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Aoi Kazuya 12-21-2013 02:37 AM

((how could she biologically be his daughter? Rei's only nine years older than her xD))

Rei responded with a wry smile. That's true, the other had asked him not to be afraid to speak of what was on his mind. But they'd only just overcome a great hurdle in their relationship. So much had happened...

"It can wait..." he murmured. "A lot has happened tonight and it's late. You and I both need some rest I believe." Rei carefully slipped out of the bed and went to the closet to retrieve a couple of blankets, unfolding them and then tossing one over Yusuke before climbing back into the bed and turning so that his back was to the teen. He knew that these actions could also be taken the wrong way, but he needed to sort his thoughts out, and having Yusuke leaning against him wasn't helping him to straighten his thoughts out in the slightest. "I'll tell you tomorrow. I promise."

The girl shuffled her feet before dipping into a curtsy. "It's nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Krieos. I am Arianna Tsubaki." She said in a soft, but firm voice. She could be polite...hopefully. Oh dear. She really had not expected to find herself in this kind of situation.

Naira paused and looked around to check the street names, waiting for the text with the hotel's address that Alexis promised to send her. Right on cue her phone jingled to alert her of a new message. She pulled it back out and smiled at the address. She'd glanced at a map on her way over, it wasn't too far from where she was standing. She looked around once more and spotted a guy that had been on the train with her flipping his phone open and closed. Was he lost? Papa had always told her not to talk to strangers, and she knew the dangers of doing so...but...

"Excuse me? Mister? Are you lost?"

Kiyoto 12-21-2013 04:30 AM

(XD lol just shooting out ideas)

Yusuke watched Rei in silence, the other dodging him yet again. He laid there after the covers were given to them, and the other laid down once more. He staired at Rei's back a bit, suddenly feeling slightly alone. Rei promised that he would tell him tomorrow. He nodded, "alright....sleep well.." he did not pressure him, and he was correct that a lot had happened and they needed to rest. He turned in turn away from him a bit, closing his eyes. He curled up a bit, it was slightly colder now without the other, but he understood needing space and time to think. He had a lot to think about as well. He needed to be more open, to tell the other more about himself. It was a scary thought indeed though...His past had many dark secrets within that one would not expect of a young man his age. He takes a breath, his heart was racing a bit now. What would happen when he did spill. He knew he was open to trying and giving the other a chance....but he was still uncertain about Rei...

Hatori could feel the awkwardness and tension rising within the room. "A pleaure" his father said, before glancing at Hatori. He moved up the stairs to go off to his study as always. His look had been one of 'we will speak later' to Hatori. The teen sighed, looking back at the other. "Sorry about must have been don't have to stay if you don't wish to" he turned, returning to the kitchen.

Yosuke looked up a bit. Someone had spoken to him. Wait, was it the female frome before? He smiled slightly at her, looking at her a bit. "It's been awhile since I've been here" he said, "kind of late, so I'm just.....nevermind, you probrably don't want to hear that." He laughed a bit warmly, standing once more, before picking up his bag. "Meeting someone here?" he asked a bit curiously, before adding, "you don't have to answer if you don't want to..." He didn't want to pressure her or creep her out, she looked younger than he, so it was probrably awkward for her to meet a random guy here and strike up a conversation like this.

Aoi Kazuya 12-21-2013 01:15 PM

((I guess it's something like adoption? without the legal papers and stuff, lol))

Ari followed after Hatori, lingering in the doorway as her eyes followed him. "You don't need to fact...I probably should. I...I just made things even more difficult for you, didn't I?" She asked, her expression softening as she stepped up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. She dropped her gaze before leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm really sorry."

There was a shake of her head, and then she raised a hand to brush back the loose strands of her hair. "I was just going to head to the hotel my ...ah..." Naira's lips twitched into a slight frown as she tried to figure what to call Alexis. "Uncle. That's the word. I'm heading to the hotel my Uncle is staying in now. It's my first time here actually." Her easy smile was back on her face after she'd responded.

Kiyoto 12-21-2013 04:33 PM

Hatori shook his head, "you didn't do anything...he is not an easy man to get along with by far, and things have been..difficult before." He gave her a warm smile, he felt a bit embarassed about making her feel so awkward, as well as his father coming in at such a time. He took her hand, "you did nothing's honestly nice to have someone here, this place gets a bit empty...even with both my father and I here" he says. Even now, there was a silence within the house, other than the two of them talking.

