Suona's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 2247
  1. Facade
    03-15-2024 05:50 AM
    su go to bed jfc
  2. Kent
    09-08-2023 06:19 PM
    Happy Birthday! O:
  3. bloodstainedwings
    01-05-2023 10:31 AM
    aww thank you <3 and also you are welcome. you totally earned it!
  4. Suona
    10-14-2022 05:54 AM
    The discord is specifically Suona#9746
  5. Suona
    01-14-2022 10:11 PM
    For anyone that pops in on my page, I've just made a discord account by the name of Suona. I'm on the menewsha page there as well. Please do join us and/or reach out to me! Miss and love you all.
  6. jupiter
    07-29-2021 10:21 PM
    I'm doing well, thank you for asking! I'm so sorry for not keeping in better touch, or being very active. Life has caught me in a whirlwind, but it finally settled down. I'm excited to just be a vegetable for the remainder of the summer.
  7. jupiter
    12-14-2020 09:50 PM
    I hope you're doing well and staying healthy.
  8. Clair Voyant
    01-28-2019 10:55 PM
    Clair Voyant
    I'm so glad to hear from you, Suona. I was worried you had completely disappeared. Life just got so busy that I lost track of menewsha...

    Thank you, I like that yours just appears to be a fish.
  9. Clair Voyant
    01-26-2019 06:42 PM
    Clair Voyant
    Hi there, Suona. :)
  10. Captain Howdy
    01-24-2019 04:34 AM
    Captain Howdy
    *pokes floating dead fish*

About Me

  • About Suona
    - Loves nature and animals
    - Bachelors in Zoology
    - Likes boardgames and videogames
    Reading, drawing, writing, that fun stuff
    To annoy you
  • Signature
    I am Suona#9746 on discord.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-01-2025 09:22 PM
  • Join Date: 12-24-2008


Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 94