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wish 01-22-2008 07:26 AM

Ooh dream's thread! She's had it like that for a good couple of hours. xD

hey leasfy!

x-cutie-x-pie-x 01-22-2008 07:26 AM

leasfy? is that your mule?
@wish; she has? gosh. xD;
must go!

wish 01-22-2008 07:30 AM

well i know she's had that thread up for a bit but had that "DONT POST" thing on it for a while. LOL

remaja 01-22-2008 07:31 AM

wish: hey you! how goes it with you? :D
oh btw when will the limited cake be gone from special event store? :o

pie: yush <3 xD

wish 01-22-2008 07:33 AM

Limited cake should be gone on valentines day or when the valentines day events go into the special event store, so you have a while to go.

remaja 01-22-2008 07:37 AM

oh yay! so it will be about 14 more days to go xD
siippp! i can collect as much gold as i can so that i could hoard xD

DreamChan 01-22-2008 08:01 AM

@ Wish

Sorry me and my sister always switch computers so that is why I don't reply that much. So, what are we talking about now? lol X3

wish 01-22-2008 08:02 AM

rofl. i would hoard them.. but they're not that pretty... ;[

i don't like cake on head.. xD

Jennifer 01-22-2008 08:04 AM

Has anyone offered on your Winter's Flight yet?

remaja 01-22-2008 08:09 AM

oh :(
meanin not many people will like them
duh now the question is shall i or should not I? xD

wish 01-22-2008 08:26 AM

Oh sorry! I was in PK's thread playing the trivia!

Yes JenJen, Orange offered 350g. ^^;

leasfy should go for it. xD

DreamChan 01-22-2008 08:29 AM

@ Wish

I could buy it from you for 400 gold but I'm questing for panda slippers.

wish 01-22-2008 08:30 AM

i'm just taking offers on it for now dream. xD cause i sold the last four off like SNAP. LOL

remaja 01-22-2008 08:32 AM

what kind of trivia is that wish?

DreamChan 01-22-2008 08:35 AM

@ Wish

Oh, lol X3 Ya, I know I saw a lot of people wanting the winter's flight and wow people love them! lol X3

wish 01-22-2008 08:55 AM

About PK. xD Just guesses. Sometimes she throws in other such trivia like puzzle questions etc etc.

Dream; really? :O I sold like 4 recently. xD

DreamChan 01-22-2008 09:07 AM

@ Wish

Really? I thought you sold like 3? I was wondering what is your gaia online account? I wanted to add you lol X3 Mine is Dream Chans. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!! My cake is starting to get bitten off my head! TT TT So, it wasn't me. TT TT (Wa...I wanted to eat my own cake lol X3)

wish 01-22-2008 09:26 AM

I think I sold 3 for 350g to Supergirl, Neko Neko Kitty, and OneofLittleHarmony and then I sold one for Halloween set + 25g last night.

Those four are the ones I remember from looking at my trades + off the top of my head. LOL

DreamChan 01-22-2008 09:30 AM

@ Wish

Wow! You must have a lot of money for selling 4 winter's flight! :3

wish 01-22-2008 09:50 AM

:: Points at pure. :: XD That?

DreamChan 01-22-2008 09:53 AM

@ Wish

Lol ya. X3 It looks a lot to me. My highest gold I've earned is the one under my foot.

wish 01-22-2008 09:55 AM

LOL. I have to pay mocha for a set of masks though. >__>; So yeah it's not mine. LOL

DreamChan 01-22-2008 10:07 AM

@ Wish

How much is a set of masks?

wish 01-22-2008 10:11 AM

1k each i think. some people offered him a bit more but i think they're around 1k each so 2k for a set.

` Panda.Lover 01-22-2008 10:51 AM

hello everyone! :]
just got home from
school and i ish really
tired. and i ish thankful for
no homework today!

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