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Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 01:09 AM

How are you sucky?

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 01:14 AM

'cause I can't come up with any? XD lol

Actually, I was thinking, it'd be fun to do a Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch RP, with like an OC (a mermaid coming to visit or something) each, and then having the girls and "regular" people be around as more background characters, of which you don't really know the thoughts and what not.
Or, like, a FF8 rp, where you're a student at Balamb Garden or what not. <3
Or, a dramatic rp... like, say, a train crashes, and almost everyone is dead, except for five or so people. Two of them, both having lost a lot (like, a mum having lost her husband and child, or a guy having lost his parents and sister) in the crash, end up next to eachother in the hospital, and they bond.

And... that's what I have so far. XD

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 01:16 AM

I dunno any FF8 stuff due to never having played it -- but the other two sound fun :3

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 01:21 AM

Yeah well, my friend has to go along with those, and she doesn't know Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch... but the train crash one could be a possibility.

-thinks some more-
I'd also like to do one with a cat girl or something (pandagirl <3) like that, sometime, but I would have no idea on a storyline or plot for that one.

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 01:23 AM

Haha -- that one was my fave and seems like the story line could go farther than the MMPPP one could :3

Haha -- that would be fun -- reminds me of Tokyo Mew Mew -- whenever I think of girls with animal body parts and such -- I always think of them as super heros and saving the planet from aliens and such xD

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 01:30 AM

For real? lol Never did see Tokyo Mew Mew, so I wouldn't know. XD Sounds fun.

And yeah, true enough. That storyline could definetly go pretty far.
Also, I'm already rping with Leels and it's a romantic rp - Fantasy/Medieval setting, where my character is the third son of a Duke, and hers is a half-mermaid. So something more serious would be interesting. Although, with poor Acton (my character) trying to figure out a way to not be a clergy, it might become more serious, still.

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 01:32 AM

Haha -- it's an adorable Manga :3
i've actually finished the first season in it :3

That sounds cute :3

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 01:50 AM

Go you! ^,~

Yeah, we're not too far into it yet, but I think it seems nice so far.

MessyArtist 06-07-2008 02:22 AM

I have the birthday cake hat...The blue one I think. Are you willing to buy? x.x

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 02:27 AM

Most likely, Emeraude-hime. ^-^ What price are you offering?

Also, happy belated birthday. ^-^

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 03:43 AM

Yukie: Haha -- yeah, it may not be after my addition xD
Boredome, being tired, sweating my bum off, and your set up do not equal a good mix xD
Sorry it was totally random -- I was bored xD
Feel free to do it anytime too -- I don't mind <333

Emeraude: Happy Belated Birthday ^.~
How much are you selling it for?

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 03:50 AM

"My set up"? O.o" How so?

I'm... totally not following. XD

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 04:03 AM

Saying that someone was coming down the hall xD
At first I was thinking one of the gang members, then that would be boring -- same with a teacher -- so I made it eventful xD
-ish hyper / tired / bored- :sweat:
^-- an even worse combonation~

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 11:24 AM

Oh, I see. XD lol Not such a good type of person to come down the hall, though. Annoying guy. -shakes fist at Kane-

+lieforrenn 06-07-2008 11:28 AM

Good luck on your quest and exchange, emma! : D

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 02:59 PM

Haha -- reminds me of one of my other OCs -- Damion~
In love with a girl who doesn't know he exists xD

Ah well -- he's fun to RP with, for me anyway :3

+lieforrenn: Thank you!

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 07:35 PM

Poor lad.
I'm going to try to not have Anna happen that. She has a tendency to fall in love with guys who hardly know her. ^-^""

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 07:50 PM

Well, Damion's case was like Kane's -- he was betrothed to the girl, but the girl ended up breaking it up after her parents died and she made her own decisions :3
But Damion's different than Kane, 'cause unlike Kane, Damion was a sweet heart -- he was just a little bit obsessive :3

Aww -- that's cute though!
BUT, with Anna's adorableness, I'm sure it won't happen to her. ^.^

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 08:17 PM

Anna's supposed to be completely "regular", though. XD lol At least, appearance wise. Average everything.

Kane is freaky - seriously. XD Poor Saiyuri, she has so much trouble on her butt. XD

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 08:21 PM


Haha -- i know right?
He's my fave to RP because he says such stupid things, but they sound so awesome coming from him xD

I know -- I feel bad that she gets caught up in it -- but oh well, it's not a biggie 'cause she doesn't remember anything about that night afterwards :3
The last thing she will remember is you getting the books and her saying she'll take them to the room of requirement :3

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 08:33 PM

You're so insane~ XD

Ah, good. She doesn't need any more on her plate. XD

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 08:42 PM

I sowwy?

It's the after effects of Kane's spell -- which is why Saiyuri doesn't know he exists nor does she know that Drew fights for her whenever he comes and such :3

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 08:47 PM

Aww, poor Drew. Like this, Anna might indeed develop a crush on him. XD <3

You're allowed to create insane characters. XD lol

Emma Corrin 06-07-2008 09:27 PM

That would be cute :3

I can't help it! Insane characters are my fave because they act so stupid and cooky -- but are a must in a story xD
at least, that's how i always feel about the insane ones :3

ReiyukaE 06-07-2008 09:44 PM

Cute, but sad for Anna. XD lol Then again, it might create some fun emo-stuff. XD

I must admit, I've never made an insane character before. O.o" Quirky ones, or slutty ones, yes. But never insane ones. XD

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