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WherededIGo 01-20-2014 03:23 PM

I have the best idea.
All 3 at once. Yes.

Antagonist 01-20-2014 03:46 PM

[drool] Yessss, that is an excellent idea. [drool]

WherededIGo 01-20-2014 04:32 PM

I'm a genius.

Sora 01-21-2014 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Antagonist (Post 1772434010)
@Sora: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! [:(] Was the cat old?

Yeah, she was 16. I gotten her when I was eight back when she was just a kitten, so we grew up together.

Antagonist 01-21-2014 07:23 AM

Wow, that's a high age for a cat! [:O]

WherededIGo 01-21-2014 07:30 AM

My cat's about 12 years old. :[

Antagonist 01-21-2014 07:35 AM

I have no idea how old my cat was. [gonk]

Antagonist 01-22-2014 03:37 PM

Entry 1.22

Omg my poor neglected jar. [gonk]

*cough* Ahem...well...I can't really remember the good stuff that happened for the past few days, my cold and the medication I'm taking is making me constantly dizzy and hard to focus. [cry]

Oh well. On towards the good stuff that happened today! [illgetu]

I took the afternoon off from work today because my mom is coming back from the states this afternoon and I wanted to go along with my dad to pick her up. I have the perfect excuse too: My bloody damn cold. My mom insisted that I go to a doctor when I mentioned the mucus and phlegm that were slightly yellowish-green and said that that's a sign of the 金鏈球菌, whatever they're called in English, and supposedly really hazardous to one's health. Sooo...okay, to the doctor's it is. I went, and got myself some pills, and when I took them, my head started spinning thanks to the side effects. [stare] My cold hasn't seen to have gotten better much, and now I have a spinning head to boot. Joy.

Anyway, I digress.

I took the afternoon off and went over to my dad's office nearby, but my mom wasn't arriving until four in the afternoon (we originally thought it would be around three, but her flight had been slightly delayed), so I went over to the small couch in the office, curled up on it, and took a two-hour nap. [zzz] Can't remember the dreams I had while napping, but I think they might have been average.

On the way to pick up mom, we stopped and I got myself a 蔥抓餅 with a slice of cheese and egg, and it was super delicious which is great because my appetite hadn't been good since I got the cold. [drool]

After we got home, mom took out the stuff she brought back, which included a cool black jacket filled with goose down that she got while browsing the tax-free shops at the Korean airport, and it was lovely and warm and I love it. The coat's for the whole family, though my dad thought it was a bit of a tight fit for him around the waist, but it fitted comfortable on me. I've been wearing it all night since then. [heart] I'll be wearing it tomorrow to work as well since the temperature's going to drop even more tomorrow and I'll be driving my scooter to work. [gonk]

I'll be going to sleep soon. Hopefully I'll get some nice dreams. [heart]

Ling 01-22-2014 10:40 PM

It seems appropriate to take a sickie when you're actually sick, being able to go pick up your mother is a nice way to spend that time. Glad to hear you're starting to get your appetite back too...and it's interesting that your family shares coats...I thought it was odd that I wore my mother's coat once.

Antagonist 01-23-2014 03:36 AM

Yeah...except I'd already taken the day off before, so it felt a little weird to take half a day off again the next day, since I don't want to come off as wanting to skive off work and stuff. [sweat]

According to my mom, Koreans seems to have this 'one-size-fits-all' mentality because she said at the stores at the Korean airport, there were no differently sized clothes at all. Just one. [XD] The coat itself is for men supposedly, but since we could all fit into it and it looks pretty androgynous (being as puffy as it is with down and all...not much shape to see) we might as well share. [lol]

Ling 01-23-2014 12:29 PM

I've seen that for hats, belts and other such accessories...which I think it weird enough because people do have different size heads and waistlines....but coats and other clothes, that is definitely a first I've heard of, and think is even weirder!

