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Kat Dakuu 06-26-2014 05:49 AM

Dustin's breath stilled when Lee played with his hair, but he found himself smiling. They had become so at ease with each other again. He made a face and brushed his hair back into to place and away from his eyes. "Doesn't it stick up because it's dirty?!" he exclaimed with a laugh. He tried to stare up at his hair, but it wasn't quite long enough to him to go looking at. Maybe it got bleached by the sun? He wondered if it really lightened. Smiling, he flopped over to lay back by the pool of water. "I'm so glad I found you again. I feel too at home like this."

Tachigami 06-26-2014 06:02 AM

Lee smiled and shook his head. "Maybe it's just your natural charisma holding it up." He countered, and looked up at the sky. It was such a beautiful day, and if he didn't know any better, he could almost convince himself they were home. They never forgot one another. Dustin was fine. Lee hadn't gone down a dark path into torture and murder. He didn't think about any of that. He thought about the very second, and let himself fall over to lie beside Dustin. "I'm glad you were sent to kill me. That's how I found you out. And now they don't have you anymore. I do." He felt a rush when he said that, and had to take a deep breath to fight the lightheadedness.

Kat Dakuu 06-26-2014 06:46 AM

Dustin snorted at that. "Natural charisma my ass." He rolled his eyes and ran his hands through his hair an extra time just to make sure it wasn't still sticking up. He stayed silent for a minute, turned on his side so he faced the water. The coolness just barely touched his fingers where they lay. His heart beat just a bit faster as he heard Lee's words. " do have me," he said after another minute. "Or at least the parts of me that have come back so far. Though I suppose you have the forgotten bits too and I just don't know it." He bit his lip and never turned around, all the while resisting the urge to beat his head against the ground. God, what were these retarded words coming out of his mouth?

Tachigami 07-01-2014 02:19 AM

Lee snorted, covering his mouth until he could pull off something less than a grin. "I guess I do have all that. It's just hard to give it back. If I could push it all into your head it'd be much easier..." He sighed, and shrugged, flopping down and rolling onto his side so he faced the little pool of water. "But I like thinking about the nights." He admitted after a moment, dipping his hand into the cool water. "They were quiet. And... dark..." He shut himself up, burying his head in the crook of his arm. It was odd, now that his hair was shorter and therefore, impossible to put back. he'd have to let it loose from now on, but it reminded him of their past. He didn't mind at all. He was just glad Dustin actually remembered it.

Kat Dakuu 07-01-2014 04:40 AM

Dustin nodded, finally rolling over once he had his face under control. Because for a second there, he must have looked like a sixteen year old brat freaking out over cheesy words. "Hey, at least I am remembering things now. The good things worth remembering and every night, just a little bit more. Thought it likes going in order, starting from the early memories and working up. That last one was a bit of a fluke," he chuckled. He was certainly glad for the fluke. He smiled at Lee, watching him out of the corner of his eye. Not quite staring, but not looking away either. "And you could see the moon back then. It seemed fuller and the stars brighter." Or was it that war did funny things to the sky and dulled out the bright things?

Tachigami 07-06-2014 01:51 AM

Lee paused, letting out a breath and holding his hand over the water, where he could see his tattoo. Dragon tattoo. He recalled the specific reason he got it, why it wasn't something else, anything else. He laughed aloud, dipping his hand back in the water and looking toward Dustin. "I suppose you're right." He said. "Or maybe we're just remembering everything a little brighter... Or the smog from the war's just... gotten in the way of everything. Or... Or it's cynicism." He'd always thought that might be the cause, his view of the world dimming and hatred darkening once-sweet memories. He shook his head and stared at the dragon on his skin. "You know... why I got a dragon, specifically?" He knew Dustin wouldn't remember, but it was nice to recall, and talk about it aloud.