It was kind of sadenning to Hatori, the house used to be lively and full when his mother was alive, now it was just....empty. He blushed a bit, still holding her hand. Releasing it, he rubbed the back of his neck a bit and cleared his throat. " was nice of you to walk me home as well" Hatori did not talk about it much, but there were plenty of people who would have no trouble using him to get money or other things, their name was quite widespread in the world. It had been attempted...but that he would have rather forgotten.

Yosuke nodded, "family here to huh? My cousins is here...though waking him in the middle of the night may not be to nice of a wakeup call." He smiled, "it is a good town...a bit quiet at times, unless you know where to look...but it's nice all the same." He looked up at the sky a bit, it was deffinetly a difference from his world, that was one of the things he liked about it here. His phone beeped, glancing down it was a text from one of his friends. Her name was Sam.

She was a martial artist girl back home, they had studdied together, though she was a bit overenthusiastic about worriors and stuff. She was awsome though, and very headstrong and outspoken. "She's deffinetly gonna yell at me" he said a bit more to himself, before putting his phone away. He realized then he had yet to introduce himself, that must have made him look even more like a creeper. "I'm Yosuke by the way...Yosuke Tsubaki" he smiles.

Aoi Kazuya 12-22-2013 07:51 PM

Ari shook her head, saying something along the lines of how it wasn't a big deal before she felt her phone vibrate and she gave Hatori a quick smile before turning around to retrieve it and read the text she had received. She typed out the address she had glimpsed in the front yard before hitting send.

"It was a nice day. of it anyway." She quickly amended her words. "I hope you don't get into too much trouble...and I feel horrible about just up and leaving now...but that was my driver. There was some trouble at home so I need to head back." She fidgeted where she stood before ducking her head. "Let's hang out again sometime?" She asked. She waved her phone a bit to indicate that he could contact her through that before she quickly made her way to the front door to put her shoes on and head out to the street where her driver was idling, waiting for her.

"Cousin?" So he was here without telling his family too? It was like her situation! Of sorts. "I'm here to visit my Papa, but he doesn't know. It's a surprise." She laughed softly. Then tilted her head curiously as he checked his phone again and mumbled something to himself. She hadn't really expected him to introduce himself, but he did so. It was only polite to return to favor right?

Naira dipped into a curtsy, "Naira Van Althuis. It's nice to meet you Mr. Tsubaki." As she straightened back up her eyes lingered on the delicate silver watch she wore on her wrist and her lips twitched into a small smile of amusement. "Ah...I'm going to be late to meet my Uncle...were you looking for somewhere to stay until you could call your cousin?"

Kiyoto 12-22-2013 11:46 PM

Hatori listened to her words in silence, watching her exit the room and then the house altogether. He moved out after her a bit, brushing the curtains of the front window aside to look out at her. He noticed her getting within her car, and he slowly let the curtains fall back into place. The silence of the house as well as the emptiness was back. He sighed slightly, going back within the kitchen to take care of the dishes, before heading up to shower. It was late, he needed to get some sleep in, though his stomach felt like it was in knots now at the moment. He laid down in bed, slipping off his glasses. Closing his eyes for a moment, he let the silence suround him, and his senses to dull slowly. He hadn't realized how tired he actually was until now, moments later, sleep took him. His door opened, his father walking in and watching him slightly. He moves over, placing the covers over his son, to keep him warm.

Yosuke turned a bit red at the 'Mr.' part, rubbing the back of his neck slightly embarassed. "Yosuke is fine with me....and kind of....I wont be able to talk to him until the morning, and it is pretty late already" he glanced at his own watch. "I should be heading out to find a hotel myself for now...I did not mean to keep you, enjoy your evening" he smiles warmly. He was kind, not threatening in the least with his natural demenior. He gave a slight wave to her, picking up his bag in hand once more. Honestly though, he still had no idea where to go or what to do, it was indeed late, chances of finding an open room tonight were becoming slimmer as time ticked on. He was wishing a bit he had taken a night train, to get here in daylight, bit the situation could not be avoided.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 12:01 AM

Turning her head to peer out the back window at the home she had just left, Ari sighed, letting her shoulders slump. She continued to watch until they turned the corner and then she fell back into her seat, raising a hand to rub at her temples. She had to be more careful with her connections. She truly did like Hatori...but was it cruel of her to bring him into her world? He already had enough problems in his own... but...she really did like him.