I agree, often coats designed for men look quite fine on women too...but then again, I'm the type who's quite happy wearing men's clothes if it fits and I like the design...[lol]

Antagonist 01-23-2014 01:57 PM

My parents said that the Koreans all have similar body shapes, that they were all pretty thin, so maybe that's why? [:O]

I'll wear both men and women if I think it'll look good/be comfortable on me, doesn't really matter to me. [lol]

Antagonist 01-24-2014 01:48 AM

Entry 1.24

Well, this happened 'last' night after midnight (I think...could've been around 11pm of the 23rd), sooo...I suppose it counts as the 24th? [lol] I'll make another post if something happy happens to me later today.

ClockReject linked me last night to a tumblr post and I saw these lovely images drawn by Alice X. Zhang. It was funny and I laughed out loud despite that I should be keeping my voice down because both parents are asleep and I should've been asleep as well. [XD];;

Alice X. Zhang has drawn some really AMAZING art. She's a fantastic artist, though I probably wouldn't be able to afford her drawings. [sweat] (I've seen anywhere between USD$80 - $150...probably a wider range but I didn't look too closely to the prices while browsing her tumblr.)
...If this ever comes true I'll have to start watching Doctor Who. [headdesk]

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 03:41 AM

I'm pretty sure he was offered a role on Doctor Who but he turned it down [yes]

Antagonist 01-24-2014 04:00 AM

Really?? [:O] I didn't know that. On one hand, I'm kinda glad because I think I'm into enough fandoms for the time being, but on the other hand, I would've loved to get into another new fandom that would open another world to me. [XD];;;

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 04:01 AM

That's what my friends said at least. I wouldn't be surprised considering that Mycroft's actor (i forget his name) is good friends with Moffat and helps write Doctor Who as well. Like, they're both working on Sherlock together as well.

Antagonist 01-24-2014 04:03 AM

Mark Gatiss...I remember his name more than I do Steven Moffat's. [XD];;

Yeah, I read about that, though I hadn't known they'd asked Benedict for a role in Doctor Who. [:O]
Does Mark Gatiss play a role in Doctor Who?

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 04:07 AM

That's it. I just had a memory blank. I remember Moffat better for all the hate he gets on tumblr 8'D

He did, but he mostly just writes for it now [yes]

Antagonist 01-24-2014 04:10 AM

I read an entry about it earlier while looking through someone's tumblr posts. Why does Moffat get so much hate? [:O]

Ooh, who did he play?

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 04:37 AM

IDK they don't like his story telling and he said a few sexist comments here and there. But not enough to warrant the hate he gets. The voile hate.

He played an unimportant character. I can't even remember the name. I just remember the storyline.

Antagonist 01-24-2014 06:01 AM

Ah. [:?] Poor guy.

lol Which Doctor was the story set in? [lol]

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 06:02 AM

Yeah definitely. Though he definitely has said some bad things but everyone has said some bad things and he's an old fart. That's how he grew up.

David Tennant [yes]

Antagonist 01-24-2014 06:04 AM

Yeah...I don't know what was said (on both sides) so I can't judge, but I know everyone's said bad stuff in their life that they may or may not have later regretted. [sweat]

Ah...I've only seen the 11th Doctor, due to pictures everywhere. [lol];;

WherededIGo 01-24-2014 06:07 AM

What ever he says on his side the people on the other side send back like, 10X worse

David (10) is the hottest I think, but Christopher Eccleston (9) is my favourite doctor. Its a shame he was only on for a season. I have this feeling though, that Peter Calpadi is going to be my favourite doctor [ninja]

This reminds me I need to catch up on Supernatural and Hannibal holy wow [gonk] And a lot of anime [cry]
I'll probably watch them in the first week of school when I won't want to do anything [sweat]

Antagonist 01-24-2014 06:11 AM

I...I've never heard of them. [gonk] *feels bad* I only recognize a few names and they're usually the ones that appear on TV...otherwise I'm pretty clueless with celebrities. [sweat] *Googles for their pics*

I kind of want to watch Supernatural and Hannibal, my brother watches Supernatural and he says it's pretty interesting. Hannibal I want to watch because Hannibal. [XD]

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