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Flowery Pit 11-04-2012 02:51 AM

Well, the term I used would be still correct because kit foxes have large ears. But fennecs are more thought of. How strange. Just one lives in North America and one lives in North Africa.

Falconwing 11-04-2012 02:51 AM

They are cute!

Kilia 11-04-2012 02:52 AM

it all works out lol they are related after all lol

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 03:05 AM

I'm a kitty cat >w< mreow!

Kilia 11-04-2012 03:09 AM

i love kitties!!!

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 03:11 AM

Me too. I have one ^^
She's a big fat kitty.

Kilia 11-04-2012 03:23 AM

awww mine is fluffy and has another hemotoma in his ear and and he is turning 13 and i might have to put him down T^T

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 03:29 AM

Can't have it removed?

Flowery Pit 11-04-2012 03:33 AM

Oh.. well I wouldn't advise looking up hemotoma on wikipedia. That is one scary bruise. How did your cat get that in his ear? :-(

Kilia 11-04-2012 03:37 AM

well i mean he has a blood pocket in his ear and all they will be able to do is lance it

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 03:40 AM

Lance it? Well if it's a blood pocket why don't they just take it out?

Kilia 11-04-2012 03:49 AM

cause it is just blood pooled up between the layers of his ear

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 03:57 AM

Erm... then shouldn't it be fixable? If it were a human they'd be able to fix it in a heartbeat

Kilia 11-04-2012 04:04 AM

but it is a cat so they can only lance it

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 04:10 AM

*looks* Hrm... that basically just means "popping" it... >.<

Kilia 11-04-2012 04:20 AM

yea i know

The Wandering Poet 11-04-2012 04:24 AM

I could easily do that myself... that's what poet does if something pops up that doesn't belong anyways

Siipu 11-04-2012 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet (Post 1771256760)
"Ghosts" if you want to call them that are real of course... it's just a matter of WHAT they are [lol]

Poet knows that of all the "spirit things" poet has felt, not one has ever felt neutral.
One gave a positive feeling through the room, but the rest have given off a very... hateful feeling.
=.= Poet isn't afraid of ghosts because the damn things wont leave poet alone...

I'm lucky i haven't gotten any hateful feelings yet. All of them have been pretty good. (:

dessertdesiert 11-04-2012 03:23 PM

Scary thing about halloween = Power and WiFi being out!

Siipu 11-04-2012 03:25 PM

Oh yeah. That's the most scariest thing for sure. D:
So how's it going?

dessertdesiert 11-04-2012 04:04 PM

Not bad at all -stalks Siipu throughout menewsha-

Siipu 11-04-2012 04:06 PM

Oh yay!
A stalker of my own.

dessertdesiert 11-04-2012 04:14 PM


Do you know if any event rares have come out yet?

Siipu 11-04-2012 04:17 PM

No, not yet.
But there's first one under construction. :3

dessertdesiert 11-04-2012 04:19 PM

Under construction? what is that suppose to mean?

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