Menewsha Avatar Community

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Roachi 02-15-2014 09:14 PM

I'm alright got woken up by someone banging the god damn broom around. But apart from that gotta get ready to go to my bfs. You??

Liztress 02-15-2014 09:16 PM

Pretty good. Not moody, lol. Which is a great thing.

Roachi 02-15-2014 09:19 PM

Yay :)

Liztress 02-15-2014 09:20 PM

^_^ Being moody is the pits.

Roachi 02-15-2014 09:22 PM

Yep and it pisses everyone else off too xD

dessertdesiert 02-15-2014 09:23 PM

Who cares about others when you are moody?

Shadami 02-15-2014 09:27 PM

Today started out decent. than my daughter refused to go down for a nap and was beating me up >.<

Liztress 02-15-2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by dessertdesiert (Post 1772494732)
Who cares about others when you are moody?

I care. Because most times when I'm moody, it rubs off on them and they get moody. And then it repeats itself.

Shadami 02-15-2014 10:31 PM

moody is just never good. I get moody if people around me are.

Dystopia 02-15-2014 10:39 PM

:U Its a positive feedback loop.

hummy 02-15-2014 10:45 PM

have a great day, Roachi

Nephila 02-15-2014 11:30 PM

Woot! Found some interesting things at the convention. :-)

Dystopia 02-15-2014 11:51 PM

:o What things?

sadrain 02-16-2014 12:11 AM

Hey Roachi and Dystopia and everyone xD

hummy 02-16-2014 12:13 AM

hiya, rannie

sadrain 02-16-2014 12:14 AM

Hey Hummy, how are you?

hummy 02-16-2014 12:18 AM

good, how about yourself, sweetie?

Dystopia 02-16-2014 12:35 AM

@___@ Hello~

Shadami 02-16-2014 12:37 AM

Hullo everyone. I'm hungry. xD i'm watching the little ones while hubby is in a competitions

Dystopia 02-16-2014 12:43 AM

What kind of competition?

hummy 02-16-2014 01:11 AM

i love the flamingo's!

Dystopia 02-16-2014 01:12 AM

xD. They certainly fit the theme.

sadrain 02-16-2014 01:39 AM

Sleepy so heading off now. Have fun everyone!

Dystopia 02-16-2014 01:41 AM

:o Night.

xuvrette 02-16-2014 03:05 AM

... D: lion dance in the morning again. -__-;;

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