Kat Dakuu 07-06-2014 02:38 AM

Dustin hummed slightly in response. He settled with his chin pillowed on his arms. "Perhaps. Looks bright now though." The sky looked so blue now though. The water's clearness played with his memories. Dustin shook his head in order to drag his eyes away from the ripples going through the spring water. The reflections in it got marred but he could still see the waving image of Lee's hand and that's where he stared instead of at the man himself. "No...why?" Dustin had a pretty good idea why he got his own sun considering it never stopped giving him warmth throughout his life.

Tachigami 07-07-2014 07:23 PM

Lee smiled and nodded, lowering his hand until his palm sat steady on the surface of the glassy water. "Well..." He sighed. "I hope you don't think I sound sappy, since I always seem to... But I got a dragon because it is the epitome of grace hiding inner strength. Power and danger, contained even in a gentle, elegant body. And the small ones are often the strongest, those driven to protect what it cares about regardless of how large the threat it's facing down is." He lifted his hand and turned it over to show the dragon. "It's small, but it's such a giant, powerful reminder of the person I got it for." Lee smiled, glancing up at Dustin. "And, well... that's why I chose a dragon."

Kat Dakuu 07-14-2014 03:14 AM

'The person I got it for.' Dustin's eyes darted away, but he found himself smiling a second later. His eyes slid closed and he let out a soft sigh. He dropped a hand instinctively onto his tattoo where he felt a burn. His head must be totally lost if he felt heat centered on the sun, but also, a warmth growing inside his chest. "...What a beautiful reason. I'm glad you told me. Well, again." He shook his head against an image that popped into his mind. Two younger arms close with their finger interlaced and still fresh tattoos touching. Dustin sneaked his hand out and slipped his into Lee's to mimic the memory. "How come my sun feels warm whenever I think of you?" he whispered.

Tachigami 08-03-2014 11:00 PM

Lee wrapped his fingers around Dustin's when he had the chance. It felt familiar and right, like the last time they had held hands had been just yesterday. But it had been years. Knowing that made him close his eyes and will away the distance and time that had separated them, and bring them back to a year before the war began. "I dunno." He said simply. "Maybe... some part of you is remembering me. Or maybe you're vaguely remembering what you said when you got it. What it meant. Said I brought light to your life, so a sun was the perfect symbolism. I don't expect you to remember it so easily, but... well, I'm just kind of paraphrasing there." He squeezed Dustin's hand lightly.

Kat Dakuu 08-14-2014 08:36 PM

Dustin chuckled slightly. "I like to think the feeling never went away. Even if I didn't remember you, we've always been near each other because of these tattoos." He couldn't help but think that way. He wanted to think there was a good reason he felt warmth from the sun, rather than just coincidence. It made their separation just a little more meaningful. Now that he had a reason to go with it, he couldn't stop smiling. "Did I really say you brought me light? I can't remember saying that, but the feeling remains. Really...I still feel that way. Memories or present I don't really know, but you make me feel warm."

Tachigami 08-16-2014 10:13 PM

Lee shrugged noncommittally. He looked up, to where the actual sun was shining through the trees. "I think it's worth saying I feel similarly." He said lightly, and squeezed Dustin's hand. He wanted to close his eyes and ignore everything on the outside of this small, clear area. But the danger was still there, and time wasn't on their side. "Dustin, we ought to get going soon." He sighed. "We can't stop like this or they'll get to us before we cross the border." The idea made his insides wrench, and he growled, swallowing the feeling and the sudden wave of terror that accompanied it. "Can't let that happen."

Kat Dakuu 09-03-2014 01:09 AM

Dustin nodded, a little thrill running through him. He forgot where there were, why they were running. Being with Lee could do that to him. He squeezed the other male's hand one last time before pulling himself to his feet. "Right...of course. It's funny, I forgot where we were for a bit." He supposed he shouldn't be letting himself forget things like that. Maybe after they crossed the border, but not now. "Nothing's gonna happen. We're close to the border. We'll get across and then we won't have to be terrified," he said with a slow breath. Wouldn't that be a nice feeling.

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