Her driver looked back at her from his rearview mirror and she gave him a small smile in response. "I'm alright. Just a bit tired. Do you know how bad the situation currently is?"

And then it was back to talk of the family business. Not only did she have to watch herself because a detective was in town but also the mafia it appeared. What was going on all of a sudden... They spoke in hushed tones, ideas being bounced off by Ari as she worried at her bottom lip. Hopefully she'd be able to get some sleep before the next day's meeting, she still had to cater to Shiki's friend...

A quick nod and then Naira started off on her way before pausing and glancing back to where Yosuke was walking off.

"Mr. Yosuke! The hotels are in the other direction!" She called back before realigning her grips on her bags and starting off again.

It didn't take her that much longer to reach the hotel she had been given the address of. She looked up as she walked through the entrance. It was a nice hotel, could be considered fancy she guessed, but she always did prefer simpler things, and anyway, she saw a lot of fancy stuff back on the estate in Italy. Her smile grew larger when she got into the lobby and made her way to the bar, where she figured Alexis would be. She wasn't particularly surprised to find the twenty-two year old nursing a glass of some sort of alcohol. Instead, she let her bags drop as she threw her arms around his neck from behind.

With a grunt, Alexis was thrown just a bit forward by the sudden weight slamming into his back. He chuckled when he heard the feminine voice greeting him and reached back to ruffle the girl's hair. He finished off his drink and laid down a few bills to cover his tab before getting up from his seat and taking Naira's hand with one of his own, taking her bags with his other and pulling her along to the elevator. He listened to her speak of her trip over and provided responses when appropriate as they got on. He'd let her sleep in his room for the night, he figured. She'd probably regale him with stories until she passed out anyway, so it was fine. He could work after she'd fallen asleep.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 12:09 AM

Yosuke smiled, watching her yell off after him before she left. He knew most of the hotels would be located in that part of the town, but another thought had come to him. He walked along to a familiar place, one where he was sure the man inside would be awake and in town. Sure enough, Byren answered the door when he knocked. He tried to explain a bit, but it was late, and he was thankful the other did not ask many questions at the moment. He was welcomed in, and allowed to use one of the large guest rooms. After a shower, he slipped out his contacts and on his orange glasses. They looked good on him, he was told he looked handsome with them. He then went out, sitting on the couch with the other who talked with him a bit as he flipped through channels on the television. He felt himself drifting a bit, exhaustion slipping over him without him realizing it. It was not long before he was asleep, leaning against the other. Byren took him into his room, laying him in the bed and covered him up. He would talk with him tomorrow.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 12:26 AM

When morning hit, Rei groaned and fumbled across his bedside table with a hand until his fingers knocked against his cellphone, which was vibrating against the wood. He pulle dit towards himself as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He glanced to the spot beside him before slipping out of the bed and padding out of the room, leaving the door open just a crack. He answered the call and pressed the device between his shoulder and his ear as he retrieved a glass of water from the kitchen, heading to take a seat in the living room.

"Alexis...why're you calling me so early?"

There was an exchange of words, with Alexis telling Rei that he needed to be somewhere in two hours before hanging up. Rei frowned at his phone before tossing it to the coffee table and covering a yawn. Since he was already up, there was no point in going back to sleep. He headed to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He took care of his other necessities before heading to the kitchen and digging around in his refrigerator to find something to make for breakfast. He stuck a pan on the stove and hummed to himself as he cooked, pulling out plates from the cabinets as the pan heated up.

"I guess I won't be able to go to classes today...remind me to get my notes from a classmate?" Ari murmured as she scribbled down a few more words onto the documents in front of her. She had, unsurprisingly, ended up working through the night. Her curtains had been drawn to block out the sunlight for once, to keep the rays from getting into her eyes, which were sensitive from lack of rest. She'd be alright later, when she could get away from all these papers. She shoved the last of it away from her as she got up from her seat, stretching and popping her back, much as she'd often seen Rei do in the past.

First, she'd go take a shower to wake herself up. And then breakfast was in order. Then she supposed she could head to the cafe and get the stuff there set up before Shiki showed up with his friend.

