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My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 04:21 AM

lol Already posted. xD

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 04:21 AM

True, true, but she didn't cooperate with me even after I did it. XD; I was sort of mad.

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 04:23 AM

xD Well I probably won't either if someone slobbered on me. lol

Gah... I want a boy friend. .___. Did I tell you what happened to the guy I really liked, but then he got engaged? =0

blueblackrose 01-20-2008 04:27 AM

Alright Chai. I seen it and thanks for mentioning the number thing. I forgot to add them earlier.

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 04:27 AM

I want a boyfriend, too. e_e Don't remind me of the bad luck we women have. D:

And no, you didn't tell me about that situation. What on earth happened with that? o____o

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 04:33 AM

@rose: No problem. ^_^ *is excited about her whalecow artsie*

@wendy: Well a couple days ago his fiancée broke their engagement. Apparently she fell for her roommate. Well he has been depressed/angry over it, which is a natural response. So I've been comforting him and such the last couple of days.

But yeah, I'm sorta horrible because part of me is going "Hell yeah!". :oops: My luck though is that they'd get back together before I even got a chance.... which I know is horrible of me to say. :X

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 04:41 AM

Don't worry, honey, if I were you, I'd be happy they broke off the engagement, too. I always say my eyes are green for a reason; green with envy, jealousy, etc.

So, I assume that he's the one who is wanting the picture of the cat girl then, hmm? Funny how a little strip tease always brightens a guy's day, even if when he's just had his engagement canceled. In my opinion, it just shows how shallow they can be, but then again, they were made somewhat. . . differently, I guess. Guys tend to just like the physical aspect a whole lot better. ._. So visual, yanno?

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 04:44 AM

lol Yes it is for him. Though I do have to admit I sorta coaxed him into having me draw something and then I sorta..uh..mentioned her not having any clothes on. xD So that is mostly my fault. xDDD

lol And I don't know...I rather like the facade of a naked guy. :3

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 04:47 AM

Oh, me too, me too, but it definitely wouldn't cheer me up in the least if I had just broken off an engagement. It's saying no marriage is going to happen -- I think that's a big deal. Anything relatively sexual would remind me of what I had just lost, so I would just be in an even worse depression.

How love complicates things. @___@

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 04:49 AM

Yeah, I could see that. If it happened to me I'd probably be balled up in a corner somewhere if not worse. x___x

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 04:54 AM

Eh, I'd be an extremist and resort to suicide or something. XD That's why I want to be sure the man I marry is actually THE ONE that isn't going to back out of, oh, I dunno, a LIFETIME COMMITMENT?

I know, it's a lot to ask these days, but even still, I'm sure there's got to be at least a handful of guys that share that same aspiration within this world's 6 billion population.

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:00 AM

So you'd think. xD Too bad you aren't a guy Wendy. >.> You'd make a perfect boy friend. xD <3

blueblackrose 01-20-2008 05:05 AM

*can't wait to get her piece of cake from Chai* They look so good, lol.

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 05:05 AM

Awww! I'm flattered, really. Seriously, I wish I could be a guy sometimes because I'm so masculine in so many ways -- a totally generic tomboy. Guys don't date me because of that. They want a sweet pretty girl. Plus, if I was a guy, I wouldn't have to put up with that retarded menstrual cycle bullcrap anymore. >_>

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:10 AM

@rose: 0.0 Oh! What would you like on it? And what colors? =0 Did you make a previous post and I missed it? I'm so sorry if you did!

@wendy: lol There are times where I've seriously thought of becoming bi simply because I find girls that I like. But I just can't imagine know "being" with another girl. x3 If that makes sense.

I'm no where close to a "pretty girl". I like to go camping and fishing and play video games. I don't mind playing around in the dirt. xD

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 05:13 AM

Yeah, I'm the same way -- there are so many more understand girls out there instead of guys; girls don't make me nearly as angry as guys do -- they're actually SMART. I couldn't imagine myself as bi or lesbian either. Just doesn't fit my character description, or whatever. XD;

blueblackrose 01-20-2008 05:15 AM

Yes I did, but it probably got missed...or maybe I missed something. Who knows, so no worries.

I would like a Yumeh head on it and I'd like the colors to be light blue (similar to the color of the hoodie) and silver.

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:15 AM

I think I'm just getting to the point where I've almost given up and will take about anything. xD

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 05:24 AM

Yeah, I'm to the point that I'm becoming that desperate, too.

I really might just go to bed in a bit because of something that just happened. >_>;

The guy friend that I like FINALLY shows signs of life after I hadn't talked to him since this morning (he randomly disappeared). I had tried calling him, but he never answers his phone, he just had his damned away message up all day.

So when he finally comes back, I get a sentence or two in.

"Where've you been all day, I tried to call you."
"Out with friends."
"Well you had me worried."

And then he's back to being away again. Chances are he won't be back for the rest of the night and went to bed or some ridiculous junk like that.

What ever happened to being grateful that someone was worried about you enough to ask how you were and where you went? Doesn't that show that they care about you? What kind of attitude SHOULD you have towards them? I mean, c'mon, it's not that hard. >_>

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:27 AM

Aww! *hugs* Don't take it too hard...he's probably just PMSing...uh...a lot. >.<

I actually found that Jared would talk and be more interested in me if I just didn't come onto my messenger for like two weeks. ^.^ Something about not talking to a person day after day gets them more intrigued for some reason. : S

Wendy Darling 01-20-2008 05:30 AM

Oh, I could have told you that. It's called, they MISS you. Seriously, as much as this boy declines to be somewhat nice to me, he ends up missing me if I don't talk for a while. I've told myself to quit blabbing on and on over a messenger, or quit calling him time and time again just to see if he comes around for me for a change, instead. However, I'm too weak, and needy, and whatever else you wanna label me. That kid is like my oxygen. @_@;;;

But hey, if you can handle it with him, then by all means, go for it -- it really does work, trust me.

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:37 AM

It took some major work on my part not to try and talk to Jared 24/7. xD -__-; It's hard work being fussy over a boy.

Sakura_Madison 01-20-2008 05:41 AM

Wow Chai, you do have a lot of posts here.

Well I am glad people are chatting with ya!

My Cup Of Chai 01-20-2008 05:42 AM

lol Wow, 20 pages. I didn't even notice until you brought that up Sakura. xD We chat a lot in here. xDDD

kegokec 01-20-2008 05:44 AM

~Drags herself in and flops down on a futon.~

So..sleepy.. X.x;

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