IchirusVampireGirl's Profile
Last Activity: 07-09-2018 01:35 AM
About Me
- About IchirusVampireGirl
- Biography
- Im one of those crazy people , that normal people run from, but once you get to know me,you'll love me
- Location
- Gotham
- Interests
- Reading and drawing.Writeing stories.And defentetlu rping.Love the anime and manga
- Occupation
- Ninja Of The Night
- "The Creators Lied To Us"
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Now , its taken me a while tfind a nice boy friend. But hes not who I thought he was.
When he first asked me out ,on a date , he payedand i dont eat much so i order cheep things.
After that he became a jerk,to say things nicely.
We did start dateing(after first date)
But after that ,he would make me make all the plans to do stuff. When we went places ,like the mall.(it be a date) hes get food for himself and leave me to starve,when i have clearly stated to him that i have hardly any money at all.
Then when he would ask me if i was hungry and i would sat yes,hed say go get somthing to eat then.
So i just starved instead.
On valintines day i spent 80$ on his gifts(this is after raiseing money from lots of babby sitting)
He spent ,maybe 10 on me. Then when we went to the theater to see a movie(he knew i had one fee one cause of seane points i colect) he turned to me and said"oh you have a free ticket .use it"
When i had clearly stated to him when i found out that i had it,that i was going to save it for when Reboot the movie comes out.(they are coming out with a new one this year)But obviously he did not lissen and he wanted to be cheep. So i looked at him like i was gonna kill him but gave in and used it. Then a few days later he asked what was wrong and i told him he ripped me off on vamintines day and was a cheep (donkey).
Weeks later we go into a city that 2hrs away from where i live. I made it very clear to him i had no money to go and spend since my dads mouthly cheak wasnt in yet. He was like yeah okay.Any who we went there ... when we wnet to to timmies he actualy got me a food and drink. Then he bought me lunch witch was a 4$ sub. Then we went to an anime store. He knows how much i love anime and i had told him about the store. Anywho, he actualy got me two things, a Lelouch Plushi(from Code Geass) and a Code Geass nechlace. Witch i was shocked that he did. Those two things together cost 22$. He spen 30 on a flag 30 on a figureing and 40 on a blue ray disk. I was shhocked he spent that much since hes such a cheep (donkey).<
A few days later i tell him New Moon is coming out ... on its releace date it was only gonna be 14$. He tells me hell burn it for meand save us both some money*both meaning him).I tell him top forget it becaue i actualy want a good copy of it. He says okay. A few days later he asked me if i was sure,i said yeah ,if you cant get me 14 dollar move ,then forget it.(No i did not exspect him to get it for me,althouugh it would be nice) Then i snapped because he was so money tight about spending on other people but nt himself. I old him off. To the moon and back again. I was mad! Then i hung up and was just amgrey. The day New Moon comes out hes at my door that night with the movie ,saying he got it to apologize to me. I did take it but said next time dont get it becasue you feel like you have to ,get it because you want to get it and feel happy about it.
Then for thelast little bit hes been good. But when he does get me the odd bagel at tim-hortons he looks a bit flusterd. I do love him. But I also am getting tierd of him.
I mean i have a really close guy frond who,when he asked me to go places,he BUYS the movie ticket,he BUYS the cute suvinear.he PAYS for the meal he asked me to. I mean ... im not a gold digger. I dont ask for thease things but if you ask me on a date ,you pay,next time(if there is one) ill pay. I mean im going to treat my guy frind to a movie or somthing when i get paied form my next babby sitting job.
As for my BF he can kiss my cute litte but. He gives me attitude i give it right back.
When he first asked me out ,on a date , he payedand i dont eat much so i order cheep things.
After that he became a jerk,to say things nicely.
We did start dateing(after first date)
But after that ,he would make me make all the plans to do stuff. When we went places ,like the mall.(it be a date) hes get food for himself and leave me to starve,when i have clearly stated to him that i have hardly any money at all.
Then when he would ask me if i was hungry and i would sat yes,hed say go get somthing to eat then.
So i just starved instead.
On valintines day i spent 80$ on his gifts(this is after raiseing money from lots of babby sitting)
He spent ,maybe 10 on me. Then when we went to the theater to see a movie(he knew i had one fee one cause of seane points i colect) he turned to me and said"oh you have a free ticket .use it"
When i had clearly stated to him when i found out that i had it,that i was going to save it for when Reboot the movie comes out.(they are coming out with a new one this year)But obviously he did not lissen and he wanted to be cheep. So i looked at him like i was gonna kill him but gave in and used it. Then a few days later he asked what was wrong and i told him he ripped me off on vamintines day and was a cheep (donkey).
