once you've reached 8 lives they won't list on the screen anymore. However, if you continue to gain extra lives without losing any, they're still there. So, if you die and it looks as if none of your lives have depleted, its because you had extra lives that just didn't show up on the screen.


[IMGleft][/IMGleft] Space Invaders point system works like so. The red flying saucers that are listed as "???" are 50-300 points each.
**[I]See below for reference on how to get the most points out of your saucers[/I]

You do [i]not[/i] earn points for the amount of time spent, and you cannot lose points. Your points are listed at the top left hand corner of the screen, where it will say, "Score:"

** The red flying saucers that float across the top of the screen do not do you damage. In fact, their sole purpose is for extra points. Its not necessary to kill them, but it can up your score a little. To get 300 points out of your saucers every time, follow this trick:

[QUOTE=Google]Get 300 every time you hit the red saucer. It is the 'Furrer Trick' named after Eric Furrer who perfected it.

1. Once the level begins, start counting the shots from your base.
2. When you have fired 22 shots, stop shooting and wait for the mystery saucer.
3. Use the 23rd shot to blast the mystery saucer.
4. After this, start counting shots again, this time count only to 14.
5. Use the 15th shot to hit the mystery saucer.
6. Continue using the 14 shot rule until the level is finished.
7. At the next wave, start with the 22 shot rule, then use the 14 shot rule to finish that wave.
8. All shots count regardless of hits or misses.

- [I]To note: [/I] I have not yet personally tested this to see if it works in Mene's version of Space Invaders. This will eventually be verified.


Here, I'll discuss what I find the most effective strategies for Space Invaders. Ultimately, however, play the game how [i]you[/i] desire and what [i]you[/i] find the most enjoyable/fun.

The pause button.

The first thing I think I should make mention of is the almost hidden 'Pause' button for this game. Its incredibly helpful if you're going for that highscore, and your fingers start to cramp, you have to use the washroom, or your significant other is yelling at you for being on the computer [i]too[/i] much. But hey, who can really pause from saving the world from these invading aliens?! Not you, anyhow.

Simply press the "P" key on your keyboard well playing the game to pause it. Be warned, however, if you hit the "P" button just as a new level/wave begins, it sometimes doesn't work. The "Pause" will come up on the screen, but you'll see that the aliens are still moving and still shooting (at you!). To fix this, hit the "P" button again to unpause, then pause it again. This time, it should /actually/ be paused.

- - -
>> Note: If you shoot at the aliens and miss, you cannot fire another shot until your existing shot leaves the screen. Or more specifically, passes the aliens.

Now, onto some actual technique.

The game starts off with a rather high up, slow wave of aliens. You also get four shields to protect you from their oncoming blasts. You can shoot through your own shields*, or wait it out till the aliens do.

[I]* I personally like to get rid of all the aliens on the screen asides from the very last one on the first level. Then, I shoot away all my shields as I feel they get in the way of killing the aliens.[/I]

Note that when the aliens hit the walls, they go down a level, making it harder to evade their shots. They also begin to speed up. I would suggest only letting them hit the (right) wall once, as this is often inevitable. After that, however, don't let them hit the left wall. [U]If the aliens reach the bottom (where you are), its an instant game over.[/U]

I wouldn't suggest going out of your way to get the red flying saucers, even though they do give extra points. If you wish, it helps to wait till you only have one or two aliens left to the level. Let them float around, and then wait for flying saucers to come, shooting the flying saucers for bonus points. Kill the remaining one or two alien(s) once you're ready to move on to the next level, or before they reach the bottom.

[U]My favorite way to dispose of waves:[/U]

[IMGright][/IMGright] To me, this is the most efficient way of getting through the levels. Try to start somewhere near the middle of the screen (be wary though, as they often shoot the most here). Start to kill off the first two rows of 10 point aliens in each column, killing as many as you can from right to left before they hit the left wall. Don't worry about the other aliens quite yet.

[IMGleft][/IMGleft]Once they hit the left wall and begin changing direction, move to the furthest column on the left side. Start to kill off all the aliens in this column, so there are none left. This way, it prevents them from hitting the right wall and moving down again. This is particularly effective once the game has reached where the wave is at its lowest point on the screen.** Continue this until you've killed off the entire wave and reached the next level.

Again, you may implement allowing a couple of aliens to stick around at the end, so you can get some bonus points from the flying saucers.

** [i]Once the game has reached where the wave is at its lowest point of the screen off the start of the new level, it doesn't get any harder from there. The oncoming levels will just be a repeat of what you're currently experiencing, and you may continue on through it for as long as you desire. [/i]

I would suggest gathering up lives to the best of your ability in the first, easier levels. To do this, kill all the aliens without being shot (even once) during the level. This way, when the next level comes, you are rewarded with an extra life. If you're shot only once during the level, you're only regaining the life you lost once a new level comes. Being shot more than once is losing lives.


