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~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-13-2014 03:11 AM

((Tell Wolfie how you want her to be played. What if she screws up some important information?))

Andraus 05-13-2014 03:36 AM

(Play as a kind, but firm women, who is deeply concerned for her child's safety, and believes he's walking down the path of self destruction.)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-13-2014 05:59 AM

((Oh, jeez. Okay, Wolfie will try. What's her name?))

Andraus 05-13-2014 11:38 AM

(Nichole Vazquez)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-14-2014 03:54 AM

The door opened, and the woman who stepped out took a moment before smiling softly and hugging her son. "Joseph, how have you been? You haven't visited me in so long! Have you been so busy you just can't visit your poor mother? Goodness, you're so thin! Have you been eating properly? And who is this?" She spoke rapidly, but with a great deal of affection.

Andraus 05-14-2014 04:11 AM

Joseph smiled, and hugged the women in front of him."hey mum. Sorry, work has kept me busy. "He said, then stepped to the side. This is....well, her names Siobhan, but she prefers Vixen."he said, handing his mum the photo. "See anything familiar, my dear old mum?"he asked her, letting Siobhan speak.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-15-2014 03:18 AM

"Siobhan..." The woman whispered, glancing from the picture to Vixen and back. "You're Rose's daughter, aren't you? My, you look just like her...come in, come in. I'll get you something to eat and we can talk." She said, ushering the youngsters in.

Vixen nodded. "Yes, Rose Brennan was my mother." She said, following the woman inside. "Oh, that's okay, we already ate. Please don't trouble yourself. Um...thank you. No one has ever said that I...look like her." She said, unsure what else to say about it.

Andraus 05-15-2014 04:47 AM

Joseph came in, and sat down, pulling out his pistol. He started fiddling with it, trying to balance it.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-15-2014 07:56 AM

Nichole lightly tapped her son's hand. "Put that away. No fiddling with guns in my house!" She said, her voice calm but firm. "Now, who wants tea?"

Vixen couldn't help but wonder at this woman. Even though her voice was quiet, her tone made her impossible to ignore. She brooked no argument. Is that what a mother is like? She wondered. "Please, don't trouble yourself." She said.

"Nonsense, it's no trouble at all. How do you take it?" The woman said, once again indicating that no arguments would be accepted.

Stymied, Vixen had no choice but to answer. "Two sugars, please." She said, watching the woman go about making the tea with an assured grace that could come only with time. " were good friends with my mother?"

Nichole nodded, never looking up from her task. "Indeed, Rose and I were very close. We both got pregnant around the same time. When she learned of her pregnancy, she came to me for help. It was arranged that, should your mother not survive, there would be clues for you to follow when you got older, clues that would lead you to my son." She brought the cups over to set in front of them. "When Rose stopped coming around, I knew what had happened. I waited, knowing you would show up one day looking for answers. I knew you as a baby, you know. Rose and I managed to get together once after your birth. Joseph was only a few months old, but the two of you seemed rather fascinated with each other. Siobhan, I will answer any questions you have."

Andraus 05-19-2014 02:50 AM

"I understand it may have made you upset about what happened to your friend, and Siobhan's mom, but we all know the risks in this business. "He said, putting his pistol away. "I know it, you know it, Sio knows it, and so did this Rose and my father. We know the risks."he said to her. "Oh, I think you should know mum: Niall, the man who killed Dad? He's dead. One guy who killed him."he said. He wasn't looking for approval, he just knew she'd want to know.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-19-2014 04:43 AM

Nichole turned a steady gaze on her son, and nodded. "I see. Thank you for telling me." She said simply.

"Ma'am...I would like to ask one thing. Just one question that I've always wanted to know. My mother...did she ever truly love my father?" Vixen asked, more shy than she had ever been.

"Oh, dear. Don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel like an old woman." Nichole sat down. "Siobhan, your mother was my best friend. When she fell in love with that man, even though I knew he was no good, I supported her. I warned her that being involved with him would someday get her killed. But she loved him too much to listen. And damned if he didn't love her back, too. Then she got pregnant...oh, they still loved each other. Your father was ecstatic, he was so happy to be a father. But your mother began to worry about you. Let me make this perfectly clear. Your mother wanted you to be safe. She wanted to give you a failsafe in case you ever decided to get out. Yes, Rose loved your father, and your father loved her back. I suspect he still loves her, and it still hurts him that he did that to her. But they have rules, and if he hadn't killed her, someone else would have. It's no excuse, but that was his reason. And Rose loved you, too. Both of your parents did. The answer is yes, without a doubt. Yes."

