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MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 08:45 AM

XD I'm reading at the moment XD

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 08:46 AM

im listening to music

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 08:49 AM

Ah awesome, what kind of music?

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 08:54 AM

uh not sure but its called this love this hate by hollywood undead

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 08:57 AM

Ah I've heard that band before. They are alright,

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 08:58 AM

i love them

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 09:02 AM

Ah awesome :)

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:03 AM did u do on halloween?

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:03 AM

Hi Desi and Beauty, thanks for sticking around in the thread. I can't really sleep and figured I would just drop by and say hi to you both.

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:04 AM

hi yue wb

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:06 AM

Thank you Desi, so what are you two talking about?

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 09:06 AM

hello yue welcome back.

Not much desi, just been eating alot of halloween candy lol and yourself?

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:07 AM

nothing really.
lol nice.been working hard on schoolwork and trying to get my life straightened out

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 09:08 AM

Ah fair enough, I've been reading going out a little, thats about all.

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:08 AM

I need to be sleeping, but I just can't at this point. Not really all that tired and I have to be up at 9 today.

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 09:09 AM

Yue: Oh, how come you're not sleepy?

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:09 AM

yue not tired either.i was but now im not.

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:11 AM

Not really all to sure, I'm just not and it really sucks. I know I will need sleep for work, just that I can't really sleep right now. I'm only going to stay for a little bit though, just so I can go and get some rest a little later.

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:11 AM

okay then.

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:12 AM

So are you two enjoying the event for Halloween?

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:12 AM

yes i am and you?today i am having such a bad day

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:14 AM

Yes I am really enjoying it, I'm also glad that the thread is at least a little active at times. I just wish I was on more to talk with people to make it a lot more active. Just at this pace its cool, I also almost got all the candy now. I need 4 pieces to finish my set though.

MedievalBeauty 11-04-2010 09:15 AM

Ah, the halloween event is not too bad for me either, just a little getting used to.

MoodyBats 11-04-2010 09:16 AM

ah nice.

~Yue~ 11-04-2010 09:17 AM

Desi I know you are, if you don't want to talk about it that is fine. I will understand that, so lets just keep talking about other stuff then. How did you like the rp with Mint-chan and her hubby tonight?

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