These are the kind of bullets, or lasers, or whatever you desire to refer to them as the aliens shoot at you. They vary in speed, and if you're hit, you lose a life.

[IMGleft][/IMGleft] These shots are the slower of the two. These are relatively easy to dodge/evade, but sometimes they catch you. They took like a plus sign or cross, and flip back and forward as they near the bottom of the screen (or you!)

These shots are the faster of the two. They're a little harder to dodge/evade, but its certainly not impossible to get out of the way. They look like a squiggly line, and reach the bottom of the screen relatively quickly.


For now, this concludes 'Your Guide to Space Invaders !~@~!'



Posted 01-05-2009 at 01:21 AM by MORBiDUS Comments 0
Posted in OCs
Gender ► Name ► Race

♂ [B]Pigeon Pea[/B] >> imaginary friend
♂ [B]Seh'ethil Garmilque[/B] >> Dark/night elf
♂ [B](Niflh²)eim/Niflheim¹[/B] >> Demon
♂ [B]Miguel Calandil (aka 'Soap')[/B] >> Human
♂ [B]Seth Daehal[/B] >> Human
♂ [B]Ahalidre Rudethki [/B]// ???? >> Elf/possessed
♂ [B]Jezebeth[/B] >> Demon
♂ [B]Raijū [/B]>> Lesser God / Demon

Posted 01-05-2009 at 01:05 AM by MORBiDUS Comments 0
Posted in OCs

Jezebeth is a devil, who has close relations with Niflheim. (what is their connection?; how do they know each other - expand) He has, however, been permanently forced to the mortal plane. (why? He had curiosity, wanting to go there.. he had to choose either hell or it. Why? > some action that had him running? etc. - note to self: expand on, flesh out)

In being so, any of his power or reign in hell was minimized, and some of it taken away completely. (expand and set powers.)

Jezebeth considers himself the "King of Thieves," however, it is a self proclaimed titled he gave himself when in the mortal world. (part of bio: he joined a village of thieves, and 'stole the title' from their leader by killing him). Jezebeth doesn't care much for many of the trinkets of this world, so he rarely lives up to his title by stealing material items. He holds a following a thieves under him, although he's long since left them behind. The following is a bit distraught without any form of leader, and has awaited Jezebeth's return, well others have taken temporary place.
- Jezebeth has a pet Cockatrice (see:[url=]Cockatrice[/url]), a rather dangerous beast who he met in the mortal realm. He calls it "Cicka," but has since left it with his band of thieves... or, to keep them in toll.

In his wandering Jezebeth finds connections also to Ahalidre, as they meet in the dungeons of a castle. Jezebeth is there for petty thievery, and is more than able to sneak out whenever he desires. Despite this, he becomes drawn to Ahalidre, sensing the tie to Niflheim. Ahalidre is binded to the dungeon for going up against the castle's army, by their priestess's well woven spells. Jezebeth assists Ahalidre out of the dungeon, and procceeds to use him (without his knowledge) in attempts to bring Niflheim fully to the mortal realm. At times Jezebeth is able to speak with Niflheim through Ahalidre, when Niflheim is able to take main control over his possessed host. Jezebeth decieves Ahalidre into helping him do things that will really lead to the powerful demon Niflheim's release, convincing him they're for other purposes.

Jezebeth carries around double daggers ([url=][1][/url][url=][2][/url], yet he's more prone to using demonic magic.
*Many demons bring with them some form of item in the mortal realm, which allowed them entrance in the first place. A God may use this item to send them back, and Jezebeth's daggers is his item.

Jezebeth's appearance::

Eyes; Silver with x's through them (see: [url=]this[/url])
Eyes often have black around them/lines from sleep deprivation.
Skin; white, pale
Hair; similar to ([url=]this[/url]) or ([url=]this[/url]), black
Height; 5'9"
Figure; Thin but not scrawny, relatively decent muscle mass.

- He is most commonly depicted wearing all black.
* A fur coat like this: [url=]see this[/url]
& 'pants' close to these in design: [url=]see this[/url]
Jezebeth has connections to:
directly - Ahalidre, Niflheim, Raiju
indirectly - Seh'ethil, Niflh

Posted 01-05-2009 at 01:03 AM by MORBiDUS Comments 0
Posted in OCs


Raiju is a thunder demon/lesser God whose current (primary) purpose is to chase after Jezebeth, trying to prevent any plans he has to bring Niflheim to the mortal plane. In this, he also becomes an enemy of Ahalidre, as Ahalidre and Jezebeth become traveling companions.

He is also one of the only beings capable of contacting the hidden subconscious of Seh'ethil in Ahalidre's possessed mind, and they have spoken to each other telepathically at times. Although his only real concern is to ruin Jezebeth's plans, he also finds himself willing to free Seh'ethil from Niflheim's grasp, and the possession.

(Because he is a lesser God, and has fair purpose, he is capable of retaining and using many of his powers in the mortal realm.)

