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titaneatomoe 05-15-2008 03:23 AM

I cant belive we dont have that movie yet

Nephila 05-15-2008 06:56 AM

@ Roo: XD hehee. I've been bad an hardly go into anyones threads anymore.

@ sis: I know I always look at it when I m in the movie store too. lol. OMG Nolan's brother Kyle was naughty and ninjaed something from a run! o.o!

Nephila 05-16-2008 02:45 AM

Wow! we had a lot of fun today at Harbor view <3

We played miniature golf, Blew bubbles, played on a half built new play structure, and feed birds. The material they used for sand is really strange...It was like a haevy rubber foam chopped into blue first we though it was chip wood sprayed blue then we walked on it...and it felt kinda bouncy. Really weird.

Oh and we played with a nice dog someone had chained up while they we're golfing. The poor doogie was attention starved and jumped on Lilith wagging it's tail. It was pretty funny. It kept doing that thing dogs do when they want to be petted and nudging it's nose on her elbow. Pretty friendly, reminded me of Sundance though :(

When we first got there I felt and tripped pretty bad though into a gofer hole...darn things! They must be in a conspiracy with the reptile people *evil glare*

Then Nolan took me to KP to get some make up and stuff because he thinks I m still going to the Key Con. I honestly don't know if it's going to happen, and if it is probably for only night...somehow. :roll:

I decided to play a bit of tetris to get over the 8000 mark... an hour later... VICTORY IS MINE! Of course I'll probably have like... 5000 (if I m lucky) by the time the new stuff comes out.

roocee 05-16-2008 03:07 AM

I played Tetris yesterday for a bit and didn't to too bad. Not as good as I used to do but I guess I just need practice. It's different with the computer than a game console.

Yeah, I don't get to many threads lately but I am really trying to get out of lurker mode and back to posting and chatting again. It's just hard lately to do.

Sweet Summer Day 05-16-2008 03:25 AM

i epic fail at tetris the game i make the most with is the helicopter game i make from 8-10gold a go

titaneatomoe 05-16-2008 04:37 AM

I see Dark crystal almost everywhere i go...I just havent goten around to buying it yet....mainly cause there Was a boxset that had the dark crystal, labyrinth and mirror mask in it >.< I havent seen it in a while though T_T oh well

it's good that you had a great time at the park...even though you fell XD

Squuueee I dont know what troy has plaind for this weekend but he told me he was exited but nervous 0.o he's bounceing around telling me he's trying to get everything ready before saturday cause he wont have anytime on saturday to do any of it since danny and i are meeting him at work....he's so silly XD

Nephila 05-16-2008 06:19 AM

@ Roo: Yeah it is. I loved the Arcade version of Tetris. if ever someone was on it while I was there I would shot evil hate eyes at them. ROFL! Gems and pong are fun too. huh... you know...It would be really cool to be able to play pong with other mene members. Though It would probably suck to code and crash everything.

@ Sweet Summer Day: I don't even last long enough to score on the helicopter game XD! I crash within micro seconds. LOL!

@ Sis: I see it a lot too, I always think that oh...we probably have it though when I see it so I don't get it. I saw a version of it just today with a shiny cool cover. I can't believe I spent so much on make up today >.< the ill came too $45.50 ...ouch.
oh well Nolan was buying to tee hee!

Hmmm, maybe it'll be Anime "pron" on his big screen? *gets stuff thrown at her* heheheee. It'll be cool and lonely with out every one here this weekend. Me and Pika will have free rein ROFL!

titaneatomoe 05-16-2008 12:45 PM

hehe I love shiny covers XD nope we dont have it yet >.< LOL it's fun buying new stuff's everynow and then.

>.< Bad sister Bad...he wouldent do that. he would tell me if were going to watch that kind of Anime LOL...but ya No deffinatly not that ^^;; he told me he was runing around from store to store picking things up for saturday ^^ oh well...only one more sleep till i find out what it is ^_^

roocee 05-16-2008 01:39 PM

Morning ladies.