With a groan, Shiki looked away from the script he had been reading to glance at his cellphone, where he had set up an alarm. he'd woken up an hour earlier and decided to do some reading since his nerves were preventing him from going back to sleep. No doubt his make-up artist would have some words to say to him about the dark circles underneath his eyes. He set the script down and turned the alarm off before getting up. A cup of coffee then, before he waited for Alexis to call him so they could head over to Ari's cafe.

True to what he had thought, Naira had spoken to him for a few hours before her tiredness caught up and she fell asleep. After tucking her in he had retrieved his folders and a bottle of wine and gone back to his research. When the sun began peeking over the horizon he was on the balcony, in a lounge chair, enjoying a light snack. He wasn't in any rush at the moment. he could let Naira sleep in for a little longer and then take her out to meet up with Rei before he left to meet up with Shiki and then finally meet the little lady from his assignment. Hopefully things would go smoothly today.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 12:47 AM

Yusuke did not move as he felt the other get up out of the room. He could hear a bit of what was said out front, that name.... He stayed in the bed, pondering where he had heard it from before for a moment. He sighed, slowly turning over to lay on his back, covering his eyes a bit with his arm. He had wished it could be a more plesant morning, but it seemed interruptions were not going to be so kind that morning. He knew Rei would probrably have stuff to do today, that call most likely being the part of it. He sat up, slipping silently out into the bathroom. He cleaned up, before slowly peeking out to the kitchen, watching Rei for a moment.

He smiled a bit warmly, seeing the other move about. He did not wish to interrupt him, or bring up the other's promise the other night. Instead, he slipped back into the bedroom to take a look at some of the pictures the other had upon his wall. He had seen a few of them the first time he had been there, but now he had a better time to take a look at them. He smiled warmly, many of them looked like the people in them were happy. They were beautifully done, capturing such emotion and inner thoughts. He gently ran a finger over one of the few that Rei was in, a warm smile forming on his lips. He looked at the others, wondering what the other thought when he looked at some of these.

Hatori stirred in bed. For a moment, he did not desire to get up, though he knew he needed to. For a moment, he listened for the sounds of movement in the house, but still it was silent. His father had most likely gotten up earlier and left for work. He got up, getting dressed as usual, moving downstairs to the kitchen. He wasn't hungry, but a nice cup of tea was what he needed for now. He glanced at his phone, thinking for a moment about texting Yusuke, he hadn't heard from the other since yesterday. He hoped he was alright, and had had a better night than himself. He washed his dishes, before he moved to get his bag. He would run some errands today, there were some people he needed to see. He walked out of his house, locking up as he did so. He felt like walking, though his driver followed close behind him as well, not letting him out of his sight.

Nisshoku had been doing reaserch since the night before, it seemed there would indeed be a meeting today. When the female had left, rushing after the male, he had had time to slip a camera into a hidden place without anyone's knowledge. Flipping on his computer, it had a good view of the entire cafe. It would not be detectable if one was searching for bugs, for it's signal was set as something different. He had helped design it, and it would be useful for this very purpose. His caretaker brought a cup of tea for him, and something to eat saying he needed to keep his strength up. He did not even give it a second glance however, his mind on the task at hand today. He would be gathering evidence needed to deepen his case. However, this was also the beginning of stepping into the more dangerous part of this game. If he was found out before things were set in motion, he could be having to risk his life sooner then planned.

Yosuke woke to an empty home, a note from Byren saying he had gone to get something for breckfast as he took care of some early morning buisiness. Taking a shower, he pulled up his cousin's number on his phone. He sent a message, simply saying hey, before flipping it closed. He would play it casually, asking him what he was doing today, before surprising him at his appartment later. That was a good plan...right? He sighed, tossing his phone on the couch before he plopped down next to it. He had a lot of explaining coming and he knew it.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 01:08 AM

With the counter set up and everything done, Rei put the dirty pan into the sink. He'd wash everything later. Or maybe just use the dishwasher. He headed back to his room and stood in the doorway, watching Yusuke for a moment.

"Breakfast is ready. If you feel like eating." he announced, wondering what Yusuke was thinking as he looked over the pictures in Rei's private collection. How long had the teen been up anyway? Had he heard his phone conversation? Hm...well...he'd explain it all to him one day. He would deserve to know, after all.

