Alex_Silvermane's Profile
Last Activity: 01-31-2020 05:37 AM
About Me
- About Alex_Silvermane
- Biography
- So yeah, Surprise surprise, My name's not Really Alex Silvermane *gasp* lol. I'm 17 right now, I'm interested in almost any rp, but i can't narrow it down further than that because i do it on a plot by plot basis. I live in Pennsylvania, and I won't tolerate hate. Against anybody. I can be very sarcastic, and while i may jokingly insult almost everything on the planet, I'm actually a kind person.
- Location
- Pennsylvania.
- Interests
- Video games, Anime, Manga, RPing, Civil war re-enacting, shooting (archery, pistols, rifles, etc), And history in general.
- Occupation
- Plotting to take over the world.
- Signature