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Clair Voyant 02-09-2008 04:00 AM

Patch nodded. "I, myself, was closer to my mother!" He nodded.

Cherry tilted her head a bit, putting out her hands and creating a small box like window with them. SHe studied Aiden through the small opening, giggling.

"Dark colors are best for you!" she laughed.

Slade White 02-23-2008 06:52 PM

"I know," Samantha chuckled nervously, pushing her damp hair behind her ear. "She didn't like me much, did she?"
She shook her head, still laughing a bit. No adults seemed to like her... ever; his parents were, probably, no exception.

He posed as she studied him. Shaking his head, feeling as if he'd made an ass of himself, Aiden's arms dropped to his side once more. Turning, he looked into the mirror.
"Well, I know that much," he said. "It's not like I'd wear pink on an occasion like this, anyway."

He shut the dressing room's curtain as he picked a new suit, dressed quickly, and hopped into Cherry's view. He shrugged, as if he were asking for her opinion.

Clair Voyant 02-23-2008 11:25 PM

Cherry shock her head, smirking slightly. "Aiden, you shouldn't ask me about this. To me, you look hot in anything!" She jumped a little, throwing her arms around his neck. "But, I have to say, go with this suit!" She ran her hand over his chest, as if to gesture the suit. She smiled up into his blue eyes as she leaned up a bit, placing a kiss on his lips.

Patch stared at Samantha sadly. The memory of the woman who had raised him, loved him and been there for so long, hurt him. She had been a lovely and kind woman.

"Samantha, my mother knew that I loved you and because of that, she loved you, too," Patch replied. "She didn't hate anyone!"

Slade White 03-31-2008 01:10 AM

His eyes turned red momentarily as she thrust a kiss at him, but he gave into the gesture, kissing her back.
"Alright, then," he struck a corny pose. "This one, yeah?"
He pushed his hair out of his eyes, backed up into the dressing stall again, and changed into his normal clothes. The suit was draped over his arm, his empty hand reeling its way around her waist. He smiled at her, leading her to the cashier.
He was glad to get her mind off of her parents.

"That's good to know," she said, glancing at him. She was still feeling uncomfortable about being a vampire, even though her lover, himself, was partially one, as well. She glanced back down at the floor. "I really have missed you, love."

Clair Voyant 03-31-2008 01:21 AM

((I think I'm going to bring in a new twist))

Albert gingerly lifted his hand to touch is swollen lip. That bastard from that hamburgers joint really hit hard. He hadn't exected that at all.

He sighed. He'd expected Cherry to know him, but she seemed terrified of him. What had he done wrong?

By some chance, though, he wandered into the same store that the young couple, Aiden and Cherry, were buying funeral attire.

((This guy is coming back in and he's a total idiot! X3 if you don't like it, I'll change it))

Cherry smiled into Aiden's face, having almost completly forgotten her worries.

"I love you, Aiden," she whispered to him.

Patch pulled Samantha close to him, smoothing her wet hair down and gently rocking her.

"I've missed you, too, love."

Slade White 03-31-2008 05:59 AM

((It's a good idea to me.))

Still not too crazy about the whole "being in love" thing, Aiden just pulled her into an embrace. He knew he cared for her, but, the problem was, the vampire didn't know what love was. In all of his years... he just didn't know.

And he refused to lie to Cherry.

A small giggle fell from her lips. It seemed as if the girl just remembered that Patch was her lover; her prince, the only one that would wait for her so long. Then the young Vampiress remembered something that made her spine shiver: her father. He still lived in the house; he still did not want to see her. Her father quit loving her the second her eyes glazed over in that bloodthirsty red.

"Patch," she whimpered. "I'm afraid, Patch. What will my father say? What will he think?" she buried her face into the crook of his neck; he still smelled like the steaminess of the shower. "Patch, what if he hates me?"

Clair Voyant 03-31-2008 10:23 AM

Patch cringed a bit, but his embrace didn't loosen. He'd forgotten momentarily of Philip. What if he still hated Samantha!? What if he sent her away again!?

"If he has a problem," Patch began, choosing his words carefully to calm his love. "Then, he'll leave, not you. I won't stand to have you away for so long again!"

Held against Aiden, Cherry bit her lip to keep a few tears back. Would Aiden ever love her? For many years, Aiden had been only a playmate, but as they had grown older, her fondness for the man had grown, too. She couldn't stand him not loving her, but she had to be patiecent.

Albert spotted the couple, locked in embrace. It angered him to see another man holding the girl that he wanted! He thought over the possible things he could do.
He could storm out and grab Cherry away, but, then that guy might give him a black eye and call the police. Albert touched his sore lip again and decided that that wasn't a good idea.
The second idea seemed better, safer. He would follow them. Being a good old stalker would be better than ending up with a sore eye.

Slade White 04-05-2008 05:36 PM

"But I love my father, Patch. He won't have anywhere to go if you kick him out... and, if you do that, he'll just hate me more. I guess... I guess I'll just have to hide from him until I can think of the right things to say," she said to him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Just please don't make him leave."

An arm extended; Aiden wrapped it around Cherry's waist. In his eyes was a sincere look, but there was no real meaning to it. He was just very fond of her; he didn't know how to express it to her. After a long, strenuous look into Cherry's eyes, the vampire loosened his grip on her waist and took her by the hand instead. They paid, they left, and they begun strolling down the street.

Then he felt a strange sensation in the left side of his temple. Was someone following them?
He checked.
No one?

Clair Voyant 04-05-2008 09:18 PM

Albert kept at safe distant while following the couple. He didn't want to get caught so soon in his act. He inched closer anf closer, then he noticed the man look over his shoulder. Freezing, Albert leaned down to tie his already-tied shoe laces.

Cherry walked beside Aiden, sqeezing his hand. It felt so good to have him there. She felt safe and comforted, but she too, had a sensation of being followed. She peered over her shoulder, not seeing anyone herself, but the feeling didn't go away.

"Aiden...?" she began. "Are we being followed?"

Patch nodded. "I won't send him away... I promise." Patch was about to continue to comfort Samantha when he was thrown back by a vision. He slid back, pulling away from Samantha. He eyes closed tightly; the pain of his vision spreading through his temples, down his neck and down into the rest of his body. Patch fell to the ground, writhing in agony and misery as he watched the horrid vision.

This vision was a violent one; of Cherry and Aiden. He could see her, hear her screaming, Aiden yelling to her... it was awful! Cherry screams were so powerful that Patch could feel her pain. He hadn't had a vision this painful since the one of Cherry's fight with Aiden that morning. There was nothing else the "infant" vampire could do but wait. Overcome by the horrid pain that Cherry would soon feel, Patch's own lips opened and he let out a blood curdling scream.

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