Andraus's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 511 to 520 of 1660
  1. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    07-02-2013 01:44 AM
    ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    So that's when it went to the principal. Wolfie was called in to talk to the woman. The principal accused Wolfie of threatening other students- which she had NEVER done. She told Wolfie that it was all her own fault. She asked what Wolfie wanted to do with her life. Wolfie told her she wanted to be an actress. She told Wolfie that that would never happen. She made Wolfie cry- which is nearly impossible to do. And then she said "See, you can't ever pretend to cry convincingly." And so the torture continued. Wolfie made it to halfway through Sophmore year when her baby sister was born. Wolfie's mother was practically crippled after the birth, and needed help. Wolfie still went to school, but eventually got so paranoid about getting beat up (which happened more than once) that she would wake up in the morning literally sick to her stomach. But she continued to force herself to school. Her grades suffered, and she became severely depressed. Wolfie already suffers from chronic depression, OCD and anxiety attacks, so getting even more depressed meant she was near suicidal. Except she refused to end it because her father did that, and she will NEVER be that way. All the while, Wolfie was needed more and more at home. So eventually, one day, Wolfie just didn't go to school. And she kept not going, day after day until she got a letter saying she had been expelled for truancy. You know the whole "Stop bullying" thing that everyone is so adamant about? Wolfie is a living example of the results of bullying. She went through hell every day for years and years, and it damaged her. To this day, Wolfie is socially crippled, unable to trust anyone, scared of meeting people. Her mind is stuck in high school. There are physical and mental scars that will never heal. You may not think it's a good enough "excuse" but don't know. You have your problems, yes, but it's the situation, the specific school Wolfie went to, with no support, no friends. Suicide runs in the family, but Wolfie stayed alive, to prove that she was stronger than any of them. Wolfie is strong, and stubborn, a survivor, but even the strongest would have crumbled under that...that nightmare...that hell...Do you know what it's like, to think "Maybe it would be better to just be dead." And actually mean it? To be pushed down and tramples so many times that getting back up becomes terrifying? To be surrounded by at least fifty people, all laughing and cheering, while one girl sucker punches you, knocks you to the ground and proceeds to kick you in the head with high heels?
    No...Wolfie will not talk about this anymore. Already she is shaking, and crying. It is a good enough reason, Andy. It is.
  2. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    07-02-2013 01:27 AM
    ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    You don't understand. It started in the third grade. Everyone hated Wolfie, for no reason. She was the new kid, but there were other new kids who were popular. It only got worse. Wolfie had a tendency to act out in class, to act strangely for attention. Wolfie never had any real friends, until junior high, where she met finx. That all went to hell when it came to high school, however. Wolfie's friend went to a certain school, but Wolfie was not accepted, so she ended up in the town's school with four entire grades of people who hated her for NO REASON. It wasn't so bad at first. Wolfie was always tough, she could handle the ridicule, being picked on. She was used to it. But it got worse. People started tripping her in the halls, slamming her into the bleachers during gym, walking by and hitting her. Wolfie kept ignoring it. She even told them to fuck off. Nothing worked. They started throwing things. First it was paper, then pencils, then rocks- full on ROCKS not pebbles, then food. The teachers turned their heads. "If we didn't see it, it didn't happen." That's how they worked. Wolfie continued trying her best, crying in the bathroom when she could, but otherwise not paying attention. Or trying not to. Once, Wolfie's picture was taken during a pep rally and ended up in the newspaper. The school put the picture up on the main bulletin board. Two days later, someone had drawn devil ears and a mustache on Wolfie, and labeled her "devil girl." Wolfie decided to go to the guidance councilor, because if she didn't talk to someone, she was going to end up getting hurt. The guidance councilor was too focused on Wolfie's grades to care. When Wolfie finally got the woman to understand, she replied "Well, ask someone for help."
  3. RaquelRae
    07-02-2013 12:57 AM
    I'd have to actually find a fox and a weapon. On the topic of warrior princess I kind of feel like a alternate version of Xena.

  4. RaquelRae
    07-02-2013 12:06 AM
    D'awwh, thank you so much. Warrior Princess seems legit, when compared to a Moon-lit Imperial Knight.
  5. RaquelRae
    07-01-2013 10:31 PM
    Nice avi!
  6. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    07-01-2013 07:31 AM
    ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    Er, it's a long story...Wolfie was never good in school, but let's just say it becomes impossible to concentrate on class when people are throwing things at you. For no fucking reason. And the fucking teachers pretend not to see and the fucking principal tells you it's your fault and you wake up physically ill every morning at the very thought of walking into that hell again so eventually you just stop going because you can't stand it anymore......
  7. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    07-01-2013 07:15 AM
    ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    Mhm. Wolfie is currently job hunting. It's so hard. No one is hiring, and the few that are just won't accept Wolfie, mostly because she did not finish high school. She has experience from two other jobs,'s not going well. =(
  8. ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    07-01-2013 07:03 AM
    ~Wild Spirit Wolf~
    Ooh, nice. Wolfie personally prefers Papa Gino's but then she grew up with it. Still, pizza place seems like a good place to work.
  9. momochan
    06-29-2013 02:59 AM
  10. Gothika_Knight
    06-27-2013 10:39 PM
    Thank you.

About Me

  • About Andraus
    Pleasure and salutations, I am Andy Pimms. That is not my real name, but it is a title I've been called so much, I claim it as my own. Let's get the usual stuff out of the way: Though I do not normally classify myself in a religion, as I'm still searching for one that fits, I am often classified as a LaVeyan Satanist. This is not entirely incorrect, though I will deny any talk that I am a demon summoner, I only believe in the core philosophy. I embrace change and conflict as a natural force in the world, and though it may not seem like such, I am a very loyal man. If you mean me and my friends no harm, than you will have no problems from me. I am always welcome to talk to people about anything, just ask.
    Illinois, District 10, Gryffindor
    Computers and Gameing. Also I love to read.
  • Signature
    "The power to cause pain is the only power that matters. The power to kill and destroy. Because if you can't kill, then you are always subject to those who can. And nothing and no-one will ever save you"


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  • Last Activity: 09-24-2023 12:06 AM
  • Join Date: 08-09-2010


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