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Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 09:12 PM

I never actaully thought of looking in the DAC xD

Silenia 09-17-2010 09:15 PM

Which is why I did it. xD

I am logging off, though.

Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 09:16 PM

What brains xD

Oh, ok Sellie. I shall speak to you later <3

The_Crow 09-17-2010 10:10 PM

Silenia-sama- Your ease of pulling up those numbers both scared and impressed me for a bit. I fell into Kulti-sama's charity first because it had the clearest guidelines of what you needed to do and what you would get. Your charity was larger and more intimidating. I do believe that I started this charity (almost) two months to date of me signing up due to the guidelines of creating charities.

My first menewshaversary is coming up on the 23rd :boogie:

Vexatious- Some of my previous stalkers have gone MIA. I do hope nothing unfortunate happened to them, but it's good to know I'm stalked/loved again. -high five-

Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 10:15 PM

Oh, congrats. Will you be having a special celebration for it?

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that your other stalkers have poofed, I hate it when that happens. Though you still have me *highfives*

It makes me feel special when I get stalkers <3

Unless they are the creepy kind, I don't take too kindly to them D:

The_Crow 09-17-2010 10:23 PM

I had a group of four stalkers when I was a regular in Kulti-sama's Newbie Closet Charity (RIP). They even made me fanarts, which was fun:

Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 10:24 PM

What happened to Kultura's charity? :o

Lol, I've never got fanart before. It just proves I don't treat my stalkers well xD

The_Crow 09-17-2010 10:28 PM

Kulti-sama's charity was the oldest and best charity for new users (yes, even better than mine). However her real life(tm) took over and she didn't have time to keep up with it. She still drifts around the site but she probably had the second most popular charity next to Silly-sama's Rainbow charity. I more or less modeled my charity after The Newbie Closet with the exception that if a person caught me or a whitelister online they could be clothed in one sitting. Kulti-sama required thirty posts, so that took a bit more work.

Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 10:40 PM

Ah, I don't think I went into Kultura's charity. I've spoken to her a few times though. The only charities I go to are: this one, Sellie's one and Lizzie's one.

I'm pretty sure I was in others before though o.O

The_Crow 09-17-2010 10:45 PM

I generally try to support all of the active charities. I don't exactly do it evenly, and sometimes my focus on other ones shifts from time to time, but active charities need love or else they'll float down to the bottom of the screen beneath all the locked begging threads T_T

Scribbled Lore 09-17-2010 10:51 PM

That's a sad place for a charity to be beneath those locked threads. :(

Vexatious~Venom 09-17-2010 10:57 PM

A very sad place indeed. *mourns the long forgotten charities*

The_Crow 09-17-2010 11:06 PM

I'm fairly protective of the charity forums. I'm quick to report the begging threads, and I also have reported a few abandoned-by-the-owner charities. Lately I've been checking the 'ducks in a row' charity listing for threads listed as active but are actually locked due to MIA-owners, official closure, or being on haitus.

TanaChan 09-17-2010 11:38 PM

*licks* RAWER!

The_Crow 09-17-2010 11:51 PM

TanaChan- I've noticed other people with that dancing Gir in their signature. You should try to convince them to link it to my charity as well.

TanaChan 09-18-2010 12:07 AM

if I find anyone else with it....I picked Gir to Link it cause He's dancing XD

Vexatious~Venom 09-18-2010 10:56 AM

I've seen three dancing Gir's now. The best one I saw was Knerd's signature though, she had a dancing Zoidberg <3

Scribbled Lore 09-18-2010 01:45 PM

A dancing Zoidberg? I have to see this. *runs off to look up Knerd's profile and signature*

Goddess of the Hunt 09-18-2010 01:46 PM

Hi everyone, how are you this morning?

Scribbled Lore 09-18-2010 01:49 PM

I know I'm doing alright. I got in some extra sleep yesterday and I'm feeling much better today. How about you?

Goddess of the Hunt 09-18-2010 01:51 PM

Goody! Glad you got some sleep! I'm great, just listening to Enya on youtube and posting in several thread at once.

Scribbled Lore 09-18-2010 02:00 PM

That's certainly the best way to make gold here on Menewsha. :XD *munches on her cereal for breakfast*

Goddess of the Hunt 09-18-2010 02:01 PM

Yep! Yummy...cereal. What type of cereal are you eating?

Scribbled Lore 09-18-2010 02:02 PM

Lucky Charms because I love the marshmellows. :D My other options were Frosted Flakes and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I'm thinking about having a cinnamon roll after the cereal, though. Kind of extra hungry this morning.

Goddess of the Hunt 09-18-2010 02:03 PM

Yummy! I usually just eat the marshmallows.

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