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M i n u x e 11-02-2009 10:58 PM

AHMAGAWD! Bartuc is an assassin throwing pineapples of doom at people. D:
The outfit looks really cool.

Bartuc 11-02-2009 11:03 PM

You look like a flaming peacock =O Looks nice <3

Izumi 11-02-2009 11:05 PM

Flaming peacock...*giggles to herself*

Bartuc 11-02-2009 11:28 PM

Such a disturbing costume. XD

Goblin Maiden 11-02-2009 11:39 PM

There were at least two guys in drag for Halloween at my school. I swear I had to double-take for one of them and go, "Is that a woman or a dude?"

CK 11-02-2009 11:53 PM

I kind of have to LOL at man Little Red Riding Hood. XD And I want his waist cinch. >3<

Cami 11-02-2009 11:54 PM

CK: How insulting! That is clearly a woman.

A very, very unattractive woman.

/so much less insulting. XD/

CK 11-02-2009 11:55 PM


ur rite, soz. :c

Cami 11-02-2009 11:55 PM

It's okay. Just don't do it again.

CK 11-02-2009 11:57 PM

I'll try not to. :c

Also - your hairstyle makes me think that there's one random white pixel attached to the top of the hood and it makes me ;kadf. ::demonstrative flailing:: XD

SouLSuRv1vER 11-03-2009 12:09 AM

Hey people :D

CK 11-03-2009 12:10 AM

Hello Mr. Devil!

SouLSuRv1vER 11-03-2009 12:12 AM

Haha :D. Ya like my costume? :)

Bartuc 11-03-2009 12:13 AM

Lil Red made me laugh so hard I spilled my drink.

CK 11-03-2009 12:16 AM

It's pretty snazzy. XD I'd probably use something else other than the candle lantern staff, but that's awesome. XD

Barty-ramen - Aww, you should have made Red buy you another. XD What did you dress as?

SouLSuRv1vER 11-03-2009 12:19 AM

Haha thanks :D. And yeah, I was debating on what I should buy to replace the candle staff :D.

CK 11-03-2009 12:22 AM

Are you looking for something staff-like or a light source sort of thing? :3

SouLSuRv1vER 11-03-2009 12:23 AM

I am looking for a staff like object :p. I was looking at one of the pitchforks in the shops but it's color does not go along with my avatar :o.

Bartuc 11-03-2009 12:48 AM

I didnt dress up. I was a party pooper

CK 11-03-2009 12:49 AM

Perhaps the Berry Cane?
Staff from Hell?
...I suppose any of the scythe poses from the Evil Overlord CI?

There are also toy pitchforks somewhere which go with your mask. XD

Cami 11-03-2009 01:03 AM

I lost the site for awhile.

And now most of the images aren't loading. XD

SouLSuRv1vER 11-03-2009 01:03 AM

My menewsha keeps messing up :( Good game barty :)

Keyori 11-03-2009 02:47 AM

*pokes head in* can I get fluffeh? o3o

Cami 11-03-2009 02:57 AM

Is... Is it working now? D:

Bartuc 11-03-2009 03:05 AM

Holy shit! I got my fluffy!

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