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hummy 01-05-2019 11:54 AM

Okie doke I artichokie

Antagonist 01-05-2019 11:56 AM

That was fast! [boogie]

hummy 01-05-2019 12:11 PM

I am procrastinating folding laundry. It's wrinkling as I sit here looking at it

Antagonist 01-05-2019 12:19 PM

Ugh I always procrastinate with laundry too. I'd hang up a few clothes to dry, wander off, then come back later to continue a few more clothes, and wander off again. [lol]

hummy 01-05-2019 12:36 PM

my sweater is so wrinkled now

Antagonist 01-05-2019 12:38 PM

Wrinkly sweaters are okay I think. But then again all my clothes are at least somewhat wrinkly so...[sweat]

hummy 01-05-2019 12:44 PM

snuggles in wrinkle sweater

Antagonist 01-05-2019 12:45 PM

At least they're just as comfy as non-wrinkled sweaters. [yes]

hummy 01-05-2019 12:46 PM

and warm!

Antagonist 01-05-2019 12:47 PM

The weather here's sadly too warm for sweaters...maybe a shirt at most. [lol]

hummy 01-05-2019 01:06 PM

do you ever get snow

Antagonist 01-05-2019 01:07 PM

None at all, unless you count the snow up high in the mountains that occur every once in a while during winters...even then they're rare and every time it happens a huge amount of people flock to them trying to see the snow.

hummy 01-05-2019 01:08 PM

I would be one of the flockers

Antagonist 01-05-2019 01:11 PM

I would have been, but I don't like crowds so I just stay at home and watch the chaos on TV. [lol]

hummy 01-05-2019 01:15 PM

But you miss all the snow fall and the beautiful flakes

Antagonist 01-05-2019 01:20 PM

It's okay, I've already seen snow four times in my life, even though I can't remember the first time, and I got to play with it for a couple of times so I've already experienced it [eager] I'd love to play in snow again some time but without being surrounded by people.

hummy 01-05-2019 01:23 PM

My favorite things to do in the snow is make a snow Angel while big fat snowflakes are falling on me and catching them with my tongue

Antagonist 01-05-2019 01:26 PM

Mine is skiing, though if the snow were softer I'd probably enjoy making a snowman as well. [eager]

hummy 01-05-2019 01:50 PM

I would be petrified to ski down a mountain [gonk]
you are so brave, nistie the nicest skier around

Antagonist 01-05-2019 01:52 PM

I'm an amateur at skiing at best, I only had one skiing lesson and one day of skiing experience. [lol] I could only ski down a small slope, though I had wanted to try out from the top but our coach had warned us that someone had tried to do it before and was stuck at the top of the mountain because he didn't dare ski down the steep slopes. [sweat]

hummy 01-05-2019 01:57 PM

that would be me, stuck at the top of the mountain crying!

Antagonist 01-05-2019 02:03 PM

I'll probably ski down veeeeery slowly and then collapse at the bottom because of how exhausting constant braking would be. [lol]

hummy 01-05-2019 02:06 PM

how do you ski slowly

Antagonist 01-05-2019 02:08 PM

By constantly braking while sliding downwards. [lol] It's kind of hard sometimes because my legs would wobble.

hummy 01-06-2019 03:37 PM

is that when you make a 'V' with your skiis

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