Even if you get sucked into another site, you could at least pop in occasionally to see what's going on. You never know what you might miss ^_^
I've never had a foot massage before so I don't know if it would work. I damaged my tendons and ligaments in my ankles and so all the standing at work sometimes makes them too irritated.
It's one of the packaging machinges. There are a couple different machines depending what kind of packaging it is supposed to go into. Before I only knew how to run the line that makes the product, I didn't know how to run any of the packaging equipment. And the more machines I learn to run, the better off I am position wise.
That's how it was for me when my Pap died. I was fine until the viewing and was actually fine there too until my Nan came over and hugged me and I just broke down. At least your grandfather isn't going through any hardships anymore. Having alztimers is a struggle for everyone. May I ask what you mean by "he went with a smile"?
Stressful workplaces really do get to you after awhile. I hope you are able to get into the type of work you want :) Companies that have a large network are nice. It's good to be able to move around and have a high possibily of still having a job.
Yep ^^ I am going to make this vehicle stand out! When I have it done I will definitely take some pictures if you want to see. Just remember it is not going to be right away. I know it is going to cost a lot of money because what I want has to be done by hand with an air brush and so I am going to be saving for awhile ^_^
It's definitely been a long while. What are you doing abandoning us for Gaia!? :P There is a lot of online farming things coming up, but they just don't get me interested.
Work has been a killer on my feet and ankles :o especially this week. My feet were throbbing the last two days of work. But I've gotten trianed on how to run one of the other machines now, I'm happy about that.
Sorry about your grandfather. Are you doing okay now?
Are you not liking the job you are currently at that you are looking for another? Sad to say, most of the people at my workplace are also looking for any other better job that come around. Truthfully I would probably be looking too except I am too worried about the stability of other jobs. I know I will be keeping this one unless I do something that gets me fired. They never lay off workers in this company.
And I finally found a place that I can get the custom designs I want on my vehicle :D Now I just have to get an estimate from them and figure up how long it will take me to save that much money. . . . . . hopefully I don't fall over and say I'm screwed when they hand me the price XD
You're only half blonde? I never would have guessed that :P
Weekend working sucks. I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend though. If you have to, go take a two hour nap to get rid of some of the exhaustion so you can enjoy the day better :) And don't forget to eat today *shakes finger at you*
Over the next two years I am slowly going to be adding a bunch of stuff to the vehicle. I'm going to fancy it up a little :twisted:
Ok Im weird, kinda nutty but its ok Im ok with that. lol. I like to draw got some pics up. yay. lol. Im into anime, and manga, I like Monster yummy. this is sooo old lol but Im back , yeah thats whats up right.
You can if you want find me on Gaia as : PsychoRabbitV2