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Acsenia 02-15-2008 10:45 AM

I'm going to do that one too. But I haven't gotten to it yet. I won thrid place for the last round

Jaded Geisha 02-15-2008 10:49 AM

I'm actually having great luck getting chocolate... I've had enoough to get all the items so far annnd enough to get three belts and three boas since those be my favorite items...

Exchange 02-15-2008 10:50 AM

Now I wanna see that!!


I need 9 more chocolates.
But I need to go to school!!

Acsenia 02-15-2008 10:51 AM

2 of everything. I just hope tomorrows item isn't more than 20 chocos. I don't think I could manage it
ox3tyi:well let me go see if I can find it

wasashu 02-15-2008 10:56 AM

waaah! movie?! hmmm~ i wanna say... moulin rouge? or maybe fight club!! xD

*random guess xDD* is it any themed kinda movie??? *3*

EDIT: oooh! ox3-san you have a such a cute avi >w< i love the bright gold/yellow colors <3

Acsenia 02-15-2008 10:58 AM

Wasashu: Of course. Romance.

Jaded Geisha 02-15-2008 10:59 AM

You know, my strategy has been to go to a thread with a lot of pages and then just keep flipping through the pages... You read a lot of interesting crap and get a lot of chocolate to boot!

wasashu 02-15-2008 11:00 AM

hrrrmmmmm~~~ the notebook? T3T romeo&juliet, velvet, um.... haha xD I'm all out of romantic movies TwT;;;; *ponders somemore*

Acsenia 02-15-2008 11:06 AM

Jaded: *Bows at your feet* You are a genius!
*runs off to try it*

remaja 02-15-2008 11:08 AM


One word to describe it.


Well, we all know that chocolate is sweet but menewsha makes it even sweeter. Valentine, the season of love (or should I say the season of sweets?). I feel soo loved for the number of chocolates I have found(?) and the almighty mule of love that scarred my cheek.

Oh Menewsha...I hope the event next year will be more EXOTIC

wasashu 02-15-2008 11:14 AM

oooh interesting~ i hope so too remaja :3 i would like more exotic v-day event items next year. the bleeding hearts theme is kinda dark xD black and reds~

Gwendolyr 02-15-2008 11:14 AM

I always wish the events on Mene would last longer, because of the half-price commons. xD They're all so pretty. ;_;

Rheks 02-15-2008 11:16 AM

Hey :O, I may as well hang out here for a little while. ;D

Well I'm just going to get dressed and have some breakfast. Be back in like an hour. ;3

Aeisha 02-15-2008 11:16 AM

My headaches gone a bit so I can stay on a little longer now. Is anyone still here?

Acsenia 02-15-2008 11:17 AM

I give up. I get chocolates and then I lose the thread I was trying to read >.<

Aeisha: *Glomps* I'm going to try my hand at drawing my avi. I don't know if it will be any good but I'm gonna try. ^^

Aeisha 02-15-2008 11:21 AM

If you draw your I will draw mine. We can exchange and pick on each others bad skills ^^

Acsenia 02-15-2008 11:22 AM

lol. It's a deal!

Aeisha 02-15-2008 11:25 AM

Which Avi gaia's or mene?

Acsenia 02-15-2008 11:27 AM

hhmmm? Ace has a lot of pixies. So maybe I shall drawn one for Acsenia! ^^

d2hiriyuu 02-15-2008 11:32 AM

ohhh, hi. I am up, gah, 4 hours of sleep.

wasashu 02-15-2008 11:32 AM

oh oh! wasashu's here, I'm actually going back and forth from here and gaia, doing the events and such~

oooh i wish i had a tablet since i dont have a hooked up printer.... avi art sounds fun >w> good luck acsenia :3

Clorissa 02-15-2008 11:34 AM

Good morning, all.

The play I went to last night was terrible ;_;'
It was the Lady Pirates of Captain Bree.

I forgot how badly 6th-8th graders are at acting. I mean, honestly. It was freaking horrible.
Repetitive, too much titanic music, and too much REALLY SHITTY DANCING.
*Tweaks out*

Apocrypha 02-15-2008 11:36 AM

D: How come chocolates don't come near me now! D: T____________________T

I don't know if I'll get the boa first or the hairpin when I reach 25 chocolates DX

Aeisha 02-15-2008 11:36 AM

Ace~ You have lots of pixies? o.0
hiriyuu~ Only 4 I dunno if thats good for you. Maybe have a bit more rest.
wasashu~ Neither do I, I use a camera I loose a bit of the quality but meh. Oh and the gaia event is extremely boring.

wasashu 02-15-2008 11:37 AM

OMG! haha poor clorissa xD hope the event and chocolates ease your poor mind xDD

EDIT: oh and i totally agree with you Aeisha... you jus have to kiss people, and you get gold for a level... >3> items are cooler though, but there's only like 3 or so? xDD oh well jus stock up on them jus in case :3

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