Weeks later we go into a city that 2hrs away from where i live. I made it very clear to him i had no money to go and spend since my dads mouthly cheak wasnt in yet. He was like yeah okay.Any who we went there ... when we wnet to to timmies he actualy got me a food and drink. Then he bought me lunch witch was a 4$ sub. Then we went to an anime store. He knows how much i love anime and i had told him about the store. Anywho, he actualy got me two things, a Lelouch Plushi(from Code Geass) and a Code Geass nechlace. Witch i was shocked that he did. Those two things together cost 22$. He spen 30 on a flag 30 on a figureing and 40 on a blue ray disk. I was shhocked he spent that much since hes such a cheep (donkey).<
A few days later i tell him New Moon is coming out ... on its releace date it was only gonna be 14$. He tells me hell burn it for meand save us both some money*both meaning him).I tell him top forget it becaue i actualy want a good copy of it. He says okay. A few days later he asked me if i was sure,i said yeah ,if you cant get me 14 dollar move ,then forget it.(No i did not exspect him to get it for me,althouugh it would be nice) Then i snapped because he was so money tight about spending on other people but nt himself. I old him off. To the moon and back again. I was mad! Then i hung up and was just amgrey. The day New Moon comes out hes at my door that night with the movie ,saying he got it to apologize to me. I did take it but said next time dont get it becasue you feel like you have to ,get it because you want to get it and feel happy about it.
Then for thelast little bit hes been good. But when he does get me the odd bagel at tim-hortons he looks a bit flusterd. I do love him. But I also am getting tierd of him.
I mean i have a really close guy frond who,when he asked me to go places,he BUYS the movie ticket,he BUYS the cute suvinear.he PAYS for the meal he asked me to. I mean ... im not a gold digger. I dont ask for thease things but if you ask me on a date ,you pay,next time(if there is one) ill pay. I mean im going to treat my guy frind to a movie or somthing when i get paied form my next babby sitting job.
As for my BF he can kiss my cute litte but. He gives me attitude i give it right back.
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]Okay so its been a while since my last blog.
But this one i need to vent out my fushtration .... i have had this friend for like seven years ... we can handel anything together. But within the past two days , things have became overly stupid.
Her ex who i had just met 4 days ago had asked me out on a date . I had said yes since my friend told me that she was over him and that if he ever asked me out on a date to go for it. Then she would flurt with him infront of me , on purpose , but she would also treat him and another friend like dirt.
Anywho , at first i debated on telling her ... because her reactions are usualy ... well verry bad to say it in a nice manner.
So when i did tell her she was calm and said , "Why would you think i would react badly?",i shrugged.Then we happed to run into 'him' in the store ... he pulled me to the side and asked me if we were still on for our date.
I said yes and that our friend knew. We laughed as he sighed in relief , she came over and siad in a veruy rude angrey manner"SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH GUTS TO ASK MY FRIEND OUT ,BUT WHEN WE WERE DATEING I HAD TO ASK YOU!".
I looked at her like,[I]'and you wondered why i was nervous about telling you??[/I]
then she was all calm and okay.Then today i here that she had been talking behind my back, pissed that i had been worried to tell her , and i mena after how she treated him , can she blame me?!
and she said to our other friend there is an unritten rule that he had to ask her permission to ask me out. And knowing her she would have been gellious and said no. Maybe he would have asked her out again if she actualy was noice to him.But late;y shes been treting everyone around her like dirt and we are all getting sick of it and fed up.Also she never asked my permissoin when she asked my EX to go out. She told me AFTERWORDS that they had wnet out. So she cant talk about the secret code when she broke it herself.
I emailed her saying we should talk things over ... because of how we are supose to be great friends. So i dont know how this will result. Wish me luck though.[/COLOR][/FONT]
But this one i need to vent out my fushtration .... i have had this friend for like seven years ... we can handel anything together. But within the past two days , things have became overly stupid.
Her ex who i had just met 4 days ago had asked me out on a date . I had said yes since my friend told me that she was over him and that if he ever asked me out on a date to go for it. Then she would flurt with him infront of me , on purpose , but she would also treat him and another friend like dirt.
Anywho , at first i debated on telling her ... because her reactions are usualy ... well verry bad to say it in a nice manner.
So when i did tell her she was calm and said , "Why would you think i would react badly?",i shrugged.Then we happed to run into 'him' in the store ... he pulled me to the side and asked me if we were still on for our date.
I said yes and that our friend knew. We laughed as he sighed in relief , she came over and siad in a veruy rude angrey manner"SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH GUTS TO ASK MY FRIEND OUT ,BUT WHEN WE WERE DATEING I HAD TO ASK YOU!".
I looked at her like,[I]'and you wondered why i was nervous about telling you??[/I]
then she was all calm and okay.Then today i here that she had been talking behind my back, pissed that i had been worried to tell her , and i mena after how she treated him , can she blame me?!
and she said to our other friend there is an unritten rule that he had to ask her permission to ask me out. And knowing her she would have been gellious and said no. Maybe he would have asked her out again if she actualy was noice to him.But late;y shes been treting everyone around her like dirt and we are all getting sick of it and fed up.Also she never asked my permissoin when she asked my EX to go out. She told me AFTERWORDS that they had wnet out. So she cant talk about the secret code when she broke it herself.
