thank you! it really was great and i'm so lucky that my mom got divorced and used the settlement money so generously lol she paid for the plane and resort for me and one of my brothers. it was very kind of her. i got a few little trinkety things, like a silver bracelet and a neat beaded turtle anklet that i wore the whole time while i was there but i can't wear it back home because i have to wear tall socks all the time since it's so cold haha and it was sooo beautiful. like there was always a salty warm breeze coming off the ocean and the sun was so bright warm. it had a weird sort of haziness in the horizon though so the sunsets were always a bit foggy looking. kind of weird actually.
the age group i work with now are kindergartners and first graders. i prefer middle school aged but no one else could seem to work with this particular kid as he was so hard, like his behaviors were very challenging and it's exhausting every day. i don't love my job anymore and that makes me kinda sad.
so your hair is growing back then? so it was all shaved off, you rebel lol i've kind of always wanted to do that but i don't think i have the type of face or shape of head for it. i'd look ridiculous hahaha and it's totally up to you if you want to share anything, you know i'll love ya no matter what, momo

we go waaaay back!