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madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:54 AM

Aww okay well I hope you feel better hun! <3

serena yuy 11-06-2009 04:57 AM

Night Faux! Have a good day tomorrow :)

^^ in my happy place. My fave hockey team won tonight. ^_^ and the beat the Bruins!!! woot!!!

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 05:19 AM

Who was playing? I hope my favorite hockey team beats the Bruins soon too! The Pittsburgh Penguins. ^.^

serena yuy 11-06-2009 05:27 AM

Montreal Canadiens were playing the Bruins and beat them in a shootout.

I'm funny, I live about 1.5 hours away from Buffalo and the majority of the people in my town like the Sabres, I can't stand them. And my fave team is the Canadiens and I live like 5-6hours away from Montreal.

Oh yeah and when I go to school. I go to school in Fredonia NY and that's like 45 min south of Buffalo, a good chunk of people there like the Bills and the Sabres. And I'm a Patriots/Canadiens fan. >.< My firefox browser is the Habs themed one.

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 02:23 PM

Lol well congrats that they won! I'm sure you don't like my team very much right now! But I think that's sort of most of the country who likes football or hockey.. >.>

FREDONIA!! I watch Doctor Who and just incase you don't... which most people I know don't... there's a part where he takes this ... darker skinned gorgeous actress back in time to London during one of Shakespeare's plays and she gets hit on by Shakespeare and when he asks where she's from she says Fredonia. [/random add moment]

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 03:33 PM

Anyone here?! *plunks down in nearest chair*

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 03:48 PM

Hey faux! I am.. just playing games and eating an apple and peanut butter. * om nom nom *

R a n d e h 11-06-2009 03:50 PM

I'm sorta here...getting ready for work. I work 12pm-9pm today..that sucks because it's the WHOLE day!

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 03:53 PM

I'm sorry Randee!

Today I pretty much have another low key day. <.< Tomorrow I only work 5 hours.

R a n d e h 11-06-2009 03:56 PM


ALSO I love your new outfit!!

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:07 PM

Thank you! I feel like it needs more but I don't know what. 0_o

I wish I worked more tomorrow! but oh well.

I was wanting to go see the Arctic Monkeys for my birthday but I checked the website yesterday and more than a month in advance they already sold out <.<

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 04:08 PM

I like backgrounds on my avis... maybe it needs one?

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:18 PM

I'm a total item newbie. <.<

Are there any ones that may be winter-y like snowflakes or something that would look nice?

R a n d e h 11-06-2009 04:19 PM

Well I think it needs accessories, but that's because I'm an accessory addict XD; *points to current avatar* I have on...right now...18 items XD; My last avatar though had 27items I *Think* XDD;

Oh gotta go to work now!

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:20 PM

Have a nice day at work, Randee!

I like the idea of accessories but I'm afraid I'll screw it up. lol I really need to go on a shopping spree but I don't want to screw up and end up with a bunch of items I hate. xD

Are there any essentials you think everyone should have in their inventory, faux?

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 04:25 PM

Well - I usually go for a color theme. So. *points at hair* I love this hair - so I look for stuff that might match. *or* honestly - just go for it!

Belts are great cause they cut the colors right in the middle and are amazing!

Gloves also add hints of color without looking to obnoxious.

Seriously! Dont' be afraid?! It's only some pixels! And if you buy something you like - you can't go wrong. Even if it doesn't look good with your current avi - one day you'll have an avi that matches... slowly but surely!

Just HAVE FUN! That is what matters! <3

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:36 PM

Lol Thanks, I'll see what I can do. <3

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 04:38 PM

Girl - you have style! go use it! What's the use in having a million dollars if you can't enjoy it a little - it's easy to get gold on here! Go out and do some shopping! <3 <3 <3

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:41 PM

I will be doing a bit of shopping <3 I'm working on maxing out my gold from games today. and will spend that and I'm working on getting bones though SLOWWLLYYY -grrr- to get delicious items from the event store. <3

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 04:44 PM

I kinda think you need a lollipop! I bought four so far. I love them! We'll keep chattering away so you can get your bones!

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 04:59 PM

Thanks dear! <3 and yes I want about 5-6 of the lollipops. <.<

Maybe that will be the next thing I buy <3

I want: 3 more hairpins, 5 lollipops, 6 bodices, 2 voodoo hats, 5 voodoo top hats, 4 surcoats, and some other random stuff. xD

Fauxreal 11-06-2009 05:10 PM

Here is my problem with that kinda thing - I like a little from several collections - so I try not to buy to much from the same event. Handhelds I can do - because generally it's a little different. But, I like a little insanity in my wardrobe. Have you seen my Quest list on here... ho'dang.

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 05:15 PM

Nope I don't think I have. I have only about 30 items all together so I figure some of the items I feel I could use with multiple avatars I try to get so I can try to blend together some variety. I figure I gotta start somewhere! I love the Bodices though.. probably my favorite. If I could I'd get them all. lol

serena yuy 11-06-2009 05:31 PM

Afternoon everyone. ^_^
I'm finding ways to keep myself busy while waiting for the boyfriend to come on or come over after looking at a car with his dad.
The boyfriend doesn't have a car and has been driving his dad's 2 seater pick up truck for pretty much since we got back from college in May. and this is possible b/c currently his dad has a work vehicle. But his dad is in the process of looking for another job and leaving the current one he's at. So, this will bring them down a car and my b/f needing a car. Thankfully he'll get a car not a truck. ^^

madd_hatters 11-06-2009 05:37 PM

That's good. ^.^

I don't drive, either. I sort of want to get a smart car or a Scion IQ. lol I like 'em little. Size does matter! But since I'm not much of a driver I don't want a big ole honking metal beast. lol

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