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Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:28 PM

I'd gone camping before. It's interesting lol

[Pokered Face] 08-06-2011 08:29 PM

@ Hima:
LOL. I see.

@ Ascadellia:
I am sort of an out-doorsy person.
I like being outdoors. I go out-doors.
But I prefer inside mostly.

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:29 PM

If you like the outside, then it's great fun, however I'm just not that way inclined.

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:30 PM

I like the indoors, but I do like spending some time outside lol

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:31 PM

I only like being outside if it's in a town/city scenario. xD

[Pokered Face] 08-06-2011 08:32 PM

I don't mind being out in the country.
It's a lot safer to me to be out there.

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:33 PM

I'm in a, sort of city. XD;

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:36 PM

I live in a town, and my nearest city is nothing compared to most. xD

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:38 PM

XD Really? Around where do you live?

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:39 PM

Yep. xD I live in the north of Scotland so most of the places around me are backwards villages. xD

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:40 PM

o.o Woah. Faaaar.

B A B Y C O C K 08-06-2011 08:40 PM

Aww shucks thanks!
But I do love yours more since it's quite attractive.

[Pokered Face]
Ohohoho you should totally let me see after you're done with it. *w*
And I'm great!
Had a fun night bowling, eating dinner outside and eating icecream with my family.

D'aww you must have wanted to go to that festival. :c
And I'm great!
Had a fun night bowling, eating dinner outside and eating icecream with my family.

I'm too slow with replying cause I like keep chatting on 5 threads at the same time.

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:41 PM

Oh that sounds fun! :3 I didn't really, my friends wanted me to go more than anything, and I suppose it would have been good fun, but it doesn't put me up nor down I guess. I'll find something else to do. :3

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:42 PM

I have seven threads to keep up with. @.@

B A B Y C O C K 08-06-2011 08:43 PM

You bet I had fun! :>
We all had about 5 rounds each and my highest score was like 134.
Haha! xD
And I got to eat Italian Strawberry icecream.

Now that's hardcore multitasking. ^^;

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:44 PM

Is Italian ice cream good? I've never had it. :3 I love bowling, I haven't been in years though. xD

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:44 PM

Heheh, yeah. x.x
But then again, I've gotta raise enough pies. XD;

Himalia 08-06-2011 08:45 PM

I'm only chatting in two threads. xD

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:46 PM

lol Then you are lucky. <3

[Pokered Face] 08-06-2011 08:49 PM

@ C O C K:
Okay, I am not sure I can make it yet.
XD, Since MAC is down and the current dream thing has that annoying gray bar, I can't see how things will layer.
But I do plan on using come of the smoke even commons, so I am hoping that they have added the items to it.

Vanora 08-06-2011 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by B A B Y C O C K (Post 1769687339)
Aww shucks thanks!
But I do love yours more since it's quite attractive.

Oh ahahaha. Thanks! :3

Ascadellia 08-06-2011 08:52 PM

Hm, about 25 to go for 500!

B A B Y C O C K 08-06-2011 08:52 PM

It was so yummy~!
And I only got to bowl again cause Dad's joining in a Championship Competition. xD

Hehe me too.
Still under 100 pies LOL. x3

[Pokered Face]
Ooooh just hearing that from you gives me the chills!

No problem at all!
So what are you up to today? :>

[Pokered Face] 08-06-2011 08:53 PM

@ Ascadellia:

@ B A B Y C O C K:
Lol. You will be the first one I show the avatar then.
If it gets made. xD

B A B Y C O C K 08-06-2011 08:55 PM

[Pokered Face]
Oooooh yay I feel special now.

Oooohh I never got to try making a "dream avatar" cause I dunno how. LOL ME. XD

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