Immy's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 991 to 1000 of 1246
  1. Lunna Dea
    02-19-2014 03:27 AM
    Lunna Dea
  2. Lunna Dea
    02-19-2014 02:36 AM
    Lunna Dea
    does he still have the hourglass?
  3. Lunna Dea
    02-18-2014 02:04 PM
    Lunna Dea
    I was refering to Warren and them. I at this time only have my cat. And tonight he has been good that dose not mean that I have gotten to sleep yet.
  4. Lunna Dea
    02-18-2014 05:04 AM
    Lunna Dea
    good night dear. sorry the boys got so crazy. I think I am going to have a head ache now.
  5. The Wandering Poet
    02-18-2014 04:40 AM
    The Wandering Poet
    Why thank you :3
    The blush gives a bit of a mixed signal though but I can't bring myself to take it off
  6. The Wandering Poet
    02-18-2014 04:33 AM
    The Wandering Poet
    Thanks. I wanted to go for a "broken hearted" theme, as that's the event that most stuck with me through the years.
  7. Lunna Dea
    02-18-2014 02:38 AM
    Lunna Dea
    that is ok. I was just poking. hope your work was not too stressful today.
  8. Lunna Dea
    02-18-2014 02:24 AM
    Lunna Dea
    you forgot about me?*sad puppy eyes* how you be so mean?
  9. Lunna Dea
    02-17-2014 08:26 PM
    Lunna Dea
    that is ok I understand that work come frist.
  10. Lunna Dea
    02-17-2014 03:39 PM
    Lunna Dea
    ok now sleep is calling me. I will probable be back on in a few hours. hope to see you more today.

About Me

  • About Immy
    Writing, drawing, dancing, dreaming, etc.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-16-2023 03:30 AM
  • Join Date: 04-23-2013


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