oh... ...
Adopting is good! There's so many homeless babies out there!
Oh well now... Water is flipping delicious XD I chug lots of water everyday!
I was... Chubby.
14 year old me was pretty silly and ridiculous! I had a full head of hair and loved Hawaiian shirts! I'll have to see if I can find a pic of 14 year old me some place XD I might have to look though some photos cause I don't think we had a digital camera back then...
I just keep piling on the GD old joke ammunition for you don't I?
I don't even know if my hands are better than yours!
Ah yeah. That's what stopped me from putting on lotion a lot was that I hated the oily feel of them. SO I guess minus the OCD part it's the same XD
OUCH! I bumped my head a lot as a kid that probably explains why I sometimes... ...
I just plucked an eyebrow hair that was over an inch long...
ROFL! I can understand that XD It depends on what's on but it is harder to study with the tv on