Immy's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 981 to 990 of 1246
  1. HC-Gal
    02-28-2014 09:50 PM
    schwing, your go, :3 hope you dont mind Luci doing a little meddling XD
  2. sailor star rainbow
    02-26-2014 04:03 AM
    sailor star rainbow
    Good luck with food hunt and if you can't find them. I'll be more then happy help you with links to them Ranie
  3. sailor star rainbow
    02-26-2014 03:26 AM
    sailor star rainbow
    I hope you been doing well so far this week
  4. steelmagghia
    02-24-2014 04:43 AM
    You are so sweet! I think all but one will be going to the Creative Questions thread for prizes. :) Thank you hon!
    And thank you, I love your avatar as well. :)
  5. steelmagghia
    02-24-2014 02:24 AM
    Oh my gosh, sweety! What are all these lovely items in my trade for?
  6. Lunna Dea
    02-24-2014 12:58 AM
    Lunna Dea
    I hope you can get over your sickness faster then it took me to get over mine.
  7. Lunna Dea
    02-24-2014 12:46 AM
    Lunna Dea
    How you doing dear? Question swill be changing tonight.
  8. The Wandering Poet
    02-22-2014 05:58 AM
    The Wandering Poet
    Thanks and goodnight :) sleep well Shatter ^^
  9. Lunna Dea
    02-20-2014 04:48 AM
    Lunna Dea
    alright you get good sleep.
  10. Lunna Dea
    02-20-2014 04:16 AM
    Lunna Dea
    you look rather lovely today.

About Me

  • About Immy
    Writing, drawing, dancing, dreaming, etc.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-16-2023 03:30 AM
  • Join Date: 04-23-2013


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