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Keyori 04-21-2012 08:41 PM

What's it called when hubby and I don't mind having another lady in the bedroom with us? >3>;;

I wouldn't mind having another dude either, but hubby thinks he'd get jealous even though he wants to be accepting of the idea, so we just kindof avoid talking about it. I guess it's just good luck that we haven't found a guy we both think is attractive enough for it anyway xD

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 08:44 PM

Haha. One could slangly refer to that as a Menage a trois. Or a threesome. :lol: Have you actually had said threesomes, Keyori? Or are you just considering it? If you don't mind me asking.

RainbowMuffinage 04-21-2012 08:44 PM

problem is, rob's really sensitive. if i say anything to him about it, he'll instantly think i'm trying to break up with him or something. :gonk:

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 08:47 PM

Awh. D; I'm sorry, Ruth. Ce n'est pas bien. :no:

Well if you don't think he's secure enough to know that you're not trying to leave him, and that you just want to express how you've been feeling, maybe it's best to leave it alone if you want to stay with him. He should understand, though. What about any friends that you have? Any close RL friends you've considered confiding in?

Keyori 04-21-2012 08:48 PM

I was talking more about what the preference is called rather than the actual act xD

No, we haven't had one yet. We did agree on a few girls for it, and only had the guts to ever ask one of them (who turned us down... I don't blame her though). But, it's something we've talked about at length, and we're both curious to try it some time, but if it doesn't ever happen we won't get bummed about it.

Grumman_Goose 04-21-2012 08:48 PM

oh my gingersaurus! :squee: i would never have guessed but good on you girl! I'm guessing you have seen my post as well?

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 08:50 PM

Ahh. I understand Keyori. Is the word you're looking for "bi-curious?" And I understand that. As long as you're happy with your husband, that's all that matters. :yes:

RainbowMuffinage 04-21-2012 08:54 PM

well, i have thought about it. i suppost if i confided in my closest friends, they wouldn't be overly bothered, seeing as they all joke about it anyway, which is good, but i'm just not sure if i feel ready to say anything about it yet. /:

and yes, david ! we totally need to high-five in science/geography on monday. ;D

Grumman_Goose 04-21-2012 08:57 PM

urm yes! your sitting next to me in (Spencer's/Harrison's) lesson no matter what and geo is covered anyway thanks to Gosden! :D and Ruth dear you could have told me, we're both in the same boat after all :)

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 08:57 PM

That's all right. I understand. I remember when I first came out to anyone. It's truly one of the most difficult things in the world to get yourself to do. :hug: That's why it's in the rules of the hangout. To be patient. Because it really is difficult, even if you're coming out in a truly supportive environment such as this/Menewsha.

At least you have Grumman_Goose. And you're free to talk about it here. Get how you've been feeling off your chest.

Mystic 04-21-2012 08:59 PM

I used to be married to a man and had a live in girlfriend for nearly the whole time. I don't find that kind of thing odd at all. I did love her and I still do love him even though we're not together. It's a different kind of relationship and isn't for everyone since it's very easy for someone to be hurt due to misunderstandings.

Polygamy is another term for being in more than one loving relationship. It's not the same as a threesome or just having the other person for sex though.

RainbowMuffinage 04-21-2012 09:13 PM

yeah. i just wanna wait to see what happens. i actually just told the girl over facebook that i like her, and she's actually said that she feels the same. :3

ah yes, davey. it shall be epiiiiiic. :L i just wasn't sure what to say, really. how to word it. /:

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:18 PM

Awh! I'm glad that she likes you too! Just make sure you don't cheat on your boyfriend. He might be cool with you dating her while you're with him, I don't know, but I would definitely advise against attempting to behind his back. Not that I think you WOULD.

RainbowMuffinage 04-21-2012 09:20 PM

agh, no, that's not what i was planning at all. :P
nah, i just thought maybe telling her would make me feel a little better, and it has. (:

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:22 PM

:lol: Like I said, I didn't think that that's what you were planning, but I felt I should express that for formality's sake. I'm glad it made you feel better. :]

Johnny Hobo 04-21-2012 09:23 PM

Might as well post here.

Hello ;D

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:27 PM

Welcome, Monsieur Terrible! :D

Johnny Hobo 04-21-2012 09:28 PM

How are ya today, Alice? :3

*pets Rat III*

Grumman_Goose 04-21-2012 09:31 PM

Ruth you know that you can tell me anything and i will keep it schtum, and yes monday will be epic... nuff said ;)

Oh and Ms Moogle I have noticed that you are not wearing any undergarments for you nether regions, i just thought i would point that out.. xD

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:32 PM

I am good. About to start work on a very long technical report. *sigh* XD

Johnny Hobo 04-21-2012 09:33 PM

@Alice: Good luck with that. xD;

Hope it doesn't cause too much pain

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:35 PM

Thank you thank you. XD I hope not, either.

Johnny Hobo 04-21-2012 09:38 PM

Well stop procrastinating!

Get on it! :P

HeartMoogle 04-21-2012 09:38 PM

But Menewsha's so addictive! :insane:

Johnny Hobo 04-21-2012 09:41 PM

The internet in general is addicting D:

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