Sweet Summer Day 05-16-2008 01:40 PM


titaneatomoe 05-16-2008 05:03 PM

morning to the two of you to XD

Nephila 05-16-2008 10:39 PM

It's raining flowers <3

roocee 05-17-2008 01:32 AM

I'm finally starting to get some.

titaneatomoe 05-17-2008 03:31 AM

ya... Iknow where he is hideing but he wont take my flowers...T_T

Nephila 05-17-2008 06:07 AM

OMG! The item is really pretty...but there's a glitch on mine...I don't think the skirt comes with the item. Does it?

I don't have this skirt in my inventory either. strange.

EDIT: NM the orange skirt is gone now, it was still weird though. Wow! these buds are great o.o I wish they would work on the items already in the regular stores XD I was able to get all the new commons I wanted so fast! I might get a few more like one of those lanterns on a walking stick but they're so many different version of the same color I don't know which to get.

If you need to you can always come down here and use my internet. I don't know why dad won't let you use firefox, it's safer than IE with fewer bugs. Man my outfit looks so stylish <3

now I can say what I've always wanted to say...


titaneatomoe 05-17-2008 04:52 PM

Bahh I was going to get that set LOL...I want all the kimono sets T_T Im not going to get as much items as i did last event...Im going to be a troy's and I dont want to go there and ask him if i could go click crazy on a site LOL

edit: Hmm to get all the store items that i want..I need 296 blubs >.0 many items...

xuvrette 05-17-2008 05:18 PM

Is the 2nd clue out?

titaneatomoe 05-17-2008 09:25 PM

yes it is ^^ the item is pretty T_T I hope they can fix this layering thing so i can actually get the items...but i know there doing there best.

Nephila 05-18-2008 03:21 AM

The old transformer cartoon is on tv so me a Lilith were watching it. XD

Yeah I guess you won't be getting 10 sets like you did with last event huh. That was nuts woman! but you did it.

I m going for my usual 6. One for me and five for Selling. Those cherry Blossoms are really cool! They came out with the two I thought they would for this event, now I m not sure what else they'll come out with.

I m starting on the red an orange kimono set now. The buds have really been dropping for me. That weird orange skirt is back again... even though I never bought it and it's not in my inventory.

I m tempted to get a pair of wings, because when they go up in the real stores they'll be 6000 I could mark em' at 5000 and make a pretty amazing profit. I m not even sure If I'll be keeping the kimono set's I m getting. On top of the Atlantis and Fire one I might get the Orchid one too. Not sure though. But I'll be keeping the sparkler for sure <3

titaneatomoe 05-18-2008 03:56 AM

the buds dont seem to like me T_T I have lots of orchids...wich is ok....but i wish they would both be coming at me with the same amount...sigh.... just need 200 and somewhat buds...*twich* ....oh well well see what happens

Oh and Troy made me dinner and we ate outside, he brung out his mp3 player and some speekers and all the songs wee romanic <33 and he dance with me ^_^ *happyness*

Nephila 05-18-2008 04:08 AM

Aww how cute! Was that his surprise then? Some of the valentine sets look really good with this kimono. :heart: To bad the other events didn't have this new system. It makes me excited to see what the next event will be like. *spoils herself with commons*

My inventory is so big now! lol! At the end of the event I m going to total how many items I bought with the buds and see how much I would have paid in gold. =3

titaneatomoe 05-18-2008 05:46 PM

the buds dont seem to like me ....HOW ARE YOU GETIG SO MANY BUDS bad caps lazy to change it back to normal size font...i hope i cant get at lest one of the kimono sets ..

oh guess what, danny slept till 6;30 XD but then troy told him to goback to sleep till and he did o.0 was funny..and he took his pills fast...i like it here, danny is so well behaved here..makes me wana move in hehe

roocee 05-18-2008 05:50 PM

Buds don't like me either titan.

titaneatomoe 05-18-2008 06:01 PM

Ggr Argg theres so many items i want to get...yet so little buds pop up T-T...oh well at least i got this pretty outfit

Nephila 05-18-2008 06:28 PM

*pops open a can of pretend beer (cuz real beer is gross)*

This Buds for you. ROFL!!!

For me it's opposite, I haven't been getting as many Orchids. I usually like to have the amount I'll need for the next item so I can get it right away the next day. But meh. I m thinking of getting all the sparklers just cuz they're fun. XD I mean might as well they're like free. <3

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