Menewsha Avatar Community

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MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:00 PM

Guess it's a small world after all!
Oh and I agree that your avatar is amazing! I'm still a beginner at the layering on this sight...

nescia 05-18-2008 04:00 PM

I'm on the east coast of the U.S., too.

Hello, everyone.

MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:04 PM

Good afternoon! (and this time I'm technically correct!XD)

How has your quest for orchids and buds been going?

nescia 05-18-2008 04:13 PM

Very slowly.

How about yours?
I love how you've integrated the event commons with some older items by the way.

Thoth Star 05-18-2008 04:14 PM

Hello, Nes & Music.

nescia 05-18-2008 04:17 PM

Hey, Thoth.
How are you doing?
Nice avi.

Tonosamanjuu 05-18-2008 04:17 PM

Hello Nescia!
How are you today? ~

@MusicPup- Indeed it is! ~ <33

And, I think your avatar is extremely pretty as well.
I never would have guessed you were a beginner.

And about the orchids/buds, it's been going ok? :'D
I currently have 72 orchids, and 33 buds at the moment but I'm trying to get a pair of the wings so I still have a long way to go.

MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:18 PM

@Nes: Thank you and probably even slower...

Thoth: Ello! How are you doing on this fine day of celebration? ^_^

Tono: Why thank you and I'm in the same boat my current stats are as follows:
Orchids: 98 Buds: 37

Lilim 05-18-2008 04:19 PM

Hi everyone
Sorry I stopped talking
I thought about pixeling something hehe

nescia 05-18-2008 04:20 PM

Hello, Tonosamanjuu.
I'm doing pretty well.
Dreading school tomorrow though...
How are you?

You're welcome, Music.
I doubt that it can be much slower than mine!
I have rotten luck.

MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:24 PM

Ha ha. You haven't been around me in real life! I am probably one of the unluckiest girls you'll meet in your life!:sarcasm:

Tonosamanjuu 05-18-2008 04:27 PM

@Musicpup- Your welcome! ~ <33

Ah, we are! ~
It goes so slowly. :'D

But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end?

@Nescia- That's always good to hear! ~
But, school can always be a bit of a downer. DD: <33

Luckily, its a long weekend for me. :'D

And, I'm doing pretty well! ~

@Lilim- Oh? You do pixelling?
That's really neat. <33

I assume you did the rockin' picture in your signature. . . ?

Ithir 05-18-2008 04:28 PM

And I'm back again.
Sort of.
I've got some programming to do. >.>

Tonosamanjuu 05-18-2008 04:33 PM

@Ithir- Hi again! ~

Oh? Programming. . . ?
I never understood stuff like that, but it is always really cool when someone does. <33

Ithir 05-18-2008 04:36 PM

I barely understand it too. xD
It's for my 4th quarter Pre-calc project.
I'm writing up my last program.

nescia 05-18-2008 04:36 PM

@MusicPup- Aww!
Hopefully, your luck improves soon.

My stats are 90 orchids, 52 buds, and one of each event item.

I'm jealous.
I wish that I had a long weekend.

MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:36 PM

Ugh, I gots to go finish writing an essay... I'll be back in a bit. Luvs you guys, see ya!

Thoth Star 05-18-2008 04:38 PM

@nes: I'm good. I just had a delicious breakfast & last night I went on a date, which was alright. How are you?

@music: Alright, but I'm not find many orchids/buds & I really really want the wings. :drool:
Bye bye~

Hello, Ithir & Lil & Tono~

MusicPup 05-18-2008 04:41 PM

before I go I just want to show you guys one thing! I present to you the third event item! the orchid staff!

Ithir 05-18-2008 04:44 PM

Oo, looks pretty cool.
Thanks Music!

Thoth~ Oo-la-la, a date. And hi. ^^

Tonosamanjuu 05-18-2008 04:49 PM

@Ithir- Hahahaha, but I still give you credit. ~ xD

Oh? Are you in high school. . . ?
Either way, that course sounds complex, I hope your project turns out well!

@Nescia- I'll share with you? Once I find out a way how. . . ? :'D

@MusicPup- Bye! ~
Good luck with the essay!

@Thoth- Hello! ~
How are you? <33

Ithir 05-18-2008 04:52 PM

Yea, I'm almost done with my Junior year in high school. ^^
It hasn't been too hard of a class. Calculus will be worse.

RoyalSquishy 05-18-2008 04:57 PM


I haven't talked to Ithir in foreevvver~~ D:<

-sits in the thread-

Hiyo everyone. :3

Aoi 05-18-2008 04:59 PM

  • Woahh. owo; The new event item looks yummeh. o:

Tonosamanjuu 05-18-2008 05:00 PM

@Ithir- Ah! I've never been to good at math. xD

I dread that course next year, well I think it's the same one?
I have university prep Calculus and Advanced Functions to look forward to. :'D

@Royal- Hello! ~

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