-CrazyMuch-'s Profile

About Me

  • About -CrazyMuch-
    I am very eclectic in my interests and hobbies. I like visiting with friends, crocheting, reading, animal rescue, animal training, service animals, parenting, plants, crafts, and making jewelry. I have a 9 year old son with ADHD & Asperger's. I try to spread awareness to the seriousness and reality of mental illnesses. These can be serious brain disorders in those afflicted with these illnesses. I also have 1 service dog and 1 emotional supoort cat, and my son has 1 emotional suport cat.

    I train dogs and support the ASPCA. I try to stay a positive person and help those I can ... oh, and did I mention that BSL (breed specific legislature) is totally wrong and we should do everything in our power to stop it? Breed specific legislation is exactly what sounds like...regulation of your right to own or, in many cases, not own a dog based solely on the breed or "type" of dog, not your responsibility as an owner. I am a firm supporter in the cause of battling and eradication BSL and will go to bat every time one of those beautiful dogs are slanderized and vilanized. I love the Pitbull and have and will always be loyal to that breed until my dying day. This is a "hot topic" with me that I shall NEVER back down from.

    God is my greatest hero. After him my greatest heroes are every person whom lay down their lives daily to keep us safe .... Everyone in our armed forces. Whether I think the cause they are fighting for is right or wrong, the fact that they lay down their lives every single day to keep us safe is worthy of more honor than can ever be given them. And every single day they are willing to fight to the death just to protect our freedom and rights and life. And that makes them my heroes .... The people dedicated to save and protect us from fire. Things that are beyond our control and could quickly consume both building, home, and lives are valiantly fought by our fire fighters. Those that stand bravely forward, the blue shield above their hearts, who swear to serve, honor, and protect each and every one of us, every police officer is my hero. Some may be corrupt, some may be down right mean, but the force in general is worthy of honor and being some of my greatest heroes; whether they be willing to be away from their families half way across the world willing to die to protect us and preserve our freedom, or walk into fire to save our lives, or stand there brave and tall and take a bullet to protect and serve us, these men and women are my heroes.
    at home somewhere in Washington State in the great old USA ... (that would be the one with the Space Needle, not the one with the Whilte House.)
    chat online, collect art for my slideshow screensaver on my computer, crochet, take pictures, train dogs, animal rescue work, & procrastinate
    Single Mom & Full-Time-Care-Giver-Of-A-Special-Needs-Child
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-12-2012 07:23 PM
  • Join Date: 02-24-2007


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