mym mom was the one to give my the injections till i was maybe 16-18.... then i started to give myself my dinner shots... because the doctors kept saying that i had to do it on ym own eventualy..... none of them seamed to take my fears seriously at the time......and when i got the pump it deffiantly dindt help that the nurse that was there, for support and to help if thigns dindt go right. Got impatienct with my sitting there triyn gto work threw mymind fo rmy first site insertion.... and she puts he rhands over mine, pressed the 'tigger' that launches the needledtube combo that my fingers ha dbeen resding on and then pushes it in deeper then it alreayd was..... it hurt so bad and bruised for a week after i changed that site..... so my intriduction to teh pump wasnt the cant get on the pump unless the doctors know you can change the sites it's supposed ot give a diabetic more independance..... but i find it more shackiling them liberating......