Although Raiju seems to have a pure goal, he takes his time with it. Raiju seems to enjoy having his fun at the task, allowing Jezebeth and Ahalidre many freedoms when he could have easily stopped them already. Raiju is also known in the form of a long dragon (similar to Chinese dragons), or a large, cat-like or wolf like beast, either may take a solid form or a lightning one. He is worshiped by many fearing villages in parts of the mortal realm, and he most often resides in a deep, ominous cave; one that is shrine to his worship. His presence amongst the shrines is omnipotent.

Raiju's (mortal-like) appearance:
He has long, blue hair, and piercing yellow-orange eyes of a serpent. His skin is white, and he often wears patterned robes (similar to the Japanese 'kimonos'). He has a very decorative appearance/costume, with many gold bracelets, jingles, bracelets, accessories, etc.

Raiju has connections to:
direct - Jezebeth, Niflheim, Ahalidre, Seh'ethil
indirect - n/a

Posted 12-31-2008 at 07:13 AM by MORBiDUS Comments 0
Posted in OCs
Ahalidre Rudethki // ?????
(His name in elvish vaguely translates to: The sly shadow charmer, dreamer of eternal void)

Pictures of: N/A

Ahalidre is, in a way, a combination of Seh'ethil and Niflheim. I put '?????' because I am not certain if I will keep this as his name or not.

Ahalidre was, at one point, Seh'ethil, however, he has been possessed by the demon Niflheim. In this, he's become a completely different entity, with no understanding of being either Niflheim or Seh'ethil. So in a sense, he's a character of his own.

He is lanky and thin, and his figure and attributes are pretty similar to Seh'ethil's. However, he has a pale white skin color, and his eyes glow completely white, unlike the dark elf's. He has silver leaf-patterned markings on his arms, legs, thighs and face, presumably representation of possession, as that's when they showed up. His build is greater than Seh'ethil's.

Ahalidre has has long, off-white hair. It's a bit above shoulder length, layered and piecey. However, the rest is tied into two long extensions that lead down just above the starting of his stomach. The back is similar to that of a mullet, leading a half way down his back.

Ahalidre wears a pendulum stone necklace, which is, more or less, the source of his possession - or at least what gives Niflheim the ability to possess him. Although Ahalidre is unaware of being possessed, or of the two identities (Seh'ethil and Niflheim) that wage inside of him, he will stop at nothing to ensure he does not loose this necklace. If he ever did, his possession would end, and he would go back to being Seh'ethil, with no memory of being Ahalidre.

Ahalidre's creation came about when Seh'ethil willingly dawned the crystal in the understanding that it would make him 'more powerful,' for what he considered a greater cause. Despite this, though, his subconscious still fights against Niflheim, constantly trying to dispel him from his body.
Ahalidre does not know this, he has no memories of any form of past that is not his own, or anything of that sort. He does still have the occasional flashback or feeling that Seh'ethil once had, yet it means nothing to him.

Ahalidre fights with dual clawed gauntlets, and this is his only weapon (asides from any small amount of power willed over to him from Niflheim). His fighting style is vaguely like that of the 'drunken monkey' at most times, making him very unpredictable. This is presumably due to Niflheim and Seh'ethil fighting in his subconscious, making him rather unstable. The claws on the end of his gauntlets are connected to a plate which can disconnect itself (although not entirely), and then reconnect themselves, as to better dig into his opponent's flesh. He's often seen hunched or bent over, as they're larger/heavier than most gauntlets, and can become quite tiring at times. Despite this, well in a fight, he handles them with much elegance, as if they were light as a feather.

He is very agile/nimble, and is able to jump and run relatively far distances. Ahalidre fears very little and is rather daring, allowing him to overcome some death defying obstacles, and enter fights almost senselessly - even against some of the most brutal of enemies.

Ahalidre is not the best in physical combat, if you count by brute strength. However, his fighting style and technique more often than not prove him a worthy opponent.

He holds small amounts of magical abilities; however, they have limited use, used to either knock an enemy back, shield himself, or assist him when doing some sort of stunt. These are very, very low amounts of Niflheim's magic that he's borrowed through the power of the crystal he wears.

Ahalidre has been known to be a bit distant to reality, or even day dream, if only because his possession forces his focus else where. He is relatively anti social, and some could say he's caught up in his own world. He wanders the world in question of his past, as he remembers nothing. The only thing that comes to mind is his name, Ahalidre Rudethki, which was probably subconsciously created by taking bits and pieces of both Niflheim's and Seh'ethil's conscious. His morals and ethics are also a combination of Seh'ethil's and Niflheim's, although as he moves on he begins to decide more by himself, becoming a person of his own through experience.

Ahalidre has connections to:
direct - Jezebeth, Raiju
indirect - Seh'ethil, Niflheim
Recent Comments
[U]Ha Ha. I love this game.[/U]
Posted 11-22-2009 at 01:42 AM by The Cheshire Cat The Cheshire Cat is offline