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`Kitami 04-22-2008 05:29 AM

I'm kind of a pack rat. xD

Even if my actual room is all nice and organized (books on the shelf, games and dvds in their cases, etc.), my closet is still the dirty little secret. Its literally stacked to the ceiling with junk. :shock:

Lura Crane 04-22-2008 05:55 AM

I'm definitely a pack rat, haha. But I don't have that much to be a pack rat with, so not as much as your space was taken up. XD
My closet's filled with stuff too. XD; Some old clothes that I only keep for memory, random stuff from my random hobby phases, some toys from childhood that I couldn't bear to throw away, and more stacks of paper stuffs. XDD;

`Kitami 04-22-2008 05:46 PM

I'm not as much of a pack rat as I used to be. But you wouldn't be able to tell that from my closet. >.<
I haven't cleaned it in 3 years though. Cause there's spiders in there. >.>'

Haha I know what you mean about the toys. I was digging around in there last year for a crochet hook and I found two old Barbies with dresses made out of handkerchiefs and they had all their hair cut off. O.o
Apparently, I went through a phase where I was a "hair stylist" and a "fashion designer" xD

Lura Crane 04-22-2008 10:03 PM

Oh the spiders..! XD;

Poor Barbie with the hair cut off. XD;;
I found a Furbie(sp?) thing in my closet when I was looking for something, haha.
And one of those robo-pup things that didn't last for entertainment for very long. XD;;;;

`Kitami 04-22-2008 10:33 PM

I had a furby and a robo puppy thing too.
The furby annoyed me after a while cause I lost its bottle thing and it wouldn't shut up, so I made my dad get me this little carrier thing that you were supposed to put it in to sleep. I put it in there and never woke it up. >.>'
I had a pink and white robot puppy, and I liked it, but then they came out with robot kitty, so I didn't want robot puppy anymore. >.>'
I'm horrible. xD

Blondheart 04-22-2008 10:55 PM

I want a Nabaztag so bad!

`Kitami 04-23-2008 12:02 AM

What is a Nabaztag? o.o

Lura Crane 04-23-2008 01:43 AM

Ahaha. XD
The Furby's laugh was quick to annoy me, and the fact that it took so long to get it to sleep was annoying too. XD;; So one day, I made it go to sleep, then very carefully set it on a high shelf in my closet (to not wake it up accidentally) and it's been sitting there since. (and still is 8D)

My sister and I got a kind of bronze and reddish robo puppy. I can't really remember when or why we stopped playing with it though. XD;;;;
How long has the robo kitty lasted? 8D

`Kitami 04-26-2008 03:26 AM

Robo kitty. ;-;
She fell out of a car window when we were doing 60mph on a highway.

Sonarius 04-26-2008 03:45 AM

Poor robo kitty @_o

I have not had any robotic animals... just real ones... and roomates. Though I did want one of htose 'learning' furbies for awhile so I coudl teach it how to swear... could never find one of the buggers when I had the money though.

.. umm... newbie to thread.... I bring sacrifice of cookies?

... don't hurt me?

`Kitami 04-26-2008 04:06 AM

Oooh cookies. :3
Welcome to my thread!

Ahaha...swearing furbies. :lol:

Sonarius 04-26-2008 04:45 AM

Yes, I thought it would be great to have. Now I have other things to spend money on. Maaaany other things.

Yeah, one of my freinds ended up hockey sticking his sisters furbie 'cause the thing kept turning its self on and start walking towards him whenver he was nearby. So it became a very fuzzy, noisy puck.

`Kitami 04-26-2008 05:07 AM

My furbie was like a whiny little kid.
It kept saying something like "furbie hungry".
It was the one that should've bounced down the highway. Not robo kitty. :cry:

Lura Crane 04-26-2008 06:08 AM

Poor kitty.. x.x;;;

Creepy things tend to later become torture toys? Haha. xD;

Lsaylor 04-26-2008 06:58 AM


Party like a rock~ party like a rock starr!

Sonarius 04-26-2008 04:27 PM

Oh god. I saw this adorable four year old put on some sunglasses in a store and get down dancing hard core to that song, while his ghetto tastic dad stood buy and laughed. Kid was cute, song and daddy, not so cute.

Anyone have any tips on how to slog through the exchange? It seems a bit... chaotic to me.

`Kitami 04-26-2008 06:27 PM

Lura- Yes. Yes they do. :sarcasm:

Lacy: -lick-
Party like a rockstar. Party like a rock- t-t-t-totally dude. :p

Sonarius- Ahaha that would've been so cute.
Me and my mom broke out into song and dance in the middle of Wal-Mart about a year ago singing Drop it like its hot. :lol:

Sonarius 04-26-2008 06:44 PM

we usually choose more disney, superhero cartoon, or musical music to break out into in public.

We especially like breaking into chorus on the bus for transit.

A month and a half ago four of us broke into Sweeny Todd's ' A Little Preist' song... two guys for Sweeny, two girls for Love. Mainly so if one forgot the lyrics the other one would know.. .except that only happened around the 'No sir look closer it has to be grosser it's green' tongue tie part.

My roomate has a particular adorence for the 80's theme song for transformers.

Lsaylor 04-26-2008 07:50 PM


rofl i love that song
o_o But im more into raver/techno kidna stuff n_n <33

Sonarius 04-26-2008 07:55 PM

My fandom random, so I've got a bit of everything in my music mix.

.... GAH! Why won't the title on my Buy thread change!?!? O_o

Lsaylor 04-26-2008 08:09 PM

;-; you cant change them.

Sonarius 04-26-2008 08:13 PM




No seriously.... that would be the most retarded thing ever, and they GIVE you the option to change it in the advanced edit, it just doens't SAVE it....

... I SWEAR if you can't change the titles, I'm just daying screw it and leave it. I despise not having that option SO much...

Lsaylor 04-26-2008 08:27 PM

Dont worry.
im thinking about quitting To Because i dont like the new layout either

Sonarius 04-26-2008 08:46 PM

I dont' mind the layout, but I MUST be able to change my titles and first posts O_<

.... is it polite to PM someone about buying something thier selling if they've offered it on a hread to another person... but that person hasn't replied with their offer for it yet?

Lsaylor 04-26-2008 09:18 PM

wait what?

so there selling it;
But they havent sold it yet;
and the person hasnt replyed?
i wouldnt think so. o.O

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