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Antagonist 08-23-2011 04:32 PM

@Rena: What! Why didn't we have that in college!!! :gonk: *rants at school system here*

@Iku: Indeed....but in a good way though. :lol:

Ohh. I hope nothing happens there like floods or anything then. :( I might not be on on Thursday, need to work extra time.

Alorrena 08-23-2011 04:32 PM

Lavvie: nope! Then we could kinda match! :D

Johnny Hobo 08-23-2011 04:32 PM

Rena: I'm alright, just woke up..eating some breakfast before I go play hockey :O

Dan: this above ^^^^ :P And I love mangos!

Ikuto: ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! It's actually kinda ugly ;;>.>

Alorrena 08-23-2011 04:33 PM

Donal: that sounds fun!!! Rena's jealous. she has class in a few hours, and has to get this reading done before class.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:33 PM

@Dan-san: xD!! Yeah.

We're a good ways inland; so hopefully not. And it's hitting more north too. We'll see! :lol:
Awww, I'll miss yuuu. :c

@D: It's good enough for me! :illgetu: Reminds me of Halloween.

Lavender le Fay 08-23-2011 04:34 PM

I just saw that those cat parts are 6000... That is the next thing on my list, and it looks like it will hurt. :3 Oh well, at least it will be worth it, but now I need just a bit more to get that bustier <3

I never experienced a hurricane. Is it frightening as it sounds?

Antagonist 08-23-2011 04:35 PM

@Terrible: lol Oh. :XD And yes! Mangoes are awesome! :drool:

@Iku: Yay! Good luck! :boogie:
Me too. :( And even worse, next Monday or Wednesday I'll have to be up and at work at seven in the morning. Fffff. :| I WANT MY INTERNET LIFE BAAACK. :illgetu:

Alorrena 08-23-2011 04:35 PM

Rena donated to lavvie!! ^^

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:37 PM

@Lav: Depends on how strong it is. I've walked outside in Cat 2s because they're not that bad (back when I lived like 7 mins from the beach), but we did have a pretty bad one that we had to leave for and that demolished pretty much all the small businesses along the coast.

@Dan-san: Haha. Thanks. XD
Omg, so early! :gonk:
Work through eet so you can get another job and spend more time online. :lol:

Lavender le Fay 08-23-2011 04:37 PM

You re so kind that you are abusive. -_- But thank you <3

Johnny Hobo 08-23-2011 04:37 PM

Rena: School already? o.o early..

Ikuto: But I want to be BEAUTIFUL!

Lavender: What cat parts? Yumeh or the white one?

Dan: Share? :drool:

Alorrena 08-23-2011 04:37 PM

rena has to go for a while. at least untill she gets these two chapters read. she'll be back later.

Lavender le Fay 08-23-2011 04:38 PM

*gives a good bye hug* Bye, Rena. Thanks for the money. ^^

Alorrena 08-23-2011 04:39 PM

lavvie: you love me. :heart:

donal: yeah i started my second year of college yesterday.

EDIT: Bye lavvie :hug:

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:39 PM

@D: Can't change that! :illgetu:

@Rena: Byeee. Get that reading done~!

Antagonist 08-23-2011 04:39 PM

@Iku: :XD! That is a wonderful way of looking at it. I shall do that. :lol:

@Terrible: Sure. :drool: *hands over half a pound of mangoes through the screen*

@Rena: See you later! :heart:

Johnny Hobo 08-23-2011 04:40 PM

Rena: Eaaaaarly! Everyone I know starts school in late september >.>
Have fun reading!

Ikuto: If my avi was female I could! ;)

Dan: I'm gonna need more than that :drool:

Antagonist 08-23-2011 04:41 PM

o _o;

*hands five more pounds over to Terrible*

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:41 PM

@Dan-san: Lmao. Good luck on Thursday! :ninja:
Wtf.. why so many mangoes?!

@D: Lmao. Has it ever been a guurl?

Lavender le Fay 08-23-2011 04:42 PM

The worst we ever had here would be a... strong wind storm.

Waaait... I missed out on mangos?

Johnny Hobo 08-23-2011 04:42 PM

Dan: Thank you, this will serve as a good lunch for just me :drool:

Ikuto: A couple months after I joined, I was "Donna" For a day...hahah

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:43 PM

@Lav: I hate when the wind is strong here. :gonk:
I don't mind hurricanes too much because you know they're coming (and I've never lost anything in them). I'm terrified of tornadoes and the Earth just opening up and swallowing you though. :gonk:

@D: Lmao! Reminds me of "Hot Donna."

Antagonist 08-23-2011 04:44 PM

@Iku: Because Terrible wants them...? :ninja:

@Lav: *hands Lav five pounds of mangoes too* :ninja:

@Terrible: You're welcome. I have too many of them despite my love for them. :XD

Lavender le Fay 08-23-2011 04:45 PM

Terrible D, what do you want for Yumeh's Ears and Tail? ^^

Winds get scary here, Ikuto... We have this one wind that makes winters so cold and boring... It prevents snow form falling, but the temperature is 30 degrees lower than the thermometer says due to it. Mean wind!

Mangoes! *hugs Dan tightly, then rolls in them*

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 08-23-2011 04:45 PM

Mangoes are so messy. :gonk: -washes hands-

@Lav: Dang. That's effed up. :XD
Our winds mostly come with summer.

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