"Thank you. I always wondered...thank you."

Andraus 05-19-2014 04:47 AM

Joseph pulled out a cigarette, and light it. He knew this was important for Siobhan, so he stayed quiet. When he heard they knew eachother as kids, Joseph nearly choked on the cigarette. "-and you waited until now to say this, why exactly? I nearly shot the women when I first saw her." he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-20-2014 03:40 AM

((Okay, what the crap? How is Wolfie supposed to answer that question? This is why you should be playing his mother!))

Andraus 05-20-2014 01:03 PM

(Fixed it)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-21-2014 02:47 AM

((Thank you.))

Nichole raised an eyebrow. "For one thing, you never asked. Besides, Siobhan's mother asked me to keep her a secret, so that she couldn't be linked to me and, by association, you." She said reasonably. "Not to mention, I never expected you would meet her with a gun in hand. This is just another reason why you shouldn't be messing with guns." She turned to Vixen. "I've begged him to get out of this, to find a real, stable job before he gets hurt or hurts someone he doesn't mean to. But he doesn't listen to me, so I sit here and worry about the day I get the phone call that my son is dead."

Vixen, suddenly caught between a mother and her son, felt uncomfortable. "W-well, I can't really condemn him for that...I mean, I know where you're coming from, but I also know his position. It's not easy to just quit, and with the position he's in...I wouldn't quit, either." She said honestly, trying to appease both sides.

"Just like your mother. That is exactly the kind of Switzerland answer Rose would have given." Nichole said, shaking her head.

Andraus 05-21-2014 03:17 AM

Joseph slammed his arm down. "I won't stop because I can't stop! I can't let everything dad did end like it did. I can't just sit here, watching criminals get away, every day, while I stand here and do nothing!"he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-21-2014 05:53 AM

It looked like Nichole was about to get angry, but surprisingly, Vixen spoke up first. "Don't you speak to your mother that way! She's only concerned for your safety. How could you be so disrespectful? At least you're lucky enough to have a mother! You apologize to her right now!" She scolded. How could he act that way towards his on mother? Especially in front of her!

Nichole raised her hands. "Now, now, relax. It's okay, really. Joseph, I expect better behavior from you while we have company. Siobhan, you don't have to scold him. I will deal with my son." She said calmly, her voice firm.

"No, it's not okay. I would give anything to have my mother worry over me, and he sits there yelling at is that fair?"

Andraus 05-21-2014 01:00 PM

"Im sorry, i just.....i dont want all the good my mum and dad did to end with my dad being assassinated. They deserve letter than that."he said, looking down

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-22-2014 03:26 AM

Nichole patted his shoulder. "I understand, Joseph. Really, I do. But no matter what you say, nothing will ever stop me from worrying about you. It's just what a mother does." She said.

Vixen was about to protest further, but found that she didn't have the energy. Instead she settled for staring out the window, feeling like a gigantic third wheel.

Andraus 05-23-2014 05:09 PM

"I know the risks in my line of work, but I can't just sit by and pretend like it doesn't exist. I need to do something about it. "He said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-24-2014 04:10 AM

"I know. I know. Remember, I was once in that line of work, along with your father. But I'll always worry about you, because you are all I have."

Andraus 05-27-2014 02:50 AM

"Heh. You still has Sis, thank god she's in another state. Even the syndicate here wouldn't waste resources looking for he out of state."he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-27-2014 04:16 AM

"That's why I don't worry about her as much. Although, being so far away from her hurts sometimes." She replied.

Andraus 05-27-2014 04:22 AM

"It's best if she doesn't know about any of this. She's just get involved, and they'd paint a bulls eye on her."he said.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 05-28-2014 03:05 AM

"Oh, I know that. Why do you think I haven't asked her to come visit? It's too dangerous. Let her live happily, safe from all of this."

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