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ainebella 09-25-2012 10:28 PM

Amane: oh amane your so cute and silly *hugs*

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:29 PM

Sorry, we're talking about RDJ and his secret badassness as he invents roboty things for the government!

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:31 PM

Hmm that reminds me... I NEED TO GET THE AVENGERS TOMORROW!!!!

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:36 PM

Avengers was awesome. I actually saw it in the theatre three times o.o I never go back to see movies a second time in the theatre, but that one I did. The second time, we saw it at the IMax and the third time because my nerd friend was in town and we went to nerd about it [heart]

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:37 PM

Cookie: one of my friends wanted to see it and i was like, alright it has three things like, RDJR, Thor, and Coulson. I didnt know Joss Wheadon directed it and wrote it till we watched the credits

Amane 09-25-2012 10:39 PM

*giggles* I'm a big fangirl.

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:40 PM

I love Coulson too. I didn't know the actor was married to Jennifer Grey. Well, I know now, but I was like "I should have know that! I watched her season of Dancing with the Stars and he was there!" XD

@Anabe - Fangirls are awesome.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:41 PM

Amane: Every girl is. im one for book serires i read all the time. im sure if i ever meat the authors i will pee myself in excitement for how much i love my writers and there books

Cookie: OMG REALLY!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? *Dies* I never knew that at all

Rad Lionheart 09-25-2012 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Amane (Post 1771079775)
Aine, it's been forever! [glomp]

We must teach Rad how to multitask efficiently.

I'm just not good at multitasking.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:43 PM

Hello Rad, how are you? *waves at*

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:43 PM

I know right? Nobody puts Baby in the corner! XD I actually read a small fanfic where Coulson was married to her Dirty Dancing character. XD

Rad is lame like that. D:

Rad Lionheart 09-25-2012 10:43 PM

I'm okay.
Gots arts to work on today.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:44 PM

Cookies: OMG I NOW WANT TO READ THAT!!! *laughs*

And Rad is not lame, hes just has other things on the brain

Rad: Art is fun to work on *nods*

Rad Lionheart 09-25-2012 10:45 PM

Art is not always fun, I have done unfun arts.

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:45 PM

I'll see if I can find it. It wasn't the best fanfic ever. Wasn't bad. It was just a little vague for my tastes.

Rad has boobies on his brain.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:46 PM

Rad: Well some art is fun

Cookie: I just think its cute thats all

Amane 09-25-2012 10:46 PM

@Cookie: Anabe.
And yes, they are! We have our own language.
And LOL @ what you said about Rad's brain!

@Aine: I'm a calm fangirl. If I ever met my ultimate bias, my heart would be pounding like crazy, but I wouldn't be screaming and losing it.

@Rad: That's why we have to make you better at it.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:48 PM

Amane: I like to think I would be calm but i can see me being one of those silly ones. *Nods*

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:48 PM

Here we go, The Domestic Life of Phil and Frances Coulson.

I speak fluent Fangirlese XD I keep thinking of starting some sort of fannish thread on Mene so I can hang out there, but I don't know. I'm very specific in my fanning. And I'm not on board with someone of the latest fandom darlings like Teen Wolf. I sweat, that show seems to have eaten everybody's brain. ^_^;;

cuppycake_geek 09-25-2012 10:51 PM

hi guys I'm back

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:52 PM

Cookie: Its cute. just cute

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:53 PM

Hey Cuppy.

@Aine - I wish it were longer and more detailed. I'd probably have to write it myself, but I'm lazy and already writing a million other things.

Amane 09-25-2012 10:53 PM

Cuppy! It's been forever! [glomp]

@Aine: I can freak out pretty bad over a flawless picture of so-and-so, but I'm a thousand times calmer than other fangirls I've met.

For-Chan Cookie 09-25-2012 10:55 PM

I like to think that I'm a pretty chilled out Fangirl. But that's because I'm older than a lot of other fangirls. XD I mean, sure, I still squee now and then, and when I get together with fangirl friends, we can be a little enthusiastic. But we're still not completely obnoxious.

ainebella 09-25-2012 10:57 PM

Eeek bback in a bit all have to go an cook dinner and eat

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