I emailed her saying we should talk things over ... because of how we are supose to be great friends. So i dont know how this will result. Wish me luck though.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Tell me if this is a good reason to dump a boy.I gave my jerk of an X 3 chances and this is how he blew them.
1)He canciled are date ON MY BIRTHDAY
2)After telling him that I was part Germen he said ,"im not going to do anything because im Jewish"(if you want to no the story behind what that was about PM me)
3) a mouth befour V-Day(valentines day) he said ,"i think we should take a braek so i can think of what to get you for V-Day"
So when he said that I told him to forget it and that we were over.(that was about a year or so ago and people still talk about it)
So PM or Coment on what you think;)
1)He canciled are date ON MY BIRTHDAY
2)After telling him that I was part Germen he said ,"im not going to do anything because im Jewish"(if you want to no the story behind what that was about PM me)
3) a mouth befour V-Day(valentines day) he said ,"i think we should take a braek so i can think of what to get you for V-Day"
So when he said that I told him to forget it and that we were over.(that was about a year or so ago and people still talk about it)
So PM or Coment on what you think;)
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OKay this hapend about a 3 weeks ago and it still herts.
Theres this guy i realy liked.Since like the 9th grade.(now im in grade 12 as of september).Me and this person,lets call him...."gamerman", had been friends since the 9th grade.And near the end of the school year his girl friend dumped him about a mouth or two ago.I was there for him unlike all his other friends who just said they were sorry it happend.Though a long game of truth and dare ihe got me to tell him i liked him. It felt good,because i was able to tell him so at least he knew.Well it came to the end of the school year and he asked me if i still liked him.I said yes i did.He then,later on that day asked me out.I said yes.I mean,after 3 years of likeing him he actualy asked me out.Then not even after 1 full day he dumped me saying that he still wasnt over his girlfriend. he told me that he never really liked me like that he just hated being alone.It hert like hell.I cried.I will admit that.Even if we wernt going out that long.That was about 2 weeks ago ..Thenn today he said he had a new girl friend someonr that he had liked since the begining of the year.I was happy for him .I really was. I said just dont hert her like you hert me,concidering she is one of my best friends.He said he neverwhould do a thing to hert her. And for a strange reason that hert. Just to know hat he was perfectly fine with herting me,but he whould be devistated if he hert her.Huh i dont know what to do.I have no idea why it herts.
Theres this guy i realy liked.Since like the 9th grade.(now im in grade 12 as of september).Me and this person,lets call him...."gamerman", had been friends since the 9th grade.And near the end of the school year his girl friend dumped him about a mouth or two ago.I was there for him unlike all his other friends who just said they were sorry it happend.Though a long game of truth and dare ihe got me to tell him i liked him. It felt good,because i was able to tell him so at least he knew.Well it came to the end of the school year and he asked me if i still liked him.I said yes i did.He then,later on that day asked me out.I said yes.I mean,after 3 years of likeing him he actualy asked me out.Then not even after 1 full day he dumped me saying that he still wasnt over his girlfriend. he told me that he never really liked me like that he just hated being alone.It hert like hell.I cried.I will admit that.Even if we wernt going out that long.That was about 2 weeks ago ..Thenn today he said he had a new girl friend someonr that he had liked since the begining of the year.I was happy for him .I really was. I said just dont hert her like you hert me,concidering she is one of my best friends.He said he neverwhould do a thing to hert her. And for a strange reason that hert. Just to know hat he was perfectly fine with herting me,but he whould be devistated if he hert her.Huh i dont know what to do.I have no idea why it herts.
Recent Comments
I did this was 5 years ago!
I did this was 5 years ago!
I did this was 5 years ago!
I did this was 5 years ago!
well I was curious and stsrted to read this and Imy advise ids dithch him if he did it once hell do it again. you do what makes you happy and if he doesn't like it its his loss not yours. you are a good kind personand deserve better than how he treats you....... but that's just my opinion nit worth much in most countries
I think that though you two may like each other, it's just not working. I suggest that you give him some time to figure out his priorities (break up). If he loves you that much, he'll apologize and swallow his man pride on his cheap (donkey) budget for you. If not, it seems you have a great guy friend. I'm sure that your friend will be willing to go with you to more places and do more things together if you are sad and lonely without your boyfriend! Who knows? Maybe this is just a sign telling you to look at who's been by your side the most.
Hun, He not a good boyfriend and you need spell check your spelling. Anyway, He not right guy for you. You need a boyfriend who know you well and got in comment in each other. If not, then thing get out of hand. That kind of guy can use you like get everything he wanted not you.
So, you need to find a better bf but I know it hard to find. To me, I rush in dating and that was a mistake. I need to get to know that person before I date. Now, I found someone.
I hope that help.
So, you need to find a better bf but I know it hard to find. To me, I rush in dating and that was a mistake. I need to get to know that person before I date. Now, I found someone.
I hope that help.