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Tinelle 08-01-2007 03:37 AM

Miyu: I have the little spell corrector line in firefox too x'D It really helps!

Winter: Ooo thanks for the images :3 I like the purple better ^^ Eee~ I can't wait till I have some more gold x'D

veen 08-01-2007 03:37 AM

  • hiya everyone :]]

Seiki Nova 08-01-2007 03:38 AM

Last minute and it grows to 17 pages xD

Winterwolfgoddess 08-01-2007 03:38 AM

No problem tin. ^^
Sadly the new hairstyles and the pin has not been added yet.

Winterwolfgoddess 08-01-2007 03:40 AM

Hey veen ^^

veen 08-01-2007 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Winterwolfgoddess

Hey veen ^^

  • how're you tonight? :]
    oh and the art in your sig is gorgeous :O

Winterwolfgoddess 08-01-2007 03:41 AM

Veen-I am doing fine. You?
Thank you <3

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 03:43 AM

@winter: ooh nice... yeah, i agree with you... the purple is way better... <3
yeah... some items aren't there yet, but i'm still grateful to temmon for all she's done... <3

@veen: hi hi <3

@seiki: i know... i have no idea how to keep up... XD

veen 08-01-2007 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Winterwolfgoddess

Veen-I am doing fine. You?
Thank you <3

  • doing pretty good myself ^^
    I'm glad this carnival turned out to be such a big hit <3

Winterwolfgoddess 08-01-2007 03:46 AM

Miyu- Me too<3 Temmon has been very helpful ^^

Veen-Yes, the carnival is a very big success. ^^

veen 08-01-2007 03:46 AM

  • winterwolfgoddess: indeed :]] I always seem to miss the trivia and treasure hunt though Dx

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 03:48 AM

yeah... i'm so glad i get to be part of an event...
and even tho i don't get to stay the whole time, at least i was able to be here part of the time... which is good enough for me...
(my first event on mene... *teary eyes due to happiness* )
<-- dork

Winterwolfgoddess 08-01-2007 03:50 AM

Veen- xD I missed both today because the net died just as they were starting. xD
Miyu- xD You must be very happy then. I like this one a lot more than the easter one (the first i was in)

veen 08-01-2007 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by nocturnal miyu
@winter: ooh nice... yeah, i agree with you... the purple is way better... <3
yeah... some items aren't there yet, but i'm still grateful to temmon for all she's done... <3

@veen: hi hi <3

@seiki: i know... i have no idea how to keep up... XD

  • how're you tonight? <3

    yay! events are so exciting :b
    yeahh, I missed the beginning as well n-n yesterday was my first day x]]
    baha, I'm right there with you xDD

    winterwolfgoddess: ahh, I'm just at swim or out doing something whenever they happen to take place Dx ah wells, I'll just participate in the other things instead :b

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 03:56 AM

@winter: oh? wasn't the easter event fun?
cuz it seemed to have a lot of cute items... and there was stuff going on too rite?

@veen: i'm good tonight... too lazy to pack... :lol:
well, i missed the first day... but starting tomorrow i don't know will i be able to get on either... ^^;

veen 08-01-2007 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by nocturnal miyu
@winter: oh? wasn't the easter event fun?
cuz it seemed to have a lot of cute items... and there was stuff going on too rite?

@veen: i'm good tonight... too lazy to pack... :lol:
well, i missed the first day... but starting tomorrow i don't know will i be able to get on either... ^^;

  • oo, where are you off to? :O
    aww I see~ are you going to be on vacation?

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 03:59 AM

yeah.. i'm going to new york city and parts of canada...
i'll see niagara falls for the first time... <3
it's a 2 week trip with no guarantee of internet access... T_T
but it should be a fun trip, so i'm totally looking forward to it... <3

veen 08-01-2007 04:00 AM

  • ee, that sounds so exciting! :OO I've only been to NYC once myself, as part of our east coast trip in 8th grade, but I loooved it <33 hope you have tons of fun~ oo, niagara falls :O I've never seen it in RL either, tell me how it is! ;o
    aha, ah wells n-n I'd totally give up internet for 2 weeks for a trip like that xD

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 04:04 AM

i know... it's a well worth sacrifice... :lol:
i'll definitely post about it once i come back... *squeals*
and maybe i'll even get to go online a few times during the trip, but not much... ^^;
(nyc and canada >> mene and gaia XD )

veen 08-01-2007 04:06 AM

  • haha definitely xDD
    oo yay <33 aha yeah, wouldn't wanna wast precious time when you could be enjoooying the city ;o
    baha, I'd have to agree there xD <33

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 04:08 AM

plus i don't even know what time we have to wake up everyday... lol... if it's like 7am and then i get home at like 11pm... even with internet it'll be like... sleep... XD

veen 08-01-2007 04:09 AM

  • oo, who are you going with? :O

    aha yeahh, I know what you mean :lol:
    but its like.. a good tired xD

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 04:14 AM

my family... it's like family trip of 6 people and then one of my aunt and uncle's friend is coming along... :)

nocturnal miyu 08-01-2007 04:15 AM

be back in a bit... need to work on blueblackrose's piccie.. <3

veen 08-01-2007 04:17 AM

  • oo I see, that's always fun <33
    the more the merrier xDD
    one of the things that comes with having a biiig extended family.. :lol:

    okie dokie ^^

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