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Lost in Austen 01-23-2010 04:50 PM


Gonna ask you to edit that post, lol.

Mobsy 01-23-2010 04:56 PM

:rofl: I did, I did! Don't hurt me! :gonk:

Lost in Austen 01-23-2010 05:08 PM

Goat cheese? i dont think you were. xD

Mobsy 01-23-2010 05:09 PM

But, I was! D: When I think of Bagels I think of goat cheese. ;3;

Lost in Austen 01-23-2010 05:12 PM

Okay... you just might have worded it a bit better, eh? lol

ZOMG!! i gotta edit my sig, since i'm all out of valentines stuff now! *scampers off*

Mobsy 01-23-2010 05:14 PM

Lol, Scamper reminds me of bunnies. =3

Okay, I agree it was alittle strange. :rofl: But, I can make it up to you!

Lost in Austen 01-23-2010 05:15 PM

Bunnies!! Some are so cute. Some look like dogs. o_o

make it up to me? huh?

Mobsy 01-23-2010 05:18 PM

:) I'd love to get a pet bunny, but I don't know if I'm allergic yet... That and my mom hates "Rats"
:yes: You can borrow Anakin for the day!

A: I'm no item! You just can't rent me out to people!

Oh, but I can! >:3

EDIT: Enjoy him while I'm gone~

Lost in Austen 01-23-2010 05:29 PM

haha! I will!!!! *steals your avvie's bunny on the way out* lol

Lost in Austen 01-24-2010 08:17 PM

Added Tapio Defender & Blood Lotus!

wish 01-26-2010 11:44 AM

Psst. You must accept my trade. xD

Lost in Austen 01-26-2010 12:08 PM

omg I'm so sorry.... lol, sorry for the delay :o

Lost in Austen 01-27-2010 07:14 PM

Still selling, & still happy to chat with yinz guys. <3

Deilen 01-28-2010 01:02 AM

Hullo Lostin, you don't need a quest thread? I was trying to see if you had one, but you don't. So how's it going in here?

Lost in Austen 01-28-2010 01:03 AM

No, I never got around to making a quest thread. Most of my wealth is a result of spending real-life money on CI's and then selling them later. *Mr Krabs laugh*

hehe. How are you doing? Thanks for stopping by!

Deilen 01-28-2010 01:13 AM

I'm doing all right, and that's a sure road to wealth you're right. I'm glad you're doing so well then. ^^

Lost in Austen 01-28-2010 01:18 AM

well, im doing well on mene, but its costing me in real life. lol

Deilen 01-29-2010 02:29 AM

That is to be expected I'm afraid. Just have to do some time management. ^^

Lost in Austen 01-29-2010 09:16 PM

Haha. Oh, I see you got the fawn from Book of Daydreams. It's so cuutee! <3

Deilen 01-29-2010 09:33 PM

Mhm, it is. ^^ I like all the little critters, I won this from the Raffle, so I still need to buy the Tome of Nightmares.

Lost in Austen 01-29-2010 09:35 PM

I never liked that one.... lol
Had it offered to me here in my shop once but I didn't take it. I could barely even stand "collecting bones from the crypt" during the Halloween event, lol. Mordbid stuff like that is not my thing at all. :P

Deilen 01-29-2010 10:02 PM

Not mine either but I like a few of the halloween items. And I don't really care for an incomplete MI set - besides that I genuinely want every item I'm questing.

Lost in Austen 01-29-2010 10:15 PM

MI sets? What does MI stand for? I know EI's and CI's...

Deilen 01-29-2010 11:29 PM

Monthly items. Most folks here call then CI's, but to me CI's have always represented Common Items. So it has been quite confusing the whole year plus, that I have been a member. Guess I should call them DI's, I do on occasion.

Lost in Austen 01-29-2010 11:32 PM

I see.... well I just refer to them as "commons." Since thats what most people call them, and it's easiest.

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