The car ride to the cafe was relatively silent except for the music playing from the cd player. Ari was tense and it reflected in the silence. She focused on her breathing as they neared the cafe. She'd have to get everything under control before she stepped out of the car. Checking once more that her cellphone was in her pocket, she bade her driver a see you later before pushing the front door open and stepping in.

Luckily, despite her forgetting to lock the door yesterday, nothing seemed to be out of place, though she still gave the place a cursory glance. She rolled her shoulders before humming to herself and heading into the kitchen to wash her hands. Today there would be no Rei, so her head baker should be in in a few minutes. She could take her mind off of family business for a while then. That would be nice.

When Naira finally awoke, Alexis had just finished ordering a breakfast to be brought up for her. He brought his gaze to her as she sat up in the bed and blinked, bleary-eyed at him. Despite not being biologically related, that was one trait she and Rei seemed to share. The both of them were so lethargic in the mornings. It could be endearing sometimes. She excused herself to get ready in the bathroom and Alexis took that time to change from his night wear into a casual shirt and jeans combo. It felt strange, since he didn't often wear such clothes, but it would be necessary for a while. It was as he was opening the door for Matteo to enter with the breakfast did Naira rejoin him and the three spoke amicably while Naira ate.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 01:18 AM

Yusuke turned, hearing the other behind him. He smiled, giving none of his more nervous feelings slip through the cracks. A slight nod came as a response, as he moved over to the other. He would eat for the other, though he was not to extreamly hungry. He took Rei's hand, hoping the other would be alright with it. He walked with him, back into the kitchen. "It smells delicious" he says, complementing him with a smile. He heard his phone beep, glancing at it across the room. He had a message, though at the moment he did not wish to interrupt his time with Rei. They were in a good place and happy right now...wern't they. The other was still quite the closed book, but he would do all he could to help the other open up. He hoped the other would do the same for him, his heart was into it indeed. He streatched lightly, brushing off the remnants of his exhaustion. "Plans for today?" he asks, getting it out of the way. He knew Rei most likely would, but he was probrably hesitant to say anything. So, Yusuke would say it for him.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 01:35 AM

"A surprise apparently. My friend wasn't very clear with his words. You could come with me if you want. He knows who you are already anyway." Rei answered, Alexis hadn't said anything about it being business related so it would be fine if Yusuke tagged along. And Rei wasn't very sure he wanted to be away from the white-haired teen for a long period of time at the moment. The worry he had suppressed last night still lingered, and being away from him would probably only make things worse.

As Naira tried getting Matteo to eat some of her strawberries, Alexis walked away from the table to make a call. He knew the older man was probably already up and waiting for his call anyway. Shiki was punctual if nothing else. When the phone was answered halfway through the second ring, Alexis immediately began speaking.

"We'll meet at a public park. Relay the information." And then he hung up again. Alright. That was taken care of. He returned to Naira's side and set a hand on her shoulder, waiting for her to stop giggling from shoving a strawberry into Matteo's mouth.

"Let us head out now Naira."

It was always fun staying with Alexis and Matteo, when they weren't busy. So the moments when she could joke around with the men were treasured. She had finally convinced Matteo to eat a strawberry when Alexis came back and announced that they would be heading out. Naira quickly agreed and got up, brushing down her skirt.

She had a wide range of clothing styles that she liked, today she was dressed in a Rococo inspired outfit with a punk twist. Despite being a fifteen year old, she loved the times when she could just walk hand in hand with the people that had taken her in. After getting their shoes on, Naira was quick to grab a hold of Alexis' hand, brushing her braids back over her shoulder. She was excited to be able to see her Papa again.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 01:55 AM

Yusuke felt a soft blush creep onto his cheeks at that comment. "I do not wish to intrude.." he says, "it is sweet of you to ask though...and for you I will stay close." It was partially a teasing joke, seeing the seriousness and a bit of nerves within the other's eyes. He was trying to relax the mood and help him a bit, though he guessed it could come off a bit awkward. "That sounded kinda bad.." he says laughing slightly at himself. He felt better now though, being with Rei.He was slowly beginning to relax himself. He glanced down at himself a bit, "I probrably should stop by my appartment though...I kind of need some clothes to wear." He was still wearing the clothes from the night before, and they were still rather large on him. The shorts low on his hips but the shirt hid it for now and he was glad for that.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 02:12 AM

"Of course. We can stop by your apartment first. Is it far from here?" Rei asked as he poked at his food with a fork, occasionally slipping a bite into his mouth. Now that he knew what he and Yusuke were going to be doing, he wondered what Alexis wanted to see him about. He couldn't really think of anything...

