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Azazel 11-05-2011 06:53 AM

You had better believe i am, however to no avail

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 06:54 AM

hmm... Not enough posting or just no luck in finding the word? XD

Azazel 11-05-2011 06:55 AM

No luck finding it. I just got done looking at all of their posts through the 31st of october. nothing. D:

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 06:57 AM

Awww. D: That seriously sucks..

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:01 AM

that it does. BUT BUT BUT today was a good day

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:01 AM

Was it? :3

Saravi Boo 11-05-2011 07:02 AM

I got my first victim but my second has eluded me so far.

What made today good.

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:02 AM

I had an interview and it went pretty well.

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:03 AM

An interview for? :3

And, aaah.. Second victims are hard. D:

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:04 AM

To be a network engineer. :)

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:05 AM

Sounds fun. :3

lightkanna 11-05-2011 07:07 AM

Sup, whadup guys? I feel kind of bummed out, anything to cheer me up?

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:07 AM

It is. :yes: I hope I landed it!

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:07 AM

Why bumed out? D:

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:07 AM

Hey lightkana! <3

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:07 AM

Ah, and I wish you luck then. <3

lightkanna 11-05-2011 07:09 AM

I hope you land it too. I heard trying to be an engineer something is harder than it looks. My crush left for three hours, he left me alone waiting for him and then comes back on as if nothing is wrong. I HATE HAVING CRUSHES! D=<

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:10 AM

Aww... Ask him where he went or something? D:

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:11 AM

Like a cute little interwebernet crush? :D

Yeah, I think it would be pretty cool to be ale to be titled as an engineer with no formal degree. <33

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:11 AM

haha, that would be epic. XD

lightkanna 11-05-2011 07:14 AM

I've known him for 5+ and this is the only time I have realize I like him, for about eight months now, this crush has been going on. I am wishing it would end, I really don't like it but at the same time I do. D: GIVE ME TIPS! He also knows he left. I'm sad, more hurt than pissed off. I don't know if he realize that...

My friend is trying to get one, he's in college trying to get a degree though. But amazing for you! :I

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:15 AM

Hm you should tell him, or ask him who he might like? D:

Azazel 11-05-2011 07:16 AM

Totally, totally epic.

Yeah it would be a pretty good boost self esteem wise as well as financially. My pay bracket will DEFINITELY increase.

Ascadellia 11-05-2011 07:16 AM

I wish I could get a job. x.x;

lightkanna 11-05-2011 07:20 AM

We both have feelings for each other, we confessed in mid-April but he's quite busy with work and everyday he'll tell me to come live there. I'm like "Uh no." xD I'm really stupid, I forgive all the time. -kills self- I'm with you though, I wish I had a job. D:< Also your color choice, Azazel is amazing. D:< -puts thumbs up-

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