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Aoi Kazuya 12-07-2013 04:39 AM

I'm so sorry guys, i won't be able to answer till later >.>

a91nicole 12-07-2013 05:44 AM

Hi guys,

Just wanted to say hello! I'm Allikat, a91nicole, Allison. I'm a good friend of Xavi's and I also know Duke from Wtfrpg. Xavi showed me this RP, so I joined on up. I'll be playing Artemis, New Agent B. I can't wait to start playing. All of your characters are so interesting and multidimensional!

Eek, I'm so excited :3 :3

ClockworkLupine 12-07-2013 06:45 AM

Welcome aboard Allikat! Hope you have fun, this is a great group. :)

Esmme 12-07-2013 07:04 AM

Stabby Stabby habit?? Well thank heavens Vlad has decent manners and a great resistance to pain and stabbings. ;) Gets stabbed and shot all the time.

Bring it on, loveling.

And Alli!! Good day, and welcome to our realm. -bows extravagantly-

a91nicole 12-07-2013 07:15 AM

Thanks for the warm welcome!

I know I'll have fun, Xavi never makes a bad rp :p

Also, I have to say, Esmme, I particularly like Vlad. I feel like he and Artemis might almost not hate each other. Mostly cause she's a super intelligent, well-read, well-versed in mythology girl who uses shakespearean insults. Though I find all the characters to be really interest, I really just like something about him lol.

ClockworkLupine 12-07-2013 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Esmme (Post 1772304717)
Stabby Stabby habit?? Well thank heavens Vlad has decent manners and a great resistance to pain and stabbings. ;) Gets stabbed and shot all the time.

Bring it on, loveling.

Is that a challenge? ;) If so I accept. Truth be told, I think they might actually get along pretty well. XD

Alli, I can't wait to see your character's profile! Artemis already sounds awesome. ^_^

a91nicole 12-07-2013 07:22 AM

Thanks! I'd go ahead and post, but I don't want to yet in case Xavi has something she wants me to change.

Esmme 12-07-2013 07:31 AM

@Lupine: Oh, I have a feeling they'd be getting along well, though it might look like they're being mean to one another at face value. Hahah! I think they're on different teams .... But I digress - they would get along in a strange way.

@Alli: Indeed! Xavi never makes a bad rp. :3 And thank you! Vlad is definitely an interesting sort. Sort of created himself, really.... Crazy, how these characters just spring up out of nowhere....

And ah! I see an interesting relationship starting up in the future. Haha! I like her already. Artemis. A lovely name, that! Her intelligence will set her apart from many others, as Vlad may have anger issues, but has no tolerance for insanity. As it seems many of the criminals have a strange mindset, he will likely hate being around them. But if Artemis is more intellectual ....

She's the new agent, so Vlad will be poking at her choice (if it was a choice) to join the SFA. He really does hate the SFA....

*purrs* I'm so excited!!

a91nicole 12-07-2013 07:55 AM

@ Esmme: Yeah she's completely an intellectual. She's also totally pretentious and bitchy to people she thinks are less intelligent than her. And yes, it was a choice- mostly cause she's so obssessed with mythology and religion that she wanted to put that information to first hand use.

The name Artemis was obviously taken from the goddess. She uses a souped up bow with explosive arrows. And if Xavi okays it, she's going to have a massive white stag that she works with that she rides on in battle so she can stay at a range. She also believes stags ward off evil lol. And fun fact about her, her birth name is Eve, but she hated Eve so she changed it to Artemis lol.

Basically this all came from the fact that I took a Greek art and archaeology course this semester and its stuck in my brain.

But yeah, I can't wait to play with their dynamic.

Esmme 12-07-2013 08:00 AM

:O White stags ftw. That's amazing. SO Greek mythology! It's cool how classes do that to our brains. :D

And oh yes ... the dynamic ... *sigh* I can't wait. <3

Alright, Es is off to sleep. :3 Have a good one!

a91nicole 12-07-2013 08:05 AM

yeah I was thinking of doing something more traditional, but then I was like "NOPE. White stag." But yeah, I love the inspiration that can come from classes. it also makes it easier to give characters more unique quirks.

ugh I'm so sooo excited about this rp, I just want to dive in and be like "OH YEAH! THIS IS HAPPENING".

But yes... dynamics.... going to have fun with those.

And goodnight Es, talk to you tomorrow.

Xavirne 12-07-2013 01:40 PM

I'm awesome. Yup. Bow to me. B|

Kiyoto 12-07-2013 02:50 PM

o.o lol random

Esmme 12-07-2013 04:09 PM

I bow to no one. *scowl*

I should just start talking like Vlad in this OOC thread ... just to make life more interesting. So any mean comments anyone gets? Yeah, those are from Vlad. xD

a91nicole 12-07-2013 05:20 PM

I love doing things like that.

I believe Xavi calls it "OOC while still in character" also known as a crack thread lol. Its so much fun.

Also, Esmme, I had Ajax/Artemis stop at Vlads cell for a moment too long if you wanted someone to interact with. Also, not gonna lie, im curious to see their dynamic lol

ClockworkLupine 12-07-2013 06:24 PM

Wow, I'm laughing so hard right now. Artemis is all professional while Ajax has a lot of attitude, I love it. XD Good job on your profile and great post!

a91nicole 12-07-2013 06:26 PM

@clockwork: Thanks :3 I decided I wanted Ajax to be a little bit of a rascal lol. Sort of like Maximus from Tangled.

ClockworkLupine 12-07-2013 06:32 PM

You certainly succeeded. I'm eager to see how the B Team will react to a battle stag hanging around.

OT: You know, I have yet to see Tangled. How was it?

@Xavi: Found another song for Lolipop! "Bring Me to Life" by Evanescence.

Kiyoto 12-07-2013 06:51 PM

I found one for the insaine two o..o. Gotta love em~

ClockworkLupine 12-07-2013 06:57 PM

Kanra may look adorable but man... XD DID was an interesting choice for diagnosis. What inspired that?

Kiyoto 12-07-2013 07:12 PM

XD lol, hehehehehe.

I wanted to bring someone fun and a little crazy to the rp XD. Someone who could be cute and cuddly then all smexy and badass the next moment. Plus he's just plain fun to rp with XD hehehehe. You can't help but love him in all his insade glory.

a91nicole 12-07-2013 07:13 PM

@lupine: yeah it's very good, you should see it. It's cute and funny. I also want to go see Frozen. I just need someone to go with lol.

Yeah b team is gonna be a hot mess I think lol.

@kiyoto: he's going to be a fun character to see, a lot of the characters are so serious so it'll be good to have someone a bit different

Kiyoto 12-07-2013 07:16 PM

XD he's the insane comic relief to all the sour people, while maintaining his own inner darkness~

Esmme 12-07-2013 07:19 PM

Oh the dynamics. I will read and reply sometime today- I'm attending a wedding today. :)

---------- Post added 12-07-2013 at 11:32 AM ----------

Ermahgersh, she fights hand to hand. I love you. Lololol, Vlad will really enjoy this....

Also, I added in a very vampire-like aspect to Vlad, so that will certainly catch Artemis' attention. <3

Kiyoto 12-07-2013 07:58 PM

XD I was looking at pics, found one that made me think of the Psychiatrist Discord was talkin to

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