Immy's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1001 to 1010 of 1246
  1. Lunna Dea
    02-17-2014 05:22 AM
    Lunna Dea
    Hello there its Double gold day!!!!
  2. Lunna Dea
    02-16-2014 05:46 AM
    Lunna Dea
    ok sleep well.
  3. Lunna Dea
    02-16-2014 05:37 AM
    Lunna Dea
    lucky you wish I could watch it. by the way no replay in the OOC?
  4. Lunna Dea
    02-15-2014 05:38 AM
    Lunna Dea
    Was woundering what happend to you.
  5. Lunna Dea
    02-12-2014 05:38 AM
    Lunna Dea
    Dont know if I will have a post up by then but you will have it by the time you get up in the morning.
  6. Lunna Dea
    02-12-2014 05:32 AM
    Lunna Dea
    are you saying your going to bed in twenty? trying to work on the post.
  7. Lunna Dea
    02-05-2014 12:05 AM
    Lunna Dea
    oh ok. I was just worryed that I had made a post that did not work.
  8. Lunna Dea
    02-04-2014 11:32 PM
    Lunna Dea
    would you like me to fix my post?
  9. Lunna Dea
    02-04-2014 07:27 PM
    Lunna Dea
    Oh that sounds so yummy.
  10. Lunna Dea
    02-04-2014 03:16 AM
    Lunna Dea
    blackened? was it meant to be blackened?

About Me

  • About Immy
    Writing, drawing, dancing, dreaming, etc.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-16-2023 03:30 AM
  • Join Date: 04-23-2013


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