[nerd]'s Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. [nerd]
    10-23-2014 01:59 AM
    *Note to all visitors who have strayed here from the Market Place*

    My items are listed at top selling price. This is because all gold made goes to charity, event and contest threads and giveaways. Before I started making gold, I did a lot of spending gold, and some of my items I will not be profiting from, but merely breaking even, or in the case of Captain's Hooch, losing. I am not willing to haggle for these reasons. Thank you for your time.
  2. hummy
    06-30-2014 07:29 PM

    welcome to mene!
    *ish not a fresh menewshain*
    *hides from fangs*
  3. ObviouslyAya
    06-30-2014 02:09 AM
    Thank you (^ w^)

About Me

  • About [nerd]
    This profile has been recycled. The previous owner lent me the account to play with items and feel the site. She no longer needed the account, so I assumed it and changed the name.

    Do not fret, I did not drink her blood and turn her into a creature of the night. Or did I?
    Lurking in the shadows, waiting...
    Type O blood, stalking, biting, sneaking, lurking, sparkling - just kidding, we do not actually do that.
    Boogeyman Extraordinaire
  • Signature
    Do you ever see something out of the corner of your eye?
    But when you turn to look, nothing appears to have been there...

    It was us.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Join Date: 09-15-2011


Showing Friends 1 to 2 of 2