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Kalium 11-01-2010 08:54 PM

Huh? Does that mean Celes Paradi is the last event that is made in the old style instead?

Luenola Marxiel 11-08-2010 06:30 AM

Any idea you have that is less time-consuming, more cost-efficient and at least equally interesting I can get behind. Best of luck!

Genji to Heike 11-08-2010 02:03 PM

(Raises hand) I'm one of them members who come in mostly only on events! xD. Well, no use hiding it, after all.

I found it highly educational to know that events cost that much money to do. That's why, for me, this "new thing" sounds exciting! I do understand your situation, mene. It's not like you can only run on member love and promises to be good little mennies.

I remember the last event I was in, yes. It did prove that no fancy shmanzy can replace good old fashioned camaraderie. I totally enjoyed it despite the many bugs (I don't think I even noticed it, I had more fun posting and trying to get into the group goal. Having a common thing to work for is very fun to do, unlike if you simply have to collect everything by yourself.

We'll be here waiting. Hope it will be a success.

TelstelNSG1 11-11-2010 08:52 AM

I missed both events T^T
I hope to be around for the christmas event ^.^

the antitwite 12-17-2010 03:53 AM

Halloween was still great even with the code-free-ness :D now that im posting more im really having a great time regardless, i think having code free events might encourage people to post more and build the community :D

jellysundae 12-17-2010 07:59 AM

Well they won't be code-free for ever more. They will be for now during the interim period because otherwise there'll be nothing at all. And there's no way of knowing how long this interim period will be, have to be honest with that. But once the new system is in place there will also be code-free events if an occasion for one presents itself :) The two will run in tandem basically, with code-free fun popping up every now and again inbetween other things.

Baksu Chyeo 12-19-2010 07:40 AM

I feel somewhat disappointed.

jellysundae 12-19-2010 07:48 AM

Baksu Chyeo: Why? All feedback is good, but when it's just a short statement like that, without any kind of explaination, it's not a whole lot of use to us. :sweat:

Baksu Chyeo 12-19-2010 07:56 AM

Well, I was around ages ago and I loved how the events were.
Of course I can't really say how things will be until the new changes show up.
I hope it won't be TOO long, I'm curious.
Plus I want an event, LOL.

CK 12-19-2010 11:48 PM

We'll still have events. :) We're preparing for the Festival of Winter Nights right now (which is why so many of the staff are distracted).

We'll just not have the sort of events we have been having. :)

Hatake Ayumi 12-20-2010 12:48 AM

/eager for the next event/
Might bump me out of my anti-social slouch.

Izumi 12-20-2010 10:47 AM

I'm with Hata-kitty. I'm super excited for an event. Hopefully we won't be waiting much longer. I love events!! :heart: :squee:

sushi_mew 12-21-2010 03:37 PM

I should have checked this out last time Iwas on here... This would explain the Halloween one. XD;

Ace Strife 12-21-2010 04:08 PM

Who cares about fancy events <3 we love chu guys soo we dont mind anything

even tho I missed Shipwreck event I am looking forward to this one

Briar Rose 12-22-2010 06:25 PM

I've missed the last couple of events, so I'm kinda confused >.<" But I'm so excited for the next event! I'm really curious to see what it will look like :D

Roxxxy 12-22-2010 07:01 PM

The FOWN starts today, right?

Briar Rose 12-22-2010 08:07 PM

It does? I wonder when...and where! XD I haven't seen any of the threads or announcements that usually accompany events, but those may be in the "coded" events area >.>

Suona 12-22-2010 10:10 PM

Well, the event store does have a few things in it right now, so they're probably still setting everything up and we'll get an announcement when its all ready. :] Maybe today or tomorrow, but probably not too far off. ^^

Also, I was wondering if anyone else noticed that none of the stores are allowing you to preview anymore? Or is that just happening to me? I'm often told whenever I have issues with stuff on here that its probably because I use IE, but I figure i'll ask and see if its a technical difficulty that they've just been too busy to get to yet. :yes:

Kalium 12-22-2010 10:27 PM

Woo hoo! Let the party begin! :D

Hatake Ayumi 12-22-2010 10:47 PM

Suo: I can preview stuff. (using Firefox).
Make sure you aren't trying to look at multi- equips?


Rainbows 12-23-2010 05:06 AM

They updated twitter BEFORE they posted an announcement? Unheard of! o w o I might actually keep getting twitter updates to my phone from mene... Usually they have at least a week between the posting of the announcement and the update. Sometimes way more or never at all XD;

Kudos to the staff member who thought it would be a good idea to keep twitter updated regularly!


Can't wait to see how the winter event will be run. :)

jellysundae 12-23-2010 11:13 PM

Twitter updates automatically when our Facebook is :)

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