Shiki sighed, hearing the dial-tone. He understood needing to take precautions but...really? He took a gulp of his coffee, flinching when the hot liquid scorched his throat. Ugh, today just wasn't going to be a good day for him. He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it before clicking to his contacts list.


He hoped she was awake at this time. She should be...she wasn't one for sleeping in late, at least that's what he remembered anyway.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 02:18 AM

Yusuke shook his head a bit, "not to far.." He saw the distraction in the other, fallin silent himself. "You ok?" he asks after a moment, hoping the other would give him a straight answer and not simply brush him off with a simple nod or yes. He was going to get the other to open up in time...hopefully. His hand lightly moved over, brushing Rei's in a slightly affectionate manner. The other was not very affectionate yet, he did have his moments though..perhaps it was just Yusuke's worry getting to him. It all went back to their secret worlds. He took a breath, when Rei decided to open up to him today about the truth, he would tell him as well.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 02:29 AM

"i am fine." he caught Yusuke's hand and gave it a slight squeeze before retracting his own hand, finishing off his food and reaching for his glass of water. "Just thinking about what this surprise could be, I've known him for a while now, but I can't come up with anything."

Ari fished her phone out and answered it distractedly as she instructed her head baker in what needed to be done in her absence, once sure the woman understood and had everything under control, she stepped out of the cafe with her bag and answered the call, listening to what Shiki had to say. With a sigh, she agreed to the man's suggestion and leaned into the doorway, calling in that she would be out for the day. After getting a confirmation, she pulled her head back out and headed down the street, deciding to make a quick stop at the bookstore before heading to the park.

Instead of taking the car, the trio walked through the streets of the town. Naira looked around with delight in her eyes as she took in the look of the town. It was different from all the other places she had lived before. Of course she'd like it. Alexis on the other hand was content with watching the emotions that passed across the young girl's face. She had been so sad and withdrawn when he'd taken her in. She'd grown up into a beautiful young woman. He was proud of her.

He pulled his phone out as they walked and pulled up the message he had just received, nodding just the slightest bit in Matteo's direction to let him know that Shiki had set everything up. Alexis would be continuing on with Shiki and Matteo would head back to the hotel to take care of other matters. And Naira would be with Rei. Everything was fitting in nicely.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 02:39 AM

He looked at the other, smiling warmly as he felt the other give his hand a squeeze. He was a bit saddened when he pulled away, but he listened to what the other had to say. "I am sure it will be alright...whatever it're not facing it alone" he says, taking his plate over to the sink. He had not eaten much, but it was alright. He did not want to hold Rei up or anything, with wherever it was the two of them were going today. He turned to the other, giving him a smile before he moved to his clothes on the couch. He picked up his phone, looking at it. He had a text from his cousin, Yosuke, so he quickly answered it. He then turned to his clothes, wondering if he should change into them long enough for them to get over to his appartment, it would be a tad awkward to be walking around in the open with what he had on now. He tilted his head a bit, a typical habit of his when thinking in a lighter manner.

Nisshoku flipped open his phone, making a call. He was getting ready himself to head out, just making sure things were in order. The person on the other end told him that all things were ready, and for that he was thankful. Step one had been completed, on to step two. He slipped on his usual blue tinted sunglasses, before exiting his room. His caretaker and assistant on his heels, locking up as the two of them left. He had some buisiness to take care of while the other events of the day were being looked after.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 02:49 AM

"that's true." Rei nodded, getting up to put his own plates into the sink as well. He quickly rinsed everything and stacked them into the dishwasher, turning the machine on before straightening back up to see Yusuke considering his clothes. He would offer to len the teen some clothes...but it didn't appear that his clothes fit well. "I'm gonna go change. We can head out in a few minutes then, I guess." He said, letting the teen know where he was heading before turning to enter his room, rifling through his closet before changing into a pair of skinny leg purple jeans. He pulled his top off before returning to looking through his closet for something to wear.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 02:53 AM

