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Cami 10-31-2009 05:33 PM

Bartucky! You're looking hot.

Bartuc 10-31-2009 05:34 PM

Wow! You are looking great too cami!

Chi 10-31-2009 05:35 PM

Barrrtuuuc... stay here and chat. :hug:

*is going for lunch now, really*! I just needed to get my avatar dressed.

Ace Strife 10-31-2009 05:36 PM

Oh Oh Chii wheere is my M&M I love M&M's they are the yummist

xoSarahBellaxo 10-31-2009 05:37 PM

Hi everyone happy Halloween.

Imp 10-31-2009 05:37 PM

TucTuc!! /Tackles!

Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:37 PM

@ Cami : B-But... FUNGUS. O_O;; </3

@ Ace : Yes, I am. >83 It's 1:37am right now, November 1. xDD;; <3<3

@ Imp : Welcome back! :> What did you eat then? =P

@ Bartuc : Hey you! =P <3<3

@ Chi : Oohh, you gonna be a sneaky assassin ninja like Rando too! =O <3<3

@ Sarah : Happy Halloween to you as well! ^^ <3<3

Bartuc 10-31-2009 05:39 PM

I will be around for a few moments. Gotta eat also, and maybe a nap. Long crazy, yet relaxing night last night. :hug:

*smacks head on curb* T_T

Hey ^^

Cami 10-31-2009 05:40 PM

Ryl: It's yummy. ^-^ Do you like mushrooms?

Bartucky: Thankyah!

Why are people going to eat now? D: Lunchtime just ended. /points at empty bowl/

Bartuc 10-31-2009 05:42 PM

Cause I just got home about 30 minutes ago. o_o; and I am hungry and Pollo Campero took almost an hour to get me my omelet >,>;

Pietro 10-31-2009 05:42 PM

I do have a blank slate D:.
I wanna make a cool avatar with the Event Commons, but I can't spend one more cent, as I owe a freind 1.7k for November CI's D:

Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:42 PM

@ Bartuc : Your art btw is coming along nicely. :> Already halfway through the inking process. :'D <3<3 Also, I finally am watching Heroes! xDD;; Gonna watch episode 4 now! ^^ Well, not now, since Mene has an event, but you know. ^^;;

@ Cami : Yes I do, actually. =O <3<3

Imp 10-31-2009 05:44 PM

@TucTuc - Awh.. /patapt. /Gives candy.

@Ry - Breakfast. xDD
Pancake, three pieces of bacon and two eggs. Scrambled of course. <4

Ace Strife 10-31-2009 05:44 PM

-Rly- Wow thats 8hrs head of my -faints-

-Sarah- Hii theree

End of silence 10-31-2009 05:44 PM

Hi guys :)

happy halloween

Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:45 PM

@ Imp : Oohh, sounds delicious... :drool: <3<3

@ Ace : *fans you* D8!! Don't faint! >.<;;

@ End of silence : Happy Halloween to you as well then! :'D <3<3

Ace Strife 10-31-2009 05:51 PM

-Rly- Where ya from if you dont mind me asking just curious to know the time zine leads too

Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:51 PM

Ace, I'm from the Philippines, in Asia. ^^ <3<3

Rose-Mclane 10-31-2009 05:52 PM


Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:53 PM

Hihi there, Rose! ^^ <3<3

Rose-Mclane 10-31-2009 05:54 PM


Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:56 PM

How are you enjoying the event so far then? ^^ <3<3

Bartuc 10-31-2009 05:57 PM

=) I am excited to see it!
hehe. Another one hooked! *arm pump*

*throws candy in mouth* <3

Rylynne 10-31-2009 05:59 PM

I made Omi look a little TOO evil by accident though. D: Oh well? >.<;; Hope she doesn't kill me, lolz. xDD;;
And yeah, it's good so far. :> Glad to see it going back to its Season 1 self. =P <3<3

Cami 10-31-2009 05:59 PM

Bartucky: Psh. When I'm done eating, everyone is done eating.

Ryl: Well, this tastes nothing like mushrooms, but those are also a fungus. XD

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