Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   KERURU'S HANGOUT :: [freebies mebe?] (

Shuu 11-04-2008 12:15 AM

So I join.. and then the event ends two hours later?

Aww.. unlucky.

Verisimility 11-04-2008 12:15 AM

I've got to get up to 10 because I accidentally bought the same item twice (it was a 10 candy one). -sighs-

So now I'm like, REALLY trying to get more super fast. ;p

Good luck on getting yours, dear!

@Shuu: I'm sure that some really nice person with extra candies would give you a set of the event freebies if you asked politely or let it be known your situation. :] People here at Mene are really nice about stuff like that.

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 12:19 AM

veris; I wish you luck also <33 wonder now when It's actually going to end lol

Verisimility 11-04-2008 12:21 AM

Thank you! <3

Yeah, I's horrible. If I knew it was going to end, say, in one minute...I'd probably just stop being so RAWR and just be like, "Ok...I can't do it." but the not knowing is what's killing me. ;p I think, maybe they'll keep it up for another HOUR and I can get my item! ^^ But I just don't know. :/

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 12:24 AM

yeah lol, I have no idea.. It's just gonna be like, click click hey wait I CAN"T Post then we'll finally know it ended xDD
looks like you'll make it to your ten <3

Verisimility 11-04-2008 12:26 AM

I hope so. ^^ I really do. :3 I'm going to squeal in joy and dance and jump around if I can get it. ;p

Yeah...I hate the feeling of disappointment you get when Events end. You're having fun and then all of a sudden...there's no more Event. It's like you're cut off from the area of awesome. I always feel kind of empty and lacking purpose afterwards. ;.;

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 12:29 AM

haha yeah lol, events are almost the only time that I get crazily active xD

Verisimility 11-04-2008 12:34 AM

Same here. :3 Especially on Mene. The only items I have are from Events...I have no commons at all. ;.;

I GOT IT. -dances-

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 12:36 AM

well at least the event items are really cool and are one time chance xD
so it equates a little, but I still want to get all those commons for free xDD

mewmew07 11-04-2008 12:58 AM

I am in no need for candy or apples. I have all the items I want. No one wants me to get them any item?

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:01 AM

lol I wanted to get the guantlets but they call for so many apples xP

mewmew07 11-04-2008 01:12 AM

How much apples are they?

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:16 AM

sadly they are 17 lol

mewmew07 11-04-2008 01:29 AM

Eww! That is a lot. If I manage to make enough before the event is over, I will buy them for you. Just to be nice and I have nothing to do with my apples.

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:31 AM

aw thank you mew <333 *huggles with ya*

mewmew07 11-04-2008 01:34 AM

Just hope I get enough before they close the event. I just need 4 more apples.

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:39 AM

lol , like for the entire hour I didn't get any apples till just the last one , so sad lol if only there was a donate event currency button xp

mewmew07 11-04-2008 01:41 AM

I wish there was, then I would give you all of mine to buy the item you want.

I mean, you could just buy it with your gold if you really wanted to.

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:45 AM

yeah xD that's true, I'll probably wait little longer to see if I can make it up to 17 lol

mewmew07 11-04-2008 01:54 AM

Just two more apples and I can buy you the item.

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 01:57 AM

lol right on that 59 see if I can get anywhere with mine! pookes the apple doors!! comme on! *feels like gammbling xD

mewmew07 11-04-2008 02:03 AM

I could use some corn!

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 02:07 AM

lol xD pokes corn! see donating thing would work so welL!!
I'm so suggesting that in the feedback xDD

mewmew07 11-04-2008 02:13 AM

Yeah, you should!

FelineOrchid 11-04-2008 02:17 AM

OK cool lol I'll definitely ask about it, it may be something difficult but it would be a really useful feature

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