Yusuke looked to the other, hearing him say he was going to go change. He still sounded down, making him sigh a bit. He picked up his clothes, going into the bathroom to change. He slipped off the shirt tha tRei had let him borrow, rifling through his clothes in search of his own. He sighed a bit, his was not there. It had been in the pile though, folded with the others though right? He sighed, slipping on his pants and shoes on, all but his shirt. He grabbed his phone, before peaking out of the bathroom. Good, Rei was still in his room. It would be a bit awkward if they caught eachother. He then slipped out, moving to the livingroom. He looked on the couch, but his shirt was not there. He sighed, moving to look for it by the side.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 03:39 AM

A black dress shirt was pulled out and placed on the bed as Rei slipped on a grey undershirt. He then pulled the black shirt on, buttoning it up and fixing the collar. He looped a black and white checkered belt around his waist and then ran a hand through his hair, separating it into sections and twisting them into a single long braid, leaving his bangs and some shorter pieces out to hang around his face. Once dressed, he pulled open a drawer to retrieve a watch and a few rings, which he slipped on before moving over to his wall of photographs, running his fingers over a few of them. He had to send some money to his parents later, he mentally made a note to stop off at the bank after meeting up with Alexis. Briefly, he wondered how they were doing.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 03:44 AM

He looked around the couch, sighing slightly. How could his shirt have slipped away like this. He saw something near the edge, kneeling to pick it up. A smile formed on his lips, it was indeed the piece of cloth he had been searching for. He was glad he had found it, before Rei had come out. Another awkward moment between them would have been...well....awkward. Taking a breath, he hesitated, wondering if it was alright really for him to go with the other man. He takes a breath, pushing his thoughs out of his head. If Rei said it was alright, then he would trust the other at his word. He turned, moving to go back within the bathroom, passing the other's room.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 04:28 AM

Pulling his hand away from the photographs, Rei ran his hand through the loose part of his hair before turning and leaving his room, glancing over to see the bathroom door close. With a humming sound to himself, he re-entered the kitchen to unload the dishwasher, glancing at his watch as he put things away.

So first they would need to head to Yusuke's apartment and then...Rei froze mid-movement. Oh. They were going over to yusuke's apartment. Well, he supposed he shouldn't find it that strange. After all they teen had seen his apartment and had even stayed the night. There was nothing wrong. And it was morning anyway. Nothing to be anxious about.

Man, if only Alexis could see him now. A member of the Vincitori Famiglia, nervous about visiting another person's apartment. He chuckled and shook his head as he put away the last plate.

Kiyoto 12-23-2013 05:27 AM

Yusuke finished getting ready, stepping out as he ran a hand through his hair. He was running though things in his mind, making sure his appartment was well taken care of before he let the other inside. He was typically neat, so things should be put away. Nothing to worry about...right? He looked over at Rei within the kitchen, the other seeming to be a tad bit distracted. He took the opportunity to slip his phone out and glance at his messages. The same number as last night there, a message saying they would need to talk later. He sighed a bit, sending back a simple 'ok'. It was to the point, though he really would have prefered not to if he could get away with it. He sat down to adjust and tie his shoes, soon ready to get going.

Aoi Kazuya 12-23-2013 05:50 AM

After finishing in the kitchen, Rei headed back into the living room and saw that Yusuke was ready to go. A small smile appeared on his face as he moved to the entryway and pulled on a pair of boots, sitting on the floor to pull the laces tight and quickly doing them up. It wasn't too long before he was ready to go as well.

"Well...lead the way then Yusuke." He said, motioning out the door he had just opened.

"Do you think Papa would be mad at me for coming unannounced?" Naira was worried about that most of all. She didn't like disappointing Rei, and he had been very clear in the past about not wanting her to visit him in his hometown. But she was ever so curious about where he lived, and even of where he had grown up, but she knew he didn't have a very good relationship with his own parents, so this was the closest she could get to learning about him without prying into something painful.

Alexis' response was to smooth her hair down and reassure her that no matter what, Rei would still adore her. Well, she knew that. He always told her that he cared for her. But still... she pouted a bit and her expression became sullen as the minutes passed. Alexis, noticing her mood, shook his head and pulled her into a candy store. They reemerged a moment later with a bag of sweets that Naira was curiously picking through. She was still worried of course, but the sugar definitely helped to keep her mood lighter.

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