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Dystopia 08-07-2011 02:11 AM

☼Fun times!☼
Username: Dystopia
The 8-sided dice lands on 5

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:11 AM

okay, how about the coolest one I've seen. is that better? and cooler than I have been able to make.

Cexa 08-07-2011 02:11 AM

Nah I found out what mistake I made >< I deleted the 8 in the middle >.< I need to get use to the Dice rollin

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:12 AM

I LOVE Dystopia's avi! so many clever people here tonight!

Hatake Ayumi 08-07-2011 02:12 AM

Hoohoohoo~ Balloons! Fantastic! 8D

Seito 08-07-2011 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Cexa (Post 1769690803)
Nah I found out what mistake I made >< I deleted the 8 in the middle >.< I need to get use to the Dice rollin

Yes that will cause a problem.

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:14 AM

gee, go figure. I told my son the remote was under the couch and he actually looked and it was actually there!

Elirona 08-07-2011 02:14 AM

It's about goddamn time!

☼Fun times!☼
The 8-sided dice lands on 8

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:15 AM

I have a burn would on my arm and it is itching like mad!!! too bad rolling the dice won't make it stop. :(

Aoi Kazuya 08-07-2011 02:15 AM

did you try toothpaste?

Cexa 08-07-2011 02:16 AM

I will try next time then ^^''

Liztress 08-07-2011 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by crazymuch (Post 1769690797)
okay, how about the coolest one I've seen. is that better? and cooler than I have been able to make.

I'll settle for that. xD Though, I'm sure you could make a cooler one.

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:17 AM

yeah, if I had the funds and was aware of all the items we have I might be able to make a spiffier one.

what would putting toothpaste on an itchy wound do?

Seito 08-07-2011 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Cexa (Post 1769690874)
I will try next time then ^^''

You're welcome to reroll~

Aoi Kazuya 08-07-2011 02:18 AM

i'm not sure...I forgot if people told me to put toothpaste or soy sauce on a burn...

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:19 AM

it's a burn from a week ago. I just kept picking at it. I have left it alone for a day now and just put ointment and a bandaid on it and it is itching like mad!

Aoi Kazuya 08-07-2011 02:20 AM

ohhh...well then....try poking it? or scratching somewhere else? sometimes that works for me.

Seito 08-07-2011 02:20 AM

Hello Peeps, my family is making plans to leave soon



Hatake Ayumi 08-07-2011 02:21 AM

/eager to see what the prizes may be/

PapillonCameo 08-07-2011 02:21 AM

@Kent- Maybe those horns from a CI.. Not horns of nature but mystic faun?

I AM LOST! T.T All the conversations left me behind..

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:21 AM

OY I'm stupid! I had an ice cream bar beside me that I was letting get soft for a few minutes and totally forgot about and it got all melty. I had to put it back in the freezer. :(


I half think it feels itchy only because I can't itch it right now ...

my kitten INSISTS on drinking water from my glass and while the bathroom sink is running. he's such a nut ball!

KH4Life 08-07-2011 02:22 AM

☼Fun times!☼
The 8-sided dice lands on 6

Aoi Kazuya 08-07-2011 02:24 AM parents won't let me let the cat out of the kitchen...the last time i did she tried jumping on my lap while i was typing, she got halway on my arm before falling back down. scared me how high she jumped >.>

PapillonCameo 08-07-2011 02:24 AM

@Crazy- Oh, how is your kitty?

crazymuch 08-07-2011 02:24 AM

you know, the more I think about it, the more I notice how some of his behaviors and my reactions to them are like the cat I had and loved that died 3 years ago.


he is doing good. I was just talking to my dad last night and I discovered that my little Punk was born on April 1st! explains some of his behavior! :lol: I got a picture